indefinite hiatus

@millenniumkid-blog /

aint coming back here cuz someone stole my url when i got marked as inactive 3

I’m glad I met you guys. You made me… pick up on things, I probably would’ve just gone on ignoring. Trust your partner. And I do. I can’t forgive you, but I trust you. You took care of things, right? Otherwise, Shibuya would be gone and my world with it.

               indie rp blog for neku sakuraba from the world ends with you! remade version of @shibuyastempo​ because yahoo locked me out of my email. (; ・`д・´)/​multiverse, crossover friendly, etc. written by morty, 21 years old & they/he pronouns. // rules, muse, all links

See you there?

“Y-Yeah.” No. Maybe? The blonde wasn’t sure. He shifted legs now, glancing Yugi over and fumbling with the little parcel in his hands, offering it up silently and averting his gaze. It wasn’t entirely unusual for him to get presents for the sleepy boy, but nothing that couldn’t wait for the next morning. Nothing that he had to rush over for, nothing that made his hands want to shake, nothing that made him feel so tiny and hopeful. God this was gay.

     He tilted his head to the side a bit, confused and admittedly a little worried at the response he was given. He was quick to open his mouth in preparation to give his friend a few reassuring words, to remind him that if there was something wrong, if there was ever something wrong, he didn’t need to deal with it on his own, but he cut himself off once Jounouchi offered him the gift, worried expression quickly melting into one of relief as a similar toned sigh was released. He grabbed the package from the other, offering a bit of a sheepish smile, even though Jounouchi had looked away.


“Oh! I was worried for a second that there was something really wrong... but if you came all the way to give this to me tonight it must be something really important, huh?” Small hands itched to open it right away, but he waited on a response from the other before doing so. He didn’t want to be impolite or come across as ungrateful, after all.

  • your muse is allowed to underestimate my muse 
  • your muse is allowed to disrespect my muse
  • your muse is allowed to provoke my muse
  • your muse is allowed to be a little asshole to my muse
  • and more – !!

So long as you, the mun, understand the consequences of your muse ticking off my muse your muse is allowed to be not nice to mine. Confrontation can be interesting and fun to rp! I welcome it! While you, the mun, should know better than to provoke my muse your muse might not and that’s okay! Mun does not equal muse and vice versa. When your muse provokes mine, disrespects mine, underestimates mine, I am trusting that even if your muse doesn’t know the consequences that you, the other mun, understand there are repercussions for your muse being an asshole.

you want your muse to be an ass to mine? that’s fine – just don’t whine when your muse doesn’t come out of it unscathed. 

( psa. )


"Sing me a song" {Mana}

sentence starters

     He hadn’t realised he’d been quietly singing to himself until he heard one of Mana’s usual exclamations, cutting off whatever words were going to come next. He was quick to raise his hands in a form of surrender at the idea. It was embarrassing enough that Mana had heard him singing at all.


“Ah... What? Y-You don’t want me to do that...”

“Good?” [ How naive. These were mere sketches that were having their quality significantly ruined by the jerking of the bumpy train ride. Yusuke supposed that the boy wasn’t an artist himself, or perhaps was just merely being kind. Well that didn’t have to be true- there was something appealing about free-flowing and careless art. It gave off a sense of childish innocence even. ]
[ It’s not like Yusuke thought his art was bad or anything- he just had a habit of being critical of all his work in order to prevent himself from stagnating in his growth and becoming too comfortable. Yusuke needed to step back sometimes and learn to just appreciate his work for what it was sometimes. ]
I thank you for your words of kindness. Although I must admit that I am not drawing anything of interest at the moment; just a few quick studies to pass the time on my commute, is all.

     A few, baffled blinks were all he could spare to begin with, unsure of how to interpret the one worded response he’d been given in reply. Anxiety began to work its way back into his system, worrying if he’d, perhaps, accidentally offended the other somehow. After a bit of an awkward pause he opened his mouth to explain that he hadn’t intended to come across as rude, only to be interrupted (saved, really) when the other boy spoke again. 

Yugi was quick to sigh in relief when, instead of being reprimanded for what he had said in any way, he was thanked. Clearly, he’d been worried about nothing. He really needed to get better at that, but that was a task for another time. He leaned back in his seat, waving his hands in dismissal at the other.


