
Throw The Butt



The fact that humans can be killed through physical means is so ridiculous to me

Like this sounds wild but like. hear me out. a person is such a ridiculously infinitely complicated web of thoughts and feelings and beliefs and such an unbelievably huge amount of knowledge and the idea that you can destroy that by holding a pillow over someone's face for three minutes is absolutely surreal. The idea that you can remove knowledge and emotion and memory from the world with a physical object is literally unbelievable. people are literally infinitely huge and complex and the fact that you can kill the person by killing the body is wild. I'm sure this is incoherent but I hope you get it

It's like. Imagine you threw a fist-sized rock at the empire state building and the entire thing and everything inside it collapsed into dust. That's what the existence of human death feels like


“TODAY ON ABC 7 NEWS: Jessica WhiteHorse was caught in a male’s bathroom giving head and getting dicked by several students .. We asked students And parents how they felt about the situation.. They started to spill the TEA” 😩😂😭💀

Y’all…. I just screamed on the top of my lungs


im the grandma


Comfort Foods - Melted Cheese

Date: October 2019

More: Introducing raclette, a cheese that is best served melted. The name raclette comes from the French word racler, which means to scrape. According to legend, shepherds would heat wedges of raclette (taken from large rounds of cheese) and heat them by an open fire, scraping them onto pickles and boiled potatoes.  The cheese looks irresistible in its natural habitat, this video was taken in, Grindelwald, Switzerland


Ahegao hoodie but instead of hentai girls crying in pleasure it’s shonen guys screaming as they’re ready to launch a massive attack.


Like Hoovervilles.

Okay but seriously, do this. This is the number one way to topple narcissist agendas. You want your name everywhere? You want to be adored? Here’s consequence. Now no one will be able to look at you without remembering those kids and how utterly despicable you are. Attach his name all over this shit. Make it impossible for him to get away from it in future years too. #Trumpcamps.

Make this trend. Make it a top google search. Make this his fucking whole presidency. The only thing he did. Trumpcamps.

theres already a urban entry on this, let’s make it bigger


Me a pokemon trainer: Alright guys yall can eat up!

My Alakazam in my head: Ma’am may I please sit at the table and have a plate it is truly unnecessary for me to eat from a bowl on the ground and actually-

Me: Oh Alakazam you know pokemon don’t have human rights now tell me the answers to my Calculus homework 

If you think for one fucking second that all my pokemon wouldn’t be sitting at the table, you’re just wrong. Dinner is a fucking OCCASION. MURKROW OVER HERE GOT A BOW TIE ON. THAT I HAND MADE HIM. AND HE HAS A PERCH IN THE CHAIR THAT I MADE TOO. 

Pokemon are of varying intelligence man. Lillipups a dog and lucarios a friend.

yet i let both sit at the table with me for they are valid

Of course!

Me, sitting at a table with a 6 foot lobster, a massive eel, a tree posessed by a dead child, a cactus that murders people, a Ninja acorn and a ghoust with 2 floating arms:

Ah yes good ol Family dinner

Anonymous asked:

I dont know who the hell the B stands for but god its disgusting that you ship anyone with Dib. Thats a whole ass child, freak. Wanted to follow for the Pokemon content but you're out here shipping whatever the fuck badr is. Dont fucking ship the kids with irkens jesus christ

Anonymous answered:


this is what you guys get for naming ships in your show in such a stupid way

same energy

holy trinity


tiny brain: brooklyn nine nine isnt cop propaganda

average brain: brooklyn nine nine IS cop propaganda and that means u cant watch it

giant brain: brooklyn nine nine is absolutely cop propaganda and 1 episode about the treatment of black people by cops in no way fixes that, however i still watch and enjoy it because i am a mature person with critical thinking skills who understands that boycotting every problematic piece of media is a fruitless endeavor. especially because boycotting b99 specifically would mean sacrificing the many other great things it brings to tv, including its humor, its diversity, its strong & well-rounded female characters, its presentation of healthy friendships & relationships, its subversion of harmful stereotypes, and its constant social commentary on political issues such as transphobia, gun control, flaws in the prison system etc which other shows wouldnt DARE touch

galaxy brain: BOOOooooOOoooNE!!

Interdimensional Brain: B99 has had plots and subplots about the problems with the police as an institution since it started. The episode that was specifically about racial profiling wasn’t anything new for the show, which has consistently featured “good guys who are cops” as its protagonists instead of a simplistic “cops are the good guys” narrative, making it very much not propaganda. It isn’t “cop propaganda” any more than The Office is “capitalist propaganda” or Parks and Recreation is “state propaganda.” Let’s realize that a workplace comedy being set in an institution you disagree with doesn’t make it propaganda.



