
Meet My Sides


This is my seconday blog, my primary is @thewriterfangirl. This blog will be dedication to talking my different sides.

My Sides

I posted this on my other blog @thewriterfangirl but I decided to create a separate blog for my sides. Here’s what I posted earlier:

Recently, I talked with someone about my own sides (inspired by Sanders Sides) and I decided to post some information about my sides. I have 9 sides that are somewhat inspired by the 9 muses in Greek Mythology. I’m going to give the basic explanation of them and I’ll go into more detail about each of them in separate posts.

For now here are the basics:

Creativity- Her name is Cleo. Cleo’s name and some of her personality was based on Clio, the muse of history.

Logic- Her name is Phoebe. Her name and some personality is based on Polyhymnia, the muse of divine hymns, created geometry and grammar.

Morality- I also like to refer to her as Hufflepuff, her real name is Ella. She’s kinda based on Erato, the muse of lyrical/love poetry.

Anxiety- Her name is Urselina, but I also like to call her Selina. She’s based on Urania, the muse of astronomy.

Pessimism- Her name is Melanie and while she and Anxiety act alike, they are two different sides. Melanie is based on Melpomene, the muse of tragedy.

Hope- I also refer to her as Faith, but her name is Toni. She’s based on Thalia, the muse of comedy.

Laziness- I call her laziness but she’s a little more than that. Her real name is Thea and she’s based on Terpsichore, the muse of dance.

Fangirl- One of her nicknames is Cas (which won’t make sense to some people), but her real name is Echo. She’s based on Euterpe, the muse of music.

Style- She’s my aesthete side. She and Cleo are similar. Her real name is Callista (or Callie), she’s based on Calliope, the muse of epic poetry.


Sanders Sides Discord

My new discord server already has some new people! We’re still very small and I’m just putting something out there again about it. This Sanders Sides discord just for fans to talk and hang out. We can discuss new episodes, ships, fics, and whatever else. If anyone wants to join I’ll leave the link.

We also have a music bot and a game bot. Anyone is welcome and if there are suggestions for the server I am more than happy to listen to those suggestions.



I made a server for people who want to talk about mental health or just find people who are like them. I’ll put out the join link again: https://discord.gg/fuetje6En7.

Anyway, I’m also considering creating a Sanders Sides server. It could be to talk about anything relating to the series and introducing your own sides if you have any you want to talk about. I know I like talking about my sides. Would anyone be interested in joining if I made one?

Or maybe just a server to talk about different fandoms, not exclusively sanders sides. If anyone has suggestions/ideas let me know!


New Discord Server

Hello everyone, my friend (who is not on Tumblr) and I have created a new discord server for anybody who would like to talk about mental health. More and more people these days have some kind of mental illness and some people feel like they have no one to talk to or no one who will understand. I am hoping this server will be a place for people to talk, make friends who struggle with things similar to them, and help each other out. Even if you don’t want to talk about your particular struggle it can still help to hear others talk or just hang out and talk about something else. You can share any struggles, self-care tips, helpful resources you’ve found, and really anything you want to talk about. If you don’t struggle with any disorder yourself but still want to help others out by talking or giving good resources for others to use then you can still join. I only tagged three of the most common mental health issues, but if you struggle with something else you are still more than welcome to join. This server is open to anyone and everyone (just try to follow the rules we have set out).Please think about joining.

The link:


🔎 What are your sides' favorite fandoms?


Okay this was a tough question because I’m a part of a lot of fandoms and I had to figure out which one my different sides would consider their favorites. They all had a lot to say.

Cleo (Creativity) loves the Sanders Sides fandom because it got me thinking about my own sides. She also really loves it because of all the amazing fanart and fanfic that comes out of it and how it pushed me to be more creative. Plus she just really loves Thomas Sanders (because all my sides do).