“No, they’re really cool! I think so, anyway. But I guess that probably doesn’t mean much coming from me... I’ve never really been all that good at art.”


     After a few awkward strokes with the aid of a spare broom, the other’s unconscious writhing finally came to a stop, bringing a sigh of relief from Yugi. He didn’t know what was wrong for him to turn in his sleep like that, but it hardly mattered now that it was over, he supposed. However, his small moment of relief was brought to a quick end as the lump on the couch quickly changed shape, hissing before confronting him about his course of action. 

It would have been embarrassing enough to have to explain himself to Ryou, but trying to explain to this guy was a chore and a half. The broom was quickly set aside as frantic hands rose in an attempt to dismiss himself, waving slightly as he shook his head, obviously flustered.


“N-No, that’s not it. You- or Ryou or, um- you guys- were turning in your sleep and, well- I don’t know. Your blanket looks kind of itchy so I didn’t know how else to comfort you since I didn’t really want to touch it...”


     It wasn’t uncommon for Yugi to think he was hearing voices in the midst of the night’s silence nowadays. There was something about being alone in the dark that made him uneasy. When he was younger, he would find himself unable to fall asleep without the company of a nightlight, but ever finding the Millennium Puzzle in the depths of the store’s basement, he’d felt a little better about the darkness. Even before he completed the puzzle, he hadn’t felt quite so alone in the darkness with that box sitting beside his bed on his desk.

These past few months though, that overwhelming loneliness that he remembered from his childhood had begun to escort him through the night once more. Sometimes he questioned why he could still be afraid of such a childish thing. He knew, why, though. It was because now he really WAS alone in the dark. He still had his other friends, sure. He had Jou and Anzu and Honda and Ryou... He loved and appreciated their company, of course he did, but with Atem gone, it felt like a piece of him was missing; a piece he’d never get back.

He rolled over in his bed, throwing his blanket loosely over his head as he gripped the puzzle that lay beside him with a single hand. It felt almost wrong to have it back after having accepted that it, that Atem, was gone, but he couldn’t abandon the artifact. He owed the pharaoh that much, at least. And he wasn’t REALLY gone, right? Not as long as he remembered him! But the more he told himself that, the cheesier it sounded. Memories of him would never be quite the same as having his other self with him.

The muffled voice that seemed to emanate from the darkness didn’t disappear as it normally did, nor did the anxious nagging in his head. Perhaps he was just tired, but that didn’t make him feel much better; it didn’t console him as he failed to convince himself that he was all right. Logically, he knew that it was just his anxiety making him hear things that weren’t really there, but that didn’t stop him from peeking his face out from under the covers to speak out into the darkness that surrounded him.

“Atem?” He knew that he would only be met with silence, but speaking the other’s name managed to calm his nerves at least a bit.

Jounouchi stopped in his tracks when he heard the distinct voice, turning around to see the little short stack running his way.
“Hey, Yu– Be careful!”
He let out a little laugh, always appreciating the other’s excitement. However, being handed the paper, he blinked, face lighting with curiosity.
“Huh? Are you sure? I mean, I know I’ve been doing pretty good in duels and all…” He couldn’t help feeling a little proud of himself, though his self confidence was justified. He had been kicking butt recently, literally and metaphorically, and he felt he was on the top of his game.
“You sure your gramps wouldn’t be too upset if I did this? Don’t wanna go hurting his feelings.”

     He couldn’t help but smile a bit too wide, perhaps more pleased than he should be knowing that his friend was feeling confident in his skills as a duelist. It may have been silly, but hearing things like that always filled him with joy. 

Duel Monsters had done so much for him and his friends, hadn’t it? It was kind of weird to think that something as simple as a card game could do as much as it had, but that didn’t matter. A small laugh was stifled moments later at his friend’s comment about his grandfather. 


“Grandpa’s really good at overreacting, but it’ll be fine! It’s my birthday present, and I want you to be the one to scratch it!”

❀ - Her blush darkened considerably when he complimented her name. He was just full of surprises, wasn’t he? Complimenting her name, shaking her hand - just talking to her was weird, really! Gosh… Her life was starting to sound really sad, now that she thought about it. 
Ah, but she had other things to focus on! He was… well, he was still there, for one.
“Ah, but your name sounds really nice! It has a pretty flow,” Oh boy, that probably sounded weird. Save yourself, Polka, “A-A game shop? That sounds cool! M-my family owns a tea and herb shop! Sometimes I make floral arrangements too, so… It’s small, but ah, if you like tea or flowers, it’s a neat shop, I guess.” 

