


Indpt//Selective Naota Nandaba

Promotional artwork for the Gainax website by Asahi Hajime


Episode 1 storyboard (20:32-20:59) From the FLCL Storyboard Collection


✿ &  ◊ :D


Send ✿ for a happy memory.

『-』 It's hot. It's so super hot. No matter how much someone would fan themselves with their sweaty baseball cap. Relief was not coming, only the relief of victory would free them. An he stood there, his finger laced between the metal cage surrounding the baseball field. He watched the back of his brother pull taught as he went to swing the bat.

It's a home run, it's the final point they needed to win. The stand erupts with screams and cheers. He is stunned into silence. He watched as his brother ran to each base with ease. An when he finally came around his teammate rushed him. Naota knew this was the game that would make or break his brother. If his brother would get signed to a pro team or not and Naota wished desperately he was down on the field with him. But he couldn't be happier for him from his spot from behind the stands.

Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.

『-』 Hes a fucking nerd. He get way better grades than he lets om and if he failing something he doing it on purpose. Hes the type of guy that get a high out of people thinking he is naturally smart. When he actually studies for test and does his homework. He works really hard to lesrn something that he is terrible at. He is a sqaure that wants to appear cool. Its only after the truama and getting older does he become the thing he thinks a mature adult is.

He will never truly leave someone high and dry unless you really piss him off. An his anger is always a queit one. Thats the biggest difference between himself and father and brother.


Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.

『-』 Lady Joker is a movie based on a novel, from an unsolved corporate kidnapping and extortion case from the 1980. It all begins with a a kidnapping with the goal of milking beer manufacturer Hinode Beer.

Its surprising how invested he gets into mystery thrillers. He always tires to solve the case before the story actually finishes. It also helps if his favorite actor is in it as well. What started off as a way for him to seem more mature ended up being something like actually enjoyed.

  • Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
  • Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.
  • Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
  • Send ✿ for a happy memory.
  • Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
  • Send ♬ for a childhood headcanon.
  • Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
  • Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
  • Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
  • Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
  • Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
  • Send △ for a sex headcanon.
  • Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
  • Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
  • Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
  • Send ⊗ for a phobia headcanon.
  • Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
  • Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
  • Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
  • Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
I’m doing some papers this is the prefect time to ask me some Canon Questions While I can still feel my pulse.
I love when I do a starter for Naota and it involves him having to step out of his comfort zone. Like willingly saving someone just because. Because it's always an extreme case and he is used to that. On the other hand, let him catch two people fist-fighting in the street. Or someone running up to him because some weirdo snatch their purse and he will always default to-
"Call the police???????" He really be, not the one for all that. He is so disrespectful sometime he will close the door on people.
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