Birds And Tea Please.


My name is Chess! I do not post often, sorry!

:> made a shrimb ornament

number 2!!


  • 4x3" piece of felt
  • 1 pipe cleaner
  • thread/scissors/needle
  • stuffing (teeny bit)
  • Optional: 2 small black beads, other bead decorations

"Don't just throw ripped jeans away, you can repair them using these 10 cute Visible Mending techniques!!" unfortunately my friend the first point of failure for every single pair of jeans i have owned in my life has been the Crotch and Ass. Knees: fine, cuffs: fine; but 3 years in, and all that stands between the world and my astronaut-patterned taint is 0.5µm of denim worn so thin that every squat threatens to tear it to shreds like wet toilet paper. If the Tiktok craft community could figure out a way to resurrect jeans afflicted in such a way that doesn't involve adding a whole ass buttpatch like some sort of inverse assless chaps situation then that'd be great


May I recommend the sashiko family of techniques? I’m not sure if you’ve seen this particular method but it’s one that is likely thousands of years old and is especially good for areas like the inseam or the knees that generally get more wear than other regions:

Many of the visible mending hacks one sees are designed to be aesthetic and not structural, as OP points out, but this technique is different:

1) you’ll notice that the mended area is larger than the actual damage. All of the stitched area indicates where additional fabric is added for strength.

2) the pattern of visible stitching is PRACTICAL in this work. The reason pants wear down along the inseam is that the fabric is constantly being rubbed against the other leg. Here, the stitching is what’s rubbing against itself, and the embroidery will fail first, meaning the fabric underneath will last longer.

3) this technique is very, very simple once you draw your grid, and there are plenty of places online that sell water soluble graph paper that you can sew into as a guide and then wash out.

Please please please don’t give up on home sewing and mending because of content farms - I promise there’s a whole world of incredibly simple and reliable techniques that - while perhaps time consuming - are PROVEN to increase the longevity of your clothes AND give you further opportunities to express your creativity and style!!!


an old compilation of AI walks from years ago, early 2000

someone please tell me what genre of music this is its all i want to listen to for the rest of my life




Local house witch telling you to please learn basic housekeeping skills.

It’s not your fault if no one ever taught you but YouTube is a magical place and can teach you at your own pace.

Someone asked me what housekeeping skills I'd recommend learning.

Keep in ming that this is not me shaming you, I know you have your reasons, folks. This is just a guy who enjoys clean spaces asking that you start learning now.

Here's what I suggest as an adult who has lived with other adults who didn't have housekeeping skills:

First and foremost, learn about all the places in your house that need to be cleaned and understand how often they should be cleaned. the American Cleaning Institute (I guess that's a thing) has a good article about basic cleaning info. Plus this video on cleaning tips is great!

Learn how to do your dishes. HOT water is the only way to clean your dishes.

Learn how to clean your shower head, especially if you live in a place with hard water. Same goes for your sinks.

Learn how to do your laundry correctly. Even without the whole "separating whites and colors" thing, there are things you need to learn about washing your clothes. Learn what the tags mean, too.

Also, you don't have to use fabric softener and you shouldn't use it on towels or any fabric meant to absorb. (Learn about laundromats) And please learn how to clean out your dryer vent, it's a safety hazard!

Get a disinfecting cleaner for your high-touch areas, especially the gross ones like the bathroom. Just because it doesn't look dirty, doesn't mean it's clean!

Learn how to sweep, mop, and vacuum effectively.

You'll also want to make sure to change out your home's air filters.

TL;DR, here are some cleaning videos.

Now these resources are not the end-all-be-all, but I think if you don't know much about cleaning your space this is a good way to start.


Looking at fox plushies and


This post 1000% escaped containment, but for anyone who checks, dropping the link here. The raccoon and cat orbs are also listed here. The listing from the photos was on Temu, which isn't a site I recommend to people, but that's where the punch came from!


This one took a lot outta me, so I’ll be making this post short and sweet: Eleven brushes for Clip Studio only! Free with instructions included! You can support me monthly if you enjoy these! Here are the past brush 2023 drops!

Oh wow, there’s a lot of love on this! Thank you! :^D

Some folks have asked if they can just make a one-time tip for these and the answer is sure! I still have a ko-fi account over here if you’d like to make a dono!


So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.

AI art bros are big mad about it.

Seeing as Twitter is gonna legally steal your work now, please use glaze to protect what you make.


Using both Glaze and Nightshade would corrupt the generation of pictures mimicking artist AND mess with the AI's recognition of what everything is. Like it would generate a dog when you ask for a cat.

And it would be hell for AI bros to remove the cloaked pictures from their database ʕ 👀人ʔ

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