Phoebe (Logic) loves Star Trek which is no surprise. She’s been torn between Star Trek and Sherlock (more so the books than the show, but she loves the show too). For Star Trek she definitely loves it because it’s sci-fi and Vulcans exist. She loves Sherlock because of all the logical deductions and it was always fun for her to follow along with the story line and try to figure out who did it. There’s also Star Wars but she wouldn’t say that’s her favorite or even second favorite.

Ella (Morality) was a little more difficult to figure out but recently she’s been binging the Avatar: the Last Airbender series...again. She really loves all the characters, animation, and the overall plot. Ella loves the characters and episodes and just the fact that it was one of the shows I watched as a little kid.

Selina (Urselina/Anxiety) has to say Hamilton because she loves to listen to the soundtrack on repeat. It helps calm her down and she’s always been really interested in history so of course she loves it.

Melanie (Pessimism) felt very torn when she saw this question. Finally she decided on two fandoms. She loves How To Get Away With Murder because it’s a little dark but also really difficult to stop watching. She was addicted to it when it the show was on and has recently been re-watching it because of a friend of mine.

The second one she really loves is Grey’s Anatomy and it’s probably because of how “dark and twisty” Meredith is. Also just the amount of tragedies in that show and emotion that you feel when watching is what dragged her in. She’d never admit it but she also loves some of the ships.

Toni (Hope) decided immediately on Friends because it’s a classic but also because she loves shows centered on friendships. She tends to organize movie nights and makes all the sides sit and watch her favorite shows and movies. I’m not a huge fan of comedy shows or movies but Friends is definitely one of my favorite and Toni’s favorite.

Thea (Laziness) said all of them because she likes to binge watch shows and avoid life. If she had to pick a favorite she would go with either Grey’s Anatomy or NCIS because those are two longer shows and she can binge a season for a couple of days.

Cas (who’s refusing to be called Echo right now/Laziness) took a long time to answer this question and is probably why I didn’t answer sooner. She loves all of her fandoms and doesn’t want to choose one. If she really had to she’d normally choose SPN (except she’s kinda mad at it right now) because of the memories we have. She loves remembering how we watched with my friends and how the show has taken us on an emotional roller coaster. Also she loves Castiel and she gladly took on Cas as a nickname.

Callie (Style) chose Downton Abbey as her favorite if only because of all the costumes and settings. She loves the story line and characters too but she just loves the poshness and designs of the show.


Fanders Sides Ask Game!

🧮 = How many sides do have?

🖍️ = What are your sides’ associated colors?

📁 = What are your sides’ names?

🏆 = Who’s the dominate side?

🥇 = Who’s your favorite side?

🗑️ = Who’s your least favorite side?

🔖 = What are your sides’ pronouns?

🏳️‍🌈 = Are any of your sides’ LGBTQ+? 

🧬 = Which Sanders Side do your sides relate to the most?

🏠 = What do your sides’ rooms look like?

😀 = What emoji best describes your sides?

🦄 = What are your sides’ favorite pokemon?

🎬 = What are your sides’ favorite movie?

💩 = What is the most embarrassing thing your sides’ have done/ made you do?

🙊 = What have your sides done that they regret?

🔎 = Whatever question you want

Ima just tag all of the Fanders Sides blogs that I am aware of on here so they can use this too!  We don’t get much interaction with anyone; hence, I made this ask game. Obviously, anyone can use this of course whether you blog is dedicated to your sides or not! 

I love this!


December Prompts

I’m trying to write a fic a day in December, at least up until Christmas, and I’m looking for some prompts. 

If anyone has any general prompts they’d like to submit in either my asks, through messaging, or through the comments then please do. If there’s any specific fandom and/or pairing you want to suggest then I’ll take those too and do my best to write any and all that I get (I like to write AU’s but I can also stick to canon). I’ve tagged most of the fandoms that I know and am comfortable writing with but there’s definitely more fandoms that I could add so if you don’t see a fandom that you’d like me to write for then just let me know what the fandom is and I’ll tell you if I’d be willing to write for it. I would like to stay away from writing about real people.

