
Welcome To My Twisted Mind

@nudecleic / nudecleic.tumblr.com

Leah 20 she/her
Hi I'm Leah and this is a predominantly humor/shit post blog
follow my aesthetic blog: @keylime-og follow my bpd blog: @bpdbaddie
IG: @leahelizabethrogers
I don't really tag any trigger warnings but if asked I will tag them, but I might forget to
99% of the the time I blog on mobile

i dont understand this at all and america scares the fuck out of me

This is the america they don’t want you to see

i love america

This is what you call Waffle House at 2 am when the bars close and everyone is drunk and hungry

*group of people having fun* this site: wtf this is so scary

People having safe fun at a waffle house is scary for most Tumblr bloggers, reports say.

Some context for those not familiar with Waffle House Culture: 

  • Waffle House is one of the few chains in America that’s open 24/7/365, and where you can get both breakfast and lunch/dinner options at any time (I have had so many Breakfast Cheeseburgers at Waffle Houses). The food is really good, and people eat there at all times of the day or night, but it’s particularly popular as a late-night post-drinking spot because it’s all that’s open and it’s the kind of food that tastes especially good when you’re hammered.
  • Part of Waffle House Protocol is that all the servers and cooks greet every single customer as they come through the door. It sounds lame, but I’ve never been to a Waffle House where that greeting didn’t feel completely heartfelt. My mom is a health nut who could barely find anything on the menu she was willing to eat and yet she describes the Christmas Day lunch we had there one year as one of the nicest meals she’s ever had because everyone was so warm and welcoming. That sense of camaraderie gets turned up to 11, of course, at 2 a.m. when everyone’s shitfaced.
  • The jukeboxes have Waffle-House-themed songs on them (once you have heard “Raisins in my Toast” you will be earwormed forever) and there is an arcane system of hash brown ordering: scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, topped, diced, peppered, and/or capped. The hot sauce bottles say “Casa de Waffle.” 
  • Once, in Oxford (UK), my husband and I walked past a kebab van very late one night and he said “why do I smell Waffle House”
  • The location of most Waffle Houses means there’s some… classism that tends to get tied up with Anti-Waffle House Discourse, which is probably lending itself, in part, to this being such a fraught topic. (I’m looking at a map and apparently I was born and raised right in the middle of the Peak Waffle House Density Zone)
  • It is, in the words of chef Anthony Bourdain, “indeed marvelous— an irony-free zone where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts; where everybody regardless of race, creed, color or degree of inebriation is welcomed.”

We’re not even gonna mention FEMA’s Waffle House Index where they determine how bad a natural disaster is by calling the local Waffle House to see if they’re open?

Here we have Americans, once again, thinking they’re the only people in the world with 24-hour food venues 🙄🙄🙄


>Waffle House is one of the few chains in America that’s open 24/7/365

If you’re going to be a smug cunt at least read the whole fucking post before digging for a way to feel superior.

@marshipan why you raging about Waffle House 😂

Oh my God you’re one of those dumbass shits who think they seem less goddamned stupid if they act aloof and are like OHHHHHHHHH y u so mad tho because they have literally no other response to being proven wrong and in this case proven a smug cunt


boys who are too edgy for frats and too normal for art school think it is their God-given right to go to the roofs of tall buildings and take pictures of their friends with an expensive Nikon DSLR set on auto.


you could find a complaint about french toast on this website i swear. no stone left unturned


I sure love being sick and having to take cough syrup in such fantastic flavors as

  • limes at their own funeral
  • the festering corpse of a cherry
  • the broken hopes and dreams of various berries
  • sunshine twinkling on the apocalyptic wasteland of a post-nuclear war hellscape
  • death

Leaked list of upcoming lacroix flavours


i wanna know wtf was up with the dude from ratatouille that this rat could just up and jaeger pilot his ass by pullin on his hair

hes a bottom

So we’re really going to expose Linguini just like that huh

you take one look at the girl he ends up with and tell me she doesn’t break out the strap on every night

nothing could have prepared me for the trajectory of this post and where it ended up. i’m so glad everyone on this website is so fucking weird, thank you all


Maybe misusing the name of God isn’t so much about saying the shallow words, “Oh my God,” as it is about using the name of God to justify discrimination, oppression, injustice, racism, slavery, xenophobia, poverty, sexism, islamophobia, ableism, homophobia, war, & the list can go on. 


But it’s not illegal. Marriage is just not recognized as something lawfully binding. No one is being arrested for being homosexual and loving another. lol

If you’re a LGBT citizen in  Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, UAE or parts of Nigeria, being gay is punishable by death. (Source:LGBT relationships are illegal in 74 countries, research finds, by Siobhan Fenton) So yeah, no one is arrested for having a different sexual orientation. They’re killed for it.

Also, until 2003 being LGBTQ WAS illegal in 13 states.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003) is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court. The Court struck down the sodomy law in Texas in a 6-3 decision and, by extension, invalidated sodomy laws in 13 other states, making same-sex sexual activity legal in every U.S. state and territory.

They used to kick down gay people’s doors and arrested them while they were in bed.

They used to raid gay bars to find crossdressers, GNC and trans people to arrest (that’s how Stonewall happened).

They used to make up fake charges against gay people to allow them to still arrest them for being LGBTQ.

It being legal to be gay in the US is a very new thing.

Today is one of those days when I realize that people below the age of 30 know a very different world than I do.

They’re literally rounding up gay people and putting them in concentration camps in Chechnya.

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