


Just your average Miraculous Ladybug fan 😊 Kat / 19 / β™’ I do art stuff :o

Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide

are you fucking for real

Imagine being the criminal who returns weekly to make sure his fucking plant art is doing alright


I found it! I fucking found it! In my fucking dash! Nothing can stop me now! *EVIL GIGGLES*



Anyone who does this is a chaotic-good




let’s talk about the sarcasm switch aka /s

  • adding /s to the end of a statement is used in many online communities to denote sarcasm
  • this is useful to people who have trouble reading the tone of a statement without verbal indicators
  • this especially helps include neurodiverse folksΒ in the conversation!Β 
  • this type of slang is based on HTML syntax, and there’s more:
  • /sΒ  -Β  sarcastic
  • /jΒ  -Β  joking
  • /srsΒ  -Β  serious
  • /hjΒ  -Β  half joking

and more besides! like emojis, html tone indicators provide important context & clarification to written communication. you can include a wider audience by using them, and autistic readers like me will really appreciate it!

if you already use tone indicators, which are your favorites?


please do this! it’s small but it allows so many more people to understand your posts!


i have never met an unpsychotic person who knows what it actually means to β€œnot encourage the delusion” …not a single one

what β€œdon’t encourage the delusion” means:

  • don’t argue with or challenge the delusionβ€”attempting to disprove someone’s delusions is not helpful at