

@kamawield-blog / kamawield-blog.tumblr.com


Is poro! He's brought a biscuit for her! Clearly, this is repayment.

AGAIN THIS PORO seems to find her — it’s a puzzling occurrence. she’s happy to see conflict return, as most creatures simply ran away from her nowadays. all poros looked practically identical in her eyes, but this cute little thing? she just knew he was the same one as last time. he even brought a biscuit for her. how thoughtful.
❝ you’ve returned. ❞ akali has a very small smile on her lips as she scoops him up into her arms once again. ❝ thank you for your generosity, small one. ❞

Conflict was a very brave poro! And while he would never really think of being lost per say, he did explore a lot! So he didn't really think much of her being dangerous. Not to a poro! Cue more snuggling once she picked him up, and chittering! Happy chittering. And a lick. Is poro kisses.

AKALI’S EYES WIDEN upon hearing the poro’s little chittering. it was adorable — even to an icy ninja like herself. she wasn’t heartless, not at all; much to her own dismay. her brows furrow at the lick. that was something that did not expect from the small creature.
❝ you’re certainly a tame little thing. ❞ her voice is quite soft as she reaches down to pet him. he was so fluffy.

Is poro. Is snuggly! However, it seemed not at all aware that she might be dangerous, choosing instead to snuggle against her leg.

AKALI STARES DOWN at the poro with a raise of her brow. little creatures did not usually approach her anymore so this was quite a strange thing to her. she appreciated it’s bravery — most ran away whenever she was near.
she reaches down && picks the poro up, not particularly capable of ridding the small smile that has reached her lips.
❝ hello, little one. are you lost?

・゚✧ ❛ — @thegoldendemon liked for a starter !

SHE REMEMBERS A time when master kusho, shen && zed had been investigating the golden demon. it had taken them four years. it had also altered their mannerisms in their own personal way && not in a positive manner. if it changed them, it had to be horrific. she wasn't fully trained at the time && almost went head first into a battle of her own creation. that wasn't the fist of shadow, that was ignorance. but here she is now, balance in everything she does, watching.
akali has always been exceptionally observant, a trait that serves her well. the kinkou order was her life, despite everything that had happened, she was FAITHFUL to it's restoration. a part of her was sickened from the tales that she had barely had a chance to hear about khada jhin. murderer. art. the combination of two things that should never touch.
it burns a fury deep within her that even she is surprised at. akali is composed at every second of every day. she is calculating && quiet, observing the situation until she can make it her own. but he is here && she is looking straight at him. perhaps she was not ready for this situation? of course, he was an atrocity; she wanted to take him down.
khada jhin. ❞

・゚✧ ❛ — @noxianboxer​ liked for a starter!

her eyes are trained on the match before her --- akali is not one who usually ventures to events like these, but today is a brand new day. she smirks at each && every hit, always curious to see different forms of violence; even if it isn't malicious. boxing would not particularly be something that she would like to do, her methods of sport seemed rather deadly in comparison. nevertheless, she watches it until it finishes && makes her way to the dressing room to meet the stars of the show, akali always enjoyed the interactions.
❝ you're quite the fighter, ❞ she raises a brow, leaning against a doorframe. ❝ impressive.

👀 Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction? Because that outfit dances on some dangerous lines.

AKALI BLINKS AT the query, dark hues squinting at the other as if to ask if that was a serious question. she pauses, a ghost of a smirk present on her features until it fades immediately.
❝ never, ❞ she begins, leaning back against a nearby wall, ❝ this outfit is well suited to my physique — there is no risk of such an event to occur. ❞
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