     The girl’s response evoked a somewhat similar response from Yugi, cheeks reddening in embarrassment as a hand came up to rub anxiously at the back of his neck. He’d never been all that good at handling compliments, and one as unique and genuine as that warmed his heart. People normally complimented him on his skill at duel monsters or other games,  so to hear something so sweet about something as simple as his name... it was nice.


“My grandpa drinks tea more than I do,” his diet was atrocious, honestly. “but I love flowers, actually! I used to make flower crowns all the time when I was a little kid...” Which, unfortunately, he got bullied for quite a bit since it wasn’t exactly the most masculine activity, but he still had good memories making them with Anzu when they were younger.


Perhaps he was just being paranoid, showing up to the mall to keep an eye on his sister. His gaze pierced through crowds, finding the tiny figure in the distance. A brunette laughing with two other girls, her friends, hand in hand, curls bouncing.

 Sera had a right to spend time with the friends she had made in Domino City, and technically they were under adult supervision with a classmate`s mother trailing about six steps behind. But it seemed that even now, Diva was having a hard time trusting.

Trust. How foreign that word sounded in his head.

He was so distracted, watching over his sister, that he almost didn`t hear his name being called. At least, not until the other boy was upon him and there was nowhere to run.

Doing a double take, Diva felt his breath snagging in his throat. His chest seized as if the wind had been knocked out of him. He stiffened up and took a step back to keep a safe distance between the two of them, bowing his head out of respect for the other.


He was caught. The mask that contained sweet and upbeat Aigami had long since dissolved with time. Now? Now Diva wasn`t exactly miserable. But he wasn`t happy either. And with a pizza delivery logo spread across the back of his shirt and a cap upon his head, to anyone he dueled in the past, he must look like a real joke right about now.

However, Yugi`s words made Diva`s face contort to one containing a mix is surprise and confusion.


Great to see…me“ He repeated, not sure how to feel about that statement. Cocking his head to the side, he examined the copious amount of shopping bags the other carried.

You`ll have to forgive me for sounding rude, but I`m sure that I`m the LAST person you want to see in your life. Especially after what I`ve done. 

Gazing back out, Diva silently cursed when he realized that he had lost track of his sister once more.

Besides…who could blame you? I hurt your friends, banished them to other dimensions, dug up things that were best left buried. And for what?

…I do not blame you, Yugi Muto. I deserved the punishment I got. 

     All right, perhaps “great” hadn’t been the appropriate word to use given everything that had happened, but it was certainly nice to see the other, at the very least. Perhaps it was just his optimistic ideology- his refusal to feel any true disdain towards anyone without giving himself chance to understand them and what they had done- but he didn’t hate Aigami. Nor did he hate the person he turned out to truly be.

Despite everything, he didn’t seem like a bad person to Yugi. He was a victim of circumstances, that’s all. Hating him would be like hating Ryou for getting possessed by the spirit of the Millennium Ring, wouldn’t it? Or hating Malik for what his alternate personality had done! That was the way he saw things, anyway.

A sigh was released from the smaller of the two as an initial smile melted away into a more thoughtful expression. There was a rather long and obvious pause in his response as he tried to consider Aigami’s- Diva’s- feelings. From his standpoint, Yugi understood how he might feel that way, but it still didn’t sit right with him. It was almost painful for him to hear that Diva genuinely felt like he had deserved what had happened to him. Surely, the fact that he regretted what he’d done meant that there was enough good in him to be given a chance for redemption. 

He softly shook his head towards the other as he came to that conclusion, finally taking a moment to set his purchases aside on the ground next to him. Violet eyes met those of gold as another smile was offered. It was small, perhaps, even, hardly noticeable to those who weren’t looking closely, but it was genuine.


“I’m still glad to see you.” He paused for another moment as he wondered how to word his feelings about the whole thing in a way that he might understand. “I’m not angry or upset. I don’t think what happened was good, but I think maybe that’s just how things were supposed to happen, and I’m kind of glad they did. I... I got to see Atem again and I even patched some things up with Kaiba-kun. And things are better for you now, too, aren’t they? I hope they are, at least...”


