Your best friend will leave, love her anyway. Your high school boyfriend won’t be the love of your life, love him anyway.  Your memories will fade away, love them anyway. Forever may not exist but it doesn’t keep you from enjoying their company even if it’s just for a while.

One thing I realised today.  (via lostedsoulthings)

So fucking true

(via daytheflu)

I hate this feeling. Like I’m here, but I’m not. Like someone cares. But they don’t. Like I belong somewhere else, anywhere but here, and escape lies just past that snowy window, cool and crisp as the February air.

Ellen Hopkins, Crank (via booksqouted)

Aries: angel dust/PCP
Taurus: peyote
Gemini: ecstasy/MDMA
Cancer: crystal meth
Leo: cocaine
Virgo: oxycontin
Libra: marijuana
Scorpio: ketamine
Sagittarius: salvia
Capricorn: heroin
Aquarius: acid/LSD
Pisces: shrooms
She feels nothing when she’s sober that’s why she does what she does the only time she feels alive is when she’s drowning in drugs.

You will never understand

You will never understand an addicts pain until youve stayed up all night every night with them, watching them turn a pipe every hour.

You will never understand an addicts struggle until youve poked yourself with needles every couple hours and tried to convince yourself that this is reality. 

You will never understand an addicts life until you, yourself, fall in love with a destructive force that you let take over your every thought.


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