
Spider factz that are Tru


this bloge is dedicated to your edumacation. Please correct me if any spider facts are Wrong Not true, we strive for scientifci correctnessness. Thank yew

Jumping Spider Care

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) can make amazing pets if kept right! I’ve been keeping jumpers for three years, and I absolutely love them. They can be found all over the world, so they’re an option wherever you are.

Types of Jumping Spiders

The spiders shown above are in the genus Phidippus. This genus has some of the largest jumpers, and they make fantastic pets. They are smart, easy to handle, and easy to provide food for. Large jumpers can be fed small crickets, moths, house flies, mosquitoes, and things like that. 

There are more common jumpers that are much smaller, such as tan jumpers and zebra spiders. These cuties can be quite fast and a bit more difficult to handle as they’re easy to lose. Smaller jumpers will eat fruit flies, small mosquitoes, leafhoppers, etc. 

Catching Them

Please refer here to learn where to find them and how to capture them!


Jumpers need quite a bit of space, as they need to exercise their jumping abilities. Small critter carriers or taller acrylic tanks are ideal. Enclosures should have a good amount of ventilation to prevent mold, but make sure the holes are small enough so that your new friend doesn’t sneak through. If you’re using a different storage container, make a sufficient amount of holes.

They don’t tend to spend too much time on the ground, so a simple substrate like potting soil without fertilizer would work fine. Jumpers like to spend more time on the walls – it gives them a better vantage point when stalking their prey.

Make sure there are a few sticks and leaves for the jumper to make a shelter on or hide under. I’ve always used silk leaves or flowers, as I’ve had problems with decaying plant life in the past. They make little tube- or hammock-shaped shelters to hide out in when they’re not hunting. Make sure there’s enough surface for the jumper to jump around, but not so much that the enclosure is cluttered. Jumpers use their great vision to hunt down prey.


Depending on the size of the food, jumpers should be fed about every 2-4 days. They can go over a week without food, but I never like to push it. Just drop your prey in the enclosure and watch your jumper hunt.

I tend to avoid ants, as they like to fight back. As do grasshopper nymphs. I’d rather not risk injuring my jumpers. Also, it’s best to avoid hard-shell beetles and pill bugs, as they won’t accept those. Most beetles put out a foul-tasting chemical anyway, so that’s not a good idea in the first place. Another thing to keep in mind that each spider is an individual and has individual tastes. I always write down in a journal which spider likes what food so I don’t give them items they won’t eat.

Don’t feed your spider anything larger than 1.5 times its size, as it may have difficulties hunting large prey items.

Pet stores usually cary small crickets and flightless fruit flies, so you can purchase those during the cold seasons when wild prey will be scarce.


Either lightly mist or wipe down the side of the enclosure with a damp paper towel to leave a few droplets on the side for your jumper to drink from. DO NOT GET THE SPIDER WET. Water can leak into their book lungs and drown them. Since they get most of their liquids from their prey, they don’t need to drink water too often. Once or twice a week should be fine.

Other things…

  • Jumping spiders like sitting in the sunlight, but make sure to monitor the temperature in the tank. If you leave it in direct sunlight too long, the enclosure may become oven-like and cook your spider.
  • Like most spiders, jumpers should be kept solitary. Putting two of either sex together may result in a fight to the death. There are other people who may know more about breeding than me, so I’ll leave it at that.
  • Most jumpers generally live about a year in the wild, though could live longer.
  • I would take my jumpers out to “play” occasionally to exercise their jumping reflexes.

Happy hunting, spiderlings!

Your noble spider knight, ~Sir P. Audax


Spider fact

Like a phenex, rising from the ashes, born again


People who ‘love nature’ but violently hate their native coyotes, spiders, snakes, and scavengers are fake.

Here’s the thing about the post. You don’t have to love or even like every animal. You can dislike things! Humane, intelligent pest control is fine and necessary.  This isn’t the issue and never has been.

It’s violent, blind hatred and hypocrisy that’s the problem. People who gush over foxes and owls and hawks but want coyotes and snakes dead in the next breath. People who will rescue prey from predators because predation is mean. People who find it appropriate to leave sadistic comments on pictures of spiders or snakes someone is appreciating or owns. People who insist on labeling species as ‘good’ or ‘evil’.  This is the sort of behavior that bothers me.

People who only appreciate nature when it’s aesthetically pleasing to them and want to destroy the parts they find ugly and unpleasant don’t truly understand or love it. They love an ideal that isn’t actually representative of reality.