     It was no rare occurrence for Yugi to visit the museum on his days off from helping his grandfather with the game shop. In fact, he was there so often that he’d become pretty good friends with a few of the staff members which, of course, just lead to him taking trips to the museum more frequently. It was a bit of a deadly cycle, but Yugi didn’t mind. The admittance fee wasn’t all that expensive, and it was more than worth the money.

What was a bit rare, however, was Yugi running into his friends in the building. Well, friends that didn’t work here, anyway. There was a slight pause before he approached the other. Was “friend” a proper word for Ryuzaki? Yugi considered him to be his friend, but he wasn’t sure whether the other duelist felt the same way. He shook his head to himself, deciding that it didn’t matter whether the feeling of camaraderie was mutual or not.


“Hey, Ryuzaki!” He waved, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, before making his way over to the other, rocking back and forth on his heels, too excited to stand completely still. “I didn’t think I’d run into anyone I knew here... Are you here to see the dinosaur exhibits? I know they put a new one up last week...”



     Despite Yugi’s optimistic nature, (that he supposed could get a bit overbearing at times) he’d never been one to stop strangers on the street unless he had a really good reason. No matter how much he itched to whip out his deck when he saw someone opening Duel Monsters booster packs, he didn’t want to wind up bothering anyone. Or perhaps it was just that he wasn’t confident enough. He sighed to himself as the thought occurred to him before giving a confident nod to no one in particular. Just because Atem wasn’t around anymore, that didn’t mean he should start doubting himself so much. If anything, shouldn’t he be focusing on doing the opposite? Sure, it was a bit harder to be confident without the other around, but he owed it to the spirit- the Pharaoh- to at least give it his best shot. 

Not long after deciding this, he spotted something out of the corner of his eye that interested him. Violet orbs lit up with childish glee as he watched two boys who seemed to be around his age playing some sort of game with... were those pins? He crept up a bit closer than was socially acceptable to watch, excitedly turning to one of them once they had finished.


“Hey, what game was that? I’ve never seen anything like it before...”

   “I’d be happy to show you, Yugi…” It was the least he could do for him, after all. He’d done so much to help out his Pharaoh, and had treated his spirit so kindly, that Mahad almost felt indebted to the other. “What parts of it are you having trouble with?”

     He released a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding when Mahad replied. Perhaps he’d been a bit more nervous about asking about this than he’d originally thought. He took in another small breath in an attempt to calm himself down. He knew, logically, that he shoudln’t be as worried as he found himself to be, but there was something so vaguely scary about learning what the hieroglyphics etched into the golden box said, after all this time. After this, that would be it. There would be no more puzzles surrounding the Pharaoh that he would be able to solve. Part of him wanted to keep it a mystery, but he owed it to Atem to do his best to move on.


“Well...” He paused for a moment before nodding, convincing himself to see this through. “I think this part says ‘inherit’ or ‘inherited’, but that’s all I can make out.”


( whispers softly. starter call….. so like this for  starter if u want……………………… ill get to em tonight or tomorrow Hopefully. along with more drafts. alternatively, since i’m so god awful at starters and they take me a million years, pls feel free to send me memes!!! even though. i still owe some meme replies too. grrrmrrmmmmm thank u for ur patience everyone n welcome new followers im rly excited about all of u, hi )

“It was my fault! I created that monster that left your friends mentally shaken. I fully intend to take the blame, thus why I will forever distance myself to never hurt anyone again.” his words were harsh and each said with complete truth to his belief. Marik wasn’t a self hating person, but he did always tend to relish on his past mistakes. In a way, it clouded his judgement for future situations. But there was nothing that would change him. It was how he was and then only way he knew how to be. It was as if his resilience was a protective shell that he placed around himself to prevent harm.

     “No it wasn’t!” The words came out in a shout, leaving him trembling slightly at the volume of his own voice. A few moments were taken for him to steady his breathing after the outburst had left him more winded than he’d care to admit. After a bit of an awkward pause, he opened his mouth to apologise for yelling, but ultimately chose not to. 


“It wasn’t your fault.” He’d never been great at showing confidence in himself, but he did his best to remain eye contact with the other as he spoke. His voice was quieter this time, but it managed to hold with it a good amount of determination. “It was the Rod. And you shouldn’t blame yourself for what he did. He’s not you, just like the other me isn’t really me.”

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