Fret not, Dear Heart

@beccasworldofthecell /

Practically a The Amazing Devil and 911 lone star fan page atm :))

I’m going to Constantinople, that shit better not be Istanbul

If you're not a turk it's not even really your business so......

But I got a date waiting for me in Constantinople 😫😩

It’s fine, she’ll be waiting in Istanbul!

Why they’d change it 🤨?!


I...can't say....

people just liked it better that way!


don't let my tits distract u from the fact that i'm not ok in the head

don't let the fact that i'm not ok in the head distract u from my tits


been thinking a lot about anticipatory grief lately. i love you so much that i know losing you will devastate me. i haven't lost you yet but i already miss you. we still have time, but it won't be enough. i think about what i would say at your funeral, and say some of it to you now cause i need you to know how loved you are before you go. you will go where i cannot follow, but you will never really leave me. it won't make it hurt less but it is a part of healing somehow.

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