
I'd rather have you, cursed or not

@ohyeahfucker / ohyeahfucker.tumblr.com


Reasons why this is still one of the coolest films ever.

This film is the reason I’m a filmmaker and Tim burton is my favorite director

Also a fun fact:

Tim Burton did not direct The Nightmare Before Christmas


Henry Selick never gets the credit he deserves for this movie, and Coraline (which he also directed) never gets the credit it deserves for being total genius.


The Panel-Thing was Misha’s Idea ...

So you have to understand that … even though everyone loves to talk about Misha being a pure angel, (and don’t get me wrong, he is a wonderful, generous, loving man) he still really loves to fuck with people. So when the opportunity to piss off a room full of a few thousand fans arose, Misha took it. It was his idea to come out late, it was his idea to have everyone on stage talk about Cas’s death being “final”, and it was his idea for the rest of the panel members to act relieved or happy about Misha’s ultimate absence. It was his idea because it would be so fucked up, and Misha found it hilarious. He loves to stir up the chaos (just look at his scavenger hunt and all his teasing about Destiel). If he could make it seem like everyone on the show hated him, then it would be that much more entertaining when he came out and made a big stink about it. He  even played up the pity by sitting in a smaller chair. He was the physical embodiment of a punchline for the rest of the panel, and that’s exactly what he wanted.

Misha does this type of thing A LOT. Just look at the Mockumentary that Misha himself produced and directed and thought of all on his own—he played that role on purpose! It’s funny to him that he came onto this show with two male models and was loved enough to be kept on … he literally finds it hilarious, so he laughs about it and makes fun of it every chance he gets. He will always joke about being the odd man out or the forgotten one, and yes—you could say that this is a cry for help or his way of expressing displeasure with the way things are, but Misha is a lot more tactical than that. If he was truly upset about something, he would go about it in a very different way and try to really make a difference in the situation, But in all honesty, he would not have as much time with his family or for the charity work that he does if he was on set as much as Jensen and Jared. I don’t think he particularly wants to be absent from set as much as he it, but it’s not the big, dramatic injustice to him that it is to the fandom; yet he still knows how we feel and Cas’s death was the perfect opportunity to exploit that feeling. He knows he’ll be back on the show (and we already know it too) so why not fuck with us in the mean time?

It was all a joke and Jared even said later on in the panel, that the jokes are only ever that—and the trust and friendship and smiles that we see on their faces when they’re all together are not fake. They really do love each other—Jared, Jensen AND Misha all love each other. They are real, true and great friends; and that hug that Misha and Jensen shared at the end of the panel was the perfect punctuation to that sentiment.

As friends, they mess around and play pranks and act like idiots just because they can.

Misha’s “treatment” during this panel was just an elaborate joke and they were all a part of it.

It was Misha’s brainchild.

He is not a victim here.


My roommate picked up a dog who had been left by the side of the road with a broken femur. She took him to the vet and is looking for a forever home, but in the meantime, we need to pay the vet a few thousand dollars for the broken leg. We are both teachers in low income schools and don’t exactly have extra cash lying around. Anything you might be able to do would be great, even just a reblog.



Infants do not cry ‘for no reason.’

Infants do not cry to upset you. They don’t have a concept of hurting others and they don’t have any reason to want to do so.

Infants do not have any other way of communicating distress or an unmet need. They do not have a choice about crying.

Do not ever yell at, shake, or punish an infant. They will not learn from this – but they will be upset and afraid and possibly harmed, either in the moment or via problems in brain development.

It’s okay to take a minute to set an infant down and go into a quiet room if you are having a hard time staying calm and comforting, and come back when you have more self-control.

The only way to get an infant to cry less is to meet their needs. If you spend a lot of time with infants you can actually learn to notice when they need something, before they cry about it at all. Most infants show signs of discomfort, hunger, or having a full/wet diaper, before they get upset enough to cry.

Infants whose needs aren’t usually met right away may learn to cry immediately. Regularly not responding to an infant’s crying teaches the infant to panic every time they need something, and the trauma of being so afraid so often as an infant can cause issues with healthy brain develoment.

If a baby is crying, they need something.

