
galaxy brainrot

@thejgatsbykid / thejgatsbykid.tumblr.com

Jamie - he/him - 20s jewish queer I write fanfic. (TheJGatsby on AO3 and FFnet)

[ID: A screenshot of a post by Dan Wentzel. He has a rainbow flag in his username. The post is a quote that reads as follows: "My hot take on "15 minute cities" is if you can get to the coffee shop within fifteen minutes, but the barrista who makes your drink can't afford to live closer than a half-hour away, then you live in a theme park." The quote is credited to Gareth Klieber.]


The absolute upper limit of what can be considered affordable for a home is 4x your income. Ideally it should be 3x, but 4x is the limit for reasonably stretching your budget.

Using Sacramento as an example, median home price is about $510k, and median household income is about $85,000

That number for Sacramento is 6x, and that's for a middling city with middling employment prospects. So the entire city for almost everyone living there is by definition unaffordable. And that's not as bad as it gets

Let's look at Toronto. Median income is around $91,000, median home price is just over $1,100,000. That's a ratio of 12:1. You would need to be making a quarter of a million dollars just to be able to qualify for a mortgage.

For a home to be affordable, one of two things need to happen: 1) incomes need to rise astronomically overnight or 2) home prices need to crash astronomically overnight

In Sacramento, that means the median income needs to double (to $170k per year), or home prices need to crash by 50%

In Toronto, that means incomes need to quadruple (to $370k per year) or home prices need to crash about 75%

This is how bad the housing crisis is. I don't think people truly understand the gravity of how bad it is. Home prices should not be this high. Incomes should not be this low. Look back 100 years and you won't find a time when affordability was this bad for everyone everywhere. Things must change


The majority of people are horny. People are always going to be horny. You cannot stop people from being horny. Throughout history there have been extensive attempts to suppress horniness and they haven’t worked. You can be mad about it all you want but horniness will prevail against any adversity. There will always be an aspect of horniness within society. Sexuality cannot be contained by having missionary sex with your spouse alone in the privacy of a dark bedroom.


i should mention that my roommate was on a video call with nasa while i was making this in the background

i see ass nasa is making the rounds again so might be a good time to add on that last semester, one of my precalc classmates pulled this post up on their phone to show me and i had to sit there and pretend that i wasnt the idiot who made it. cheers


“why do i believe this” and “who benefits from me believing it” are the first steps to decolonization and we should all be doing this more

since this is on my dash again another two steps, a little harder this time

“who do i hurt when i do this?” and “could i look them in the eye, validate and acknowledge that hurt, and then keep doing it anyway?”

feels like a good day for another two.

“whose voice is missing from this story” and then “how do i seek out those voices/how does a story i think i know change when i add new perspectives”

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