The fact that you can’t raise taxes on billionaires even slightly without them pouring money into fascist political movements is, of itself, evidence that billionaires as a class shouldn’t be allowed to exist in the first place.

You, ah, don’t think it’s unfair to judge people’s morals based on their finances?

I, ah, think that it’s perfectly fair to judge people’s morals based on the amount of money they pour into neo-nazi political movements, yeah actually.

I, ah, also think it’s 100% fair to judge someone’s morals based on their finances whether they support neo-nazis or not. You can’t have that much money and be a good person. I’m sorry. I don’t care how many “”nice”” billionaires yall try to show me to prove me wrong. Nobody in the history of mankind has worked hard enough to earn BILLIONS. Even if they become philanthropists, they almost solely become billionaires by profiting from the labor (underpayment, abuse, etc.) of others. How can you say “hm..they could be a morally good person..” You also can’t be a billionaire in a country where people don’t have clean water or a world where people are starving and claim to be a good person.  There are a few people with enough wealth to end world hunger MULTIPLE TIMES OVER, yet here we are.  There is no such thing as a good billionaire as far as I’m concerned.  Nobody is deserving of that much money. Nobody has earned that much money. Nobody can sit on that much money and claim to be a good person. 


I have spoken with Nobel prize winning physicists. I have spoken with their colleagues. I have worked with people who have led teams to make discoveries that twist my mind into knots. I have worked with scientists whose concept of hard work and dedication would beggar the belief of a robot. I’ve gone to talks led by scientists who head forty-people teams, synchronizing the efforts of others so efficiently I could scarcely believe it. 

These are people whose life works exist entirely in conceptual space, where the limits of what they can achieve are only their And they are impressive, don’t get me wrong, but few of them would I value more than a team of decent scientists. The amount of skill, intelligence, and diligence required to outwork even half a dozen of your fellows is pushing the limits of human ability. 

Even Albert Einstein, famed example of the brilliant lone scientist, was not that special. I’ve read his papers in detail, and those of his contemporaries (took a class on it actually). Without him the discovery of general relativity would have been delayed two or three years at most, the mathematical and conceptual groundwork that enabled his brilliance was laid down by others and being investigated by others as well. And I’d pit a decent team against Einstein any day of the week, an individual can only do so much. 

For the amount of money Jeff Bezos earns working for a day, $215,000,000 (x), I could hire a thousand such hardworking geniuses for a year. Maybe ‘only’ a hundred if they were from an exceptionally competitive and valuable field.

For the money Jeff Bezos earns in a year, I could hire a village. I could create a project with so many educated minds it would be larger than the Manhattan Project. About a dozen times over. 

No one is that irreplaceable. No one has a percent of that worth. If someone is a billionaire, they are earning beyond their contribution to society, at the expense of other’s well-being. 

So yeah, fuck billionaires. 

Holding onto quantities of money that it would be impossible to spend in a normal human lifetime when people die every day is also evil.

Like Imagine having 10,000 cheeseburgers in a room, you literally cannot eat them all. You *can’t*. You eat them for every meal and they’ll all go bad before you make even the tiniest dent in their absurd mass. And into the room walks 1000 starving people. *Literally* starving, actively dying of hunger starving, and you don’t give them some cheeseburgers. 



this was in the netherlands and there were also two at my local bus stop, its been the poster ive seen replaced the fastest :/

What’s funny is that the Netherlands is known as a super progressive and pro LGBTQ country (they were the first country to legalize gay marriage, pride here is a huge deal, and many of my friends deem it safe to be out), but even in my friend’s ultra-leftist neighborhood these posters were vandalized. It makes me so mad when people say “you don’t need more rights//you can marry, what else do you want//what oppression lol everyone is equal in the West :))))” because it’s so fucking ignorant and false.

Exactly this.


Think about why it’s illegal to hire a hit man.

All you’re really doing is speaking and giving someone money.

It’s legal to speak.

It’s legal to give someone money.

Even if they actually complete the job, you’re not the one who committed the murder.

So why is it illegal to hire a hit man?

Could it be because inciting violence is not protected under free speech?

And if that’s the case, why should free speech protect Nazis advocating genocide?

Never reblogged something harder in my life


imagine if the oceans were replaced by forests and if you went into the forest the trees would get taller the deeper you went and there’d be thousands of undiscovered species and you could effectively walk across the ocean but the deeper you went, the darker it would be and the animals would get progressively scarier and more dangerous and instead of whales there’d be giant deer and just wow

you have a beautiful imagination


this gave me chills



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