I’m honestly good with writing for any parings or prompts. The only things that are off the table are: anything rated R, incest and a large age gap with a minor. Like if one character were 15 (a minor) and the other were 30 (large age gap), but if one character were canonically 17 and the other 18 then I’d be okay with that. If there are any questions on that then just ask me. If I’m ever uncomfortable with a pairing then I will let you know and I’ll try to give you a reason.

Also, if you don’t necessarily want to read the story but still have a good prompt idea then please let me know the prompt and you don’t have to read the story. If you do want to read the story (if you’ve submitted a specific fandom/pairing or just want to see what I did with the prompt) then let me know that too and I’ll be sure to tag you when I post the link to the story, I post all my stories on AO3). Thank you in advance for any/all prompts that I get.

Last notes: I’m looking mainly for Christmas related prompts but I guess if you want to submit a non-Christmas related prompt that’s fine too. Also, I’m trying to write one-shots so keep that in mind too. 

Feel free to submit multiple prompts. Thank you!

I posted this on my main blog but I figure I’d post it here too. So far I’ve gotten one prompt.


Urselina (Anxiety)

Okay so it’s Anxiety’s turn. Her color is red because she’s always the one to sound the red alarm. Anxiety likes to wear band shirts and sweatshirts along with her black ripped jeans. She is the only side that wears a bracelet because she likes to fidget with it and it helps her (and me) with Anxiety. Her bracelet has a moon on it because she likes the night and the stars.

Anxiety’s real name is Urselina but she prefers to go be Selina and that’s how she introduced herself to the other sides. It took a while for them to learn her full name. Her muse is Urania, the muse of Astronomy. Like I mentioned earlier Selina is more of a night owl and finds the stars calming which is why Urania is her muse.

Out of all the sides Selina probably likes and gets along with Logic the most because Logic knows how to help and calm her down. Logic is good at getting all her thoughts to calm down. She likes Ella too but sometimes all the brightness can get on her nerves so can Hope’s constant positivity. She and Pessimism also get along very well because they both have a dark sense of humor and self loathing. 

Selina is the part of me constantly overthinking and is of course the one with all my anxiety. She listens a lot to Pessimism and the two prepare for the worst. Anxiety is terrible at making decision and is usually the one to keep me from making any kind of decision. She keeps me up late at night but she also tries to shut up and know when to stop. Selina is all my anxiety so she’s constantly worrying the others don’t like her and thinks I hate her, which I don’t. She just worries a lot.

She doesn’t actually get a lot of nicknames aside from Selina, but Cleo has been known to call her “Jitters” and “Serial Chiller”.


Ella (Morality)

Today is Morality, her fashion sense and color scheme is Hufflepuff (black and yellow). She has the yellow blouse that she wears and sometimes she wears the shirt with the badger on it, she has also been known to steal hoodies from the other sides (mostly Anxiety). Morality is also the only side that regularly wears a skirt.

Morality’s muse is Euterpe and her real name is Erato. Erato is the muse of love poetry. Ella’s one of my happier sides who really does just want to love everyone and be friends which is why I thought she fit best with Erato.

Ella, along with Logic, helps me make decisions. Her decision making is more feeling based than logic based, she like to go based on my heart. Ella weighs the good and bad outcomes and how they will affect others as well as myself. She goes beyond the logic and facts and into the feelings which means that she and Logic can disagree. Of course Ella gets along well with most of the sides especially Hope and Fangirl. Ella has been known to get into arguments  with the other sides, surprisingly she and Hope argue more than would be expected. Ella has a more realistic outlook than Hope does and while Ella is more of an optimist, she’s not as much of one as Hope is. Their viewpoints can clash. The same goes for Ella and Pessimism. 

Ella is basically my conscience and helps me decide whether or not a decision is right, though sometimes she can overthink certain situations. She keeps me from being too impulsive but she also makes me overthink which can then set off Anxiety and Pessimism. They’re still trying to find a good balance. She has also been called the “mom” of the group because she tries to take care of the others. She knows how to help Anxiety and makes sure Logic takes a break every once in a while. Ella is empathetic and she wants to help everyone.

