
this place is not a place of honor

@rinkydinkdagger / rinkydinkdagger.tumblr.com

Alexis | 27 | she/they | Much like the rest of my life, this blog is a mess and no, that will not change.

Dear god please let housing become affordable here and please make this force the thousands of sitting-duck properties re-enter the market at drastically reduced prices for native families to be able to purchase and then live in their homeland 😭 kū kia‘i ‘āina


Was playing Stardew Valley last night, extremely high, and realized I wanted to install some mods. I'm not new to modding games but I'd never gotten into modding SV so I went to install SMAPI, and holy shit y'all.

The love and care that was put into designing this piece of sortware. You run it and it pops up a command prompt and *it has instructions for how to use a command prompt built in.*

This is the single friendliest piece of software I've ever encountered. There's a meticulous wiki page with screenshots of exactly what everything looks like, where to click, what to type, everything.

It's designed so literally anybody can do it.

And it's designed to not be scary to somebody who doesn't understand computers very well but wants to download mods for this cute little farming game. Deadass had me crying of the amount of compassion and *care* that a whole community put in to make it so accessible, for free.

Humans are good, actually, and you can't change my mind


can we in 2024 recognize that the backlash to the "we need gay spaces not structured around drinking" type of posting was silly and very mean for no reason. like u dont need to be calling people virgins some people are addicts. and even people who havent struggled with addiction might have a multitude of reasons to not want to spend the majority of their time in bars


Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children



I must not explain the joke. Explaining the joke is the joke-killer. I will face my followers who did not get the joke. I will permit them to pass over me and through me


you are making this so difficult



to elaborate:

- her parents didn't belive she was hearing "monsters" in the walls. it was 60,000 bees

- she is 3 years old

- her parents gave her a spray bottle to "spray away the monsters". it was 60,000 bees

- they didn't belive her for 8 minths

- removal cost them $20,000 BECAUSE IT WAS 60,000 BEES!!!!!!


Without looking it up, when you first hear "Tornado Warning", what does that mean to you?

I have met. so many people in real life who do not know what "Tornado Watch" means, who do not know what "Tornado Warning" means.

literally 9 out of 10 (aka 90%) of people I meet think that "Tornado Watch" is the more dangerous alert, and think "Tornado Warning" is less severe.

Most people I meet who hear 'Tornado Warning' think it's a good idea to go outside and look at the cool clouds.

FEMA or whoever needs to officially change these stupid-ass names, or do one HELL of a public awareness campaign, because this can and will get people killed; there's already been multiple deadly tornadoes just this week.

[ID: Caption from article: A powerful tornado near Waverly Road in the Lincoln, Nebraska, metro area on April 26, 2024. It shows a vast flat field with a massive tornado in the distance, funneling down from storm clouds in the foreground, while a bright and blue sky is visible behind the destructive storm, with houses in the distance. end ID]

Tornado Watch: Watch out, and be cautious! -- Keep an ear out for alerts, and make sure you know where you need to take shelter! A tornado could possibly form in this storm, and you need to be ready.

  • Tornado Watch is a good time to secure your pets in your safe area (in carriers/crates), grab important documents/belongings, make sure your valuable electronics are unplugged, etc.
  • .
  • Make sure you have flashlights (Ideally, that are not just your cellphone) with working batteries. If you have an emergency radio, keep it turned on and tuned to a local radio station. Bring bottled water and non-perishable food to your safe area.
  • .
  • If you have a basement, make sure there is a clear area for you to shelter in, and that everyone can get down the stairs/ladder safely.
  • .
  • If you do not have a basement, go to the lowest floor of your home, in a room away from as many windows as possible; if this room is your bathroom, take down the shower curtain rod (so it can't fall on you), and take down any other loose objects that could fall.
  • .
  • Bring some spare blankets and pillows into your safe area, both for comfort and extra protection.
  • .
  • Make sure your family knows that if a warning is sounded, or if signs of a tornado are seen or heard outside your home, that they need to go to the safe area immediately.
  • .
  • Make sure in advance that your family is wearing appropriate shoes + clothing in case of emergency, and that everyone has their phones charged and on hand.

Tornado Warning = Warning! A Tornado is currently forming or is already formed! -- Take shelter immediately on the lowest floor of your home away from windows!

  • Drop what you're doing and get to your safe area. You no longer have time for preparation-- your only focus now is getting to your safe area!
  • .
  • Alert family members, if they're not in the safe area already.
  • .
  • Once you are all in your safe area, close the door, have everyone huddle together as low to the ground as you can get, and wrap everyone up in your spare blankets, putting pillows over your heads, etc.
  • .
  • Try to keep everyone calm, if at all possible.

I literally have this image printed out on my bulletin board at work (my staff and I do a lot of work outdoors) :

[ID: a tweet by Normal Fire Department (Normal, IL) From May 3rd (unknown year) that reads "since We are under a severe thunderstorm watch this evening, It's a good time to go over the difference between a watch and a warning.
Watch: 🟧 [orange square emoji] : we have the ingredients to make tacos
Warning: 🟥[red square emoji] We are having tacos. Right now. "
Underneath the text is two images, one labled "taco watch" that has tortilla shells, ground meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese, a jalapeno avocado and salsa sitting on a counter, showing taco ingredients.
The other image is labled "taco warning" and shows a fully assembled taco . End ID]

Okay, this graphic is genuinely genius because it is so funny, more people need to see this lol.


Do you know anything i can donate to for palestine that's not the gofundmes because the idea of having to choose who needs my money more is just. scary to me they all need it 3: maybe there's a thing that splits/distributes money evenly???? idk but help would be appreciated


Gazafunds actually deals with this anxiety and makes a decision for you if you want. Their home page has a spotlighted fundraiser and the code consider things like how close the gfm is to finishing, when the most recent donation is, etc. So it's randomized to help as many people as possible.

There's also @helpgazachildren which if you donate, you can help multiple people at once since it's a whole mutual aid fund, or at least close to it. Hussam distributes money to people who need it when he's asked.


Every time I advocate for voting people are like "no you shouldn't vote! Read this literature, it'll totally change the way you view voting!" And every single time it's the same fucking "you shouldn't vote because both parties are exactly the same so it won't make a difference who wins" bullshit wrapped up in some fancy language

"OP you need to read 'Voting is not Harm Reduction" OP has read Voting is not Harm Reduction. It opens with the acknowledgement that for the most vulnerable people, even a tiny degree of harm reduction can mean life or death and then continues to advocate for not participating in that harm reduction lest you "participate in your own oppression". Pardon me for not finding "vulnerable people should die for my ideology" very convincing.


we’reくコ:彡 entering squid territory

 くコ:彡                                                                       くコ:彡                              くコ:彡  くコ:彡                                                        くコ:彡                           くコ:彡 くコ:彡

I know I’m following the right people when I see this kinda stuff on my dash

now C:≡ approaching octopus territory

C:≡                                                           C:≡                               C:≡      C:≡                                              C:≡                         C:≡

C:≡                                 C:≡      

onwards C{≡ to jellyfish territory

C{≡             C{≡

                                          C{≡               C{≡                                                     C{≡                         C{≡ C{≡                                 C{≡

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