  1. Is their nappy/diaper clean and dry? Even if it’s just wet, it should be changed right away.
  2. Are they hungry? A quick way to check is to run your finger over their mouth and see if they try to grab it with their lips.
  3. Do they have air bubbles? You may be able to tell if this is the problem by feeling the infant’s tummy for unusual firmness. Infants need to be burped right after they eat to help them get rid of air bubbles that may get trapped and cause discomfort. If it’s been little while since they last ate, it may be more effective to lay the infant on their back and move their legs in a bicycle motion.
  4. Are they too warm/cold? Touch the infant’s hands and feet to see if they need more or fewer coverings.
  5. Are they overstimulated? If it’s too noisy/bright or they’re being touched by too any people, etc., they may need to be held by one calm person with a blanket over their head. Like most people, infants tend to get more easily overstimulated when tired.
  6. Are they able to breathe freely? Infants cannot blow their own nose. A nasal aspirator is an inexpensive tool you can use to help them clear nasal congestion.
  7. Are they in pain? When an infant is sick or otherwise in pain, it may be beneficial to give them pain medication formulated for infants, such as baby tylenol. Always follow the instructions on the bottle and consult a doctor or pharmacist with any questions. If a cold doesn’t start to improve within a few days or the infant seems to be in pain but you don’t know why, consult a doctor. The infant may have colic, silent reflux or other issues which can sometimes be treated. If the infant is more than a couple months old, they may be teething. Baby tylenol will still help but a numbing paste, like orajel, on their gums may be more effective. They may also need teething toys to chew on or a cold wet (clean) washcloth.
  8. Do they just need reassurance? Infants like being sung to, murmured to, and soothed with rhythmic “shhh”-ing. Calm and steady sounds help reassure them that they aren’t alone and help them relax. Another way to comfort an infant is to bounce them gently and rhythmically in your arms, and/or pat their back rhythmically. Some infants, including most newborns, may need to be swaddled. A tight swaddle helps the infant feel secure and warm. Ask a doctor, nurse, parent, or YouTube to show you how to do a proper swaddle.
  9. Do they need to be held? The need for touch is the need most often ignored. Infants are significantly more likely to thrive with lots and lots of skin-to-skin contact. They also just need to be held, in general, a lot of the time. Being held (especially with skin to skin contact but even without it) helps the infant release hormones necessary for healthy brain development. Being close enough to feel an adult’s steady heartbeat is calming and beneficial for an infant. For these reasons and many others, infants need to be held - a lot. Our closest primate relatives maintain constant physical contact with their babies for the first year of life. Historically most humans have lived communally, which allows several people to take turns providing the necessary physical contact. Infants don’t need to be held every single moment, but the more they are held, the safer and more secure they’ll feel and the more likely they are to be healthy. A sling, baby wrap, or wearable infant carrier can help an infant get necessary contact time. If an infant needs contact to sleep, consider getting a cosleeper cushion to safely allow you or someone else to sleep next to the infant. If that isn’t possible, sleep training where you pick up and comfort the baby each time they cry, and then put them down slightly sooner each time that night, may help.

Do not let an infant cry and cry for help and not give it to them.

Add: infants who have experienced long term neglect STOP CRYING to get things or communicate. This isn’t growing out of crying to replace it with language, I’m talking about pre-verbal language absence of crying to express needs.

This does not not mean the baby is a “good” baby. This means the baby has been neglected or attended to so inconsistently that they have given up on social communication of needs. It is not a good sign.

A little louder for the people in the back.

You would not believe the amount of times I have heard “you’re going to spoil him”, “he’s manipulating you” and so on, for holding/rocking/COMFORTING my son when he was fresh. (And seeing people tell this to new parents while at work I’m like ???? Their baby?? Is 3 hours old?? What?? The fuck??)

Pardon my language but are you fucking kidding me? Who came up with this idea that infants, INFANTS, are manipulative? They think something disappears from existence when they can’t see it anymore, and you’re telling me they have the mental capacity to be manipulative?

Babies cry because they have needs to be met. It’s not rocket science. Their brains NEED love, human touch and interaction, to develop properly. You will not spoil your child by soothing them when they cry.


You are an assassin. A little girl has just come up to you, handed you all her pocket money and asked you to kill her abusive relative.

Plot twist: You give her back her money and kill that asshole for free

Deadpool (2016)

It’s the spawn of the devil! Who would want to see how that plays out? Dean is a little more practical. Like ‘I have an idea… let’s shoot it in the face ’.

 Jensen Ackles on the “Jack” arc


i do indeed hope it's misha's idea, or robert singer is even more of an ass than i already thought he was /:


also i think jensen (and jared) wouldn’t have been ok w it if it wasn’t misha’s own idea             

Exactly. Misha loves to joke about his “third-wheel”, “red-headed step child” status on set. He made an entire persona about it on the Mockumentary he created, so I highly doubt that something so blatantly against Cas like excluding him from the SPN SDCC panel, would be anything other than Misha’s idea. He is a director and creator at heart, and even the visual of him being in a shorter chair sounds like something Misha would come up with.

This has “Misha” written all over it, and the fact that everyone is playing along seems like his direction as well.

Bob Singer is a dick– but he’s not clever enough for this.

And Jared just said “As much as we tease the one on the end [meaning Misha] we all really do care about each other.” He said how they have a real friendship and they hang out outside of the show a lot, and that’s because they trust each other.

They all truly love Misha, and my heart is happy.

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