
My black pearl

@kuroi-pearl / kuroi-pearl.tumblr.com

"Working ten times as hard will make you twice as good."- Kwon BoA
Anonymous asked:

I feel weird but I actually agree with maybe not coming out to your idols during these online fanmeets? And I say this as a bisexual. Idk like one part of me thinks it would be sweet if it weren’t being recorded...but also I feel bad for thinking that way to because we shouldn’t feel afraid to share that info. I’m conflicted on it tbh.

tbh I think there’s several issues with coming out to your fav during fansigns

imo (!), coming out to an idol during a fansign is inappropriate cuz being an idol is their job. being nice to you is their job, especially with fans paying a lot of money for an interaction. they’re superficial because you’ll get a positive reaction no matter what you say, it’s not a personal conversation so idk why ppl wanna open such a serious topic just to get an inauthentic reaction. it can also put idols in an awkward situation because they have to navigate carefully between coming off as/being genuinely supportive while also trying not to sound too political cuz the industry isn’t rlly an advocate for lgbt rights lol. you’re basically putting your fav in a tricky situation for an inauthentic reaction and I personally don’t think it’s worth it.

that being said, I think it’s totally fine and cute to casually mention you’re gay and met your partner through kpop or sth! just don’t...make it the main topic of the conversation it’s not appropriate lol

kpoppies need to reflect on why they wanna come out to their bias, who’s basically a stranger, so bad. coming out puts you in a very vulnerable situation please be mindful of that and try to emotionally detach yourself from your favs a bit I gues djndjd

also......these fansigns are anything but private or intimate, there’s a whole team behind the camera so yeah don’t put your bias and yourself in a possibly awkward situation 😭


please reflect on why you want to come out to a stranger more often than not it’s a sign of being too attached 😭

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