
chaos screaming chaos dreaming

@all-by-a-dead-poet / all-by-a-dead-poet.tumblr.com

Perry, she/her, 19, Dead Poets Society enthusiast

I think, personally, that Ethan Hawke deserves more credit for always posting regularly to his Instagram and sprinkling in a spritz of humor into his captions so much.

Absolute legend.

Like really though why aren’t we talking about the man’s Instagram captions they’re so entertaining and honestly whenever he makes a post my day immediately gets better.


Imma do this because I’m fucking bored.

What’s your url?

Now take away any and all numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), take away the letters F, Z, M, Q, L, H, B, T, P, E, A, Y, S, B, D, and X, take away all dashes (-),

What’s your new fucked up version of your url?



for anyone who has a hard time figuring out which letters to take away, here they are in alphabetical order (dyslexia gang rise up)

A, B, D, E, F, H, L, M, P, Q, S, T, X, Y, Z

anyway nice to meet yall im rocvrir now which is KIND OF BALLER


can u imagine after all of neil’s stuff is cleared out of their room todd opens the closet and finds one of neil’s flannels and with shaking hands he picks it up ever so gently, holding it like it could turn to dust at any moment and then it hits him that it still smells like neil and it’s here that todd breaks and crumbles to the ground, burying his face in the shirt to muffle his sobs and clutching the fabric to his chest like a lifeline while he can do nothing but cry


Types of Blorbo Thoughts:

  1. Projection - This blorbo is just like me and therefore every single trait I have is now their traits as well
  2. Incoherent - This blorbo constantly fills my head but if you asked me to describe why I liked them so much i wouldn’t be able to tell you
  3. Music - Every single song I listen to reminds me of this blorbo
  4. Horror - I love this character so much I want to put them through Horrors beyond their comprehension
  5. All of the above - Hell on earth.

You know what I think is really cool about language (English in this case)? It’s the way you can express “I don’t know” without opening your mouth. All you have to do is hum a low note, a high note, then another lower note. The same goes for yes and no. Does anyone know what this is called?

These are called vocables, a form of non-lexical utterance - that is, wordlike sounds that aren’t strictly words, have flexible meaning depending on context, and reflect the speakers emotional reaction to the context rather than stating something specific. They also include uh-oh! (that’s not good!), uh-huh and mm-hmm (yes), uhn-uhn (no), huh? (what?), huh… (oh, I see…), hmmn… (I wonder… / maybe…), awww! (that’s cute!), aww… (darn it…), um? (excuse me; that doesn’t seem right?), ugh and guh (expressions of alarm, disgust, or sympathy toward somebody else’s displeasure or distress), etc.

Every natural human language has at least a few vocables in it, and filler words like “um” and “erm” are also part of this overall class of utterances. Technically “vocable” itself refers to a wider category of utterances, but these types of sounds are the ones most frequently being referred to, when the word is used.


Reblog if u just hummed all of these out loud as you read them


dps headcannons when (some of) the poets are ill


  • clingy. so motherfucking clingy
  • "neilllll, come cuddle me :( please"
  • refuses to leave his bed
  • still uses drinkable medicine bc he is scared of tablets
  • very emotional. will cry very easily because he is just overstimulated and tired
  • takes a day to recover even after the illness passes
  • asks the poets to bring him all the homework if he misses class because he is scared of falling behind (neil takes the english and pe notes, meeks takes the math and latin notes, cameron takes all else)
  • neil ends up staying up late with todd to help him finish the homework and explain anything that might have been left out of the notes


  • suffers from hayfever very badly
  • tries to hide whenever he feels ill but one of the poets notice and put him back in bed
  • "im fine guys i promi- *sneeze* i'm not ill *coughs violently*"
  • often gets ill after taking care of another poet when they were ill (most likely todd)
  • tries his hardest to go to classes and keating sends his ass back to the dormitory
  • "mr perry i admire the dedication, but please go to your dorm before you turn my classroom into a walking infection."


  • acts like his life is about to end
  • "mr nolan im DYING. have some sympathy on a poor man."
  • refuses to go to any class but keating's even if it is the smallest illness ever
  • "trig? i can't do trig, LOOK AT ME."
  • cameron still brings him the day's notes and charlie appreicates it even if he doesn't say so
  • secretly looks over them when cameron has fallen asleep


  • absolutely despises getting ill & takes all the measures he can to avoid it
  • vitamin tablets, boosters, vaccines, the whole shabang
  • refuses to let it bother him unless he is physically bedbound
  • he will have the most raging temperature, splitting headace and limp everywhere but god help him if he does not get to 4th period chemistry on time
  • he prides himself on having a very good attendance
  • the poets can tell when he is ill most of the time bc his face gets very ashen and his freckles pop a lot more noticeably
  • thinks he has mastered the art of not appearing sick
  • cameron, with red eyes and pale cheeks, grimacing as he shuffles up to his friends: "hi guys *wince* how are you? *sniffle*."
  • the poets all know he is bullshitting but they know he hates getting called out more so they don't make a note of it but they all be a lot more accommodating
  • charlie eases up on the teasing for the day
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