Ok, but what good are wasps? I’m really curious.


Wasps are one of the single most important insect predators. They control not only other insects but also spiders, as well as acting as pollinators for certain plants (such as fig trees, which famously cannot fruit without a wasp inside them) there are hundreds of different types of wasp, the vast majority of them harmless to or fearful of humans.

Also, just because you don’t know the purpose of something, or even if any human doesn’t know, doesnt mean that its worthless and you can go ahead and kill it. There are always unintended consequences.

There used to be a bunch of wolves that would kill the shepards sheep. They decided to kill all the wolves, certain nothing bad would happen. Without wolves to hunt the rabbits, rabbits over populated, ate all the grass, and all the sheep starved to death.

Humans are not all knowing. We are not more important than other life forms. It is stupid and entitled to think we can decide what should live and what should die.


It always disappoints me so fucking much when people say they love all animals and then they start hating on spiders. I seriously had a conversation like ‘I love all animals’ 'Oh good me too! My favorite is spiders’ 'Ew gross i hate spiders!’ ’… I thought you loved all animals’ 'Spiders arent animals’ 'WELL THEYRE NOT PLANTS’

Also ew gross i hate that is NEVER an appropriate response to someone saying they love something unless that thing is legitimately harmful like racism or something


Some kids are just naturally frightened by spiders. Others? They embrace all variations of the species, like this unique Taranchula here, who will follow you around the house while you eat chicken strips or french fries. Mmmm….spider ranch….

What is the scientific name of this speciesz?


Baeus sp. of the Hymenopteran family Platygastridae AKA the cutest little wasp in the entire world.


The cutest part is that they’re this little and round because they develop parasitically inside the eggs of spiders!

AAA a scary!!

Researchers from the San Diego Natural History Museum along with other experts recently unveiled a new spider species found in Mexico that is roughly the size of a softball, reports Deborah Sullivan Brennan at the Los Angeles Times.
According to a blog post from the museum, in 2013 field entomologist Jim Berrian and a team of researchers found the spider while exploring the Sierra Cacachilas, a small mountain range in Baja California Sur in Mexico. Investigating a cave in the area, they noticed a giant exoskeleton hanging from the ceiling.
Instead of running back to their hotel and hiding under the covers, they decided to return that night, since they identified the spider as belonging to a genus of arachnids that are often nocturnal. That night, in the darkened cave, the team got their first look at what is now known as Califorctenus cacachilensis, or the Sierra Cacachilas wandering spider. The official description of the new spider appears in the journal Zootaxa…

New genus?? Or not? It’s a little unclear in the article.

Still! New species! A new friend!

Leave Him to His Cave Secrets, He Does Not Want Them To Come To Light


Handing my young Malaysian huntsman affectionally known as ‘Sharon Needles’ these guys are lightning fast so you gotta keep your eye on em.



Not even the only astonishing thing under the link either, it’s a whole gallery of sometimes barely documented rainforest mimicy for page after page


Okay, wait a second. Full stop. Hold up. I knew there were jumping spiders that mimicked ants with the chelicerae acting as a false head, but you’re telling me now that there’s another spider that also mimics ants but does the head using tufts of hair on its foremost legs and another ant mimic that went so far as to evolve a distinct head.

Yep! Well, it’s still the one cephalothorax a spider has, but it’s “pinched” right where it needs to LOOK like it has an ant’s head and neck!

But look for the ant-colored spiders holding dead ants in their jaws; that’s another mimicry trick. The spider carries around the last ant it killed so when another ant bumps into it, that ant only feels and smells one of its own sisters and not the big spider right behind that corpse.


Spiders are actually highly unlikely to crawl into your orifices while you sleep or anything just because your breath would be so disgusting to them. In fact all of your orifices have stuff in them that smells overpoweringly terrible to most tiny creatures. A few might like that (flies) but still recognize that those stinks are probably coming from a source of danger to boot.

An animal that would readily walk into a bigger animal’s mouth is not exactly going to be favored by evolution in most situations


Do you think maybe the real reason people are so easily instilled with a fear of spiders is because a spider kinda looks like a fuzzy little goblin hand?


So happy to FINALLY get a hold of some Holconia insignis again, also known as Giant Australian Huntsman spiders. Had some a few years ago and bred them but didnt keep enough of the babies and they became quite rare ever since, so when i saw some for sale again i had to buy as many as i could. Fingers crossed.

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