Her most popular nicknames among the sides is Hufflepuff and she’s proud of that nickname. Anxiety calls her Puffball sometimes and she likes it too. She has some other smaller nicknames but those are the two major ones.


Phoebe (Logic)

Today I’ll talk more about Logic, she wears a lot of blue and black. While the picture above pictures shorts, she will obviously were pants when it’s colder. She also has a leather jacket that she wears because it’s comfortable, the other sides are always a little surprised when she wears it. Logic wears a tie too because she’s serious. All of my sides wear glasses (I have a small phobia of contact lenses), but Logic likes the glasses more than the other sides.

Logic’s real name is Phoebe and her muse is Polyhymnia. Polyhymnia is the muse of divine hymns, she was said to have created geometry, grammar, and meditation. She is often depicted as serious and pensive. Polyhymnia fit how I’ve always pictured my Logic so that’s why chose her as Phoebe’s muse.

Phoebe makes up my decision making (when I’m not just impulsive) as well as my organization, planning skills, and she’s the part of me that like to learn. Phoebe is really my Ravenclaw side (I’m a Hufflepuff but I have Ravenclaw tendencies). She loves reading and does the research that inspires and helps Creativity (Cleo), she and Creativity work together on my stories and projects. Phoebe also keep Cleo on track and makes sure that I have time for both homework and my non-school related projects. She loves to learn and is especially good with math. Logic is often the one to calm Anxiety (Urselina) and Pessimism (Melanie) down, she keeps them from being too negative. She’s also the only one that keeps Laziness (Thea) from laying around all day and doing nothing. Phoebe is easily frustrated by me and the other sides and has had small arguments with all of the sides at least once. She tends to argue with Anxiety the most, but they keep it mostly civil. Phoebe and Creativity get along well because they work together the most. She doesn’t really seem to have one side that’s she’s closer with, Phoebe mostly keeps to herself when she can.

The other sides like to call her ‘nerd’ or ‘bookworm’, neither bother her. Anxiety calls her Einstein a lot (the other sides use the nickname too, but not as much as Anxiety) and Morality was the first to call her ‘Ravenclaw’. Phoebe reluctantly admits to almost liking the nicknames. There’s definitely more I could say about her, but that’s it for not. Tomorrow I’ll talk more about Morality.


Cleo (Creativity)

So I’m not sure how long this will take but I’m going to introduce each of my sides in more detail, all in separate posts. Today I’m starting with my Creativity. The picture above is how I see her fashion sense, it’s similar to the regular outfit she wears.

My Creativity is named Cleo (I might go into my whole naming process later). Her muse is Clio (yes the spelling is very similar). Clio is the muse of history and I chose her for my Creativity because I love history and sometimes I base stories and characters off of historical ones. I draw a lot of inspiration from history or just things that I have seen and past experiences, so I thought she fit Creativity the best.

Cleo is the part of me that loves to write and come up with story ideas, she’s always got a new thought (sometimes good, sometimes bad). The “bad” thoughts are what I label my intrusive thoughts. Cleo is also distracted a lot because she’s usually in her own world thinking up new ideas and thoughts. This distractedness often makes up my impulse control (or lack of it). She holds basically all of my ideas for stories, poems, videos, and other projects that I work on and she remembers all of them (or makes me write them down). Cleo and Style (Callie) get along very well, they’re basically best friends (but they do have artistic disagreements). Cleo and Fangirl (Echo) also get along pretty well. The only side Cleo really clashes with a lot is Laziness (Thea), those two are always disagreeing and she gets very annoyed when Laziness wins (they are tied in their fights as of right now).

The other sides like to nickname each other so they usually give Cleo nicknames based on famous authors, poets, painters, and other artists. Laziness has also called her ‘Paint Chip’ before and that nickname seemed to stick with her. That’s basically everything you need to know about Cleo, the next side I’ll talk more about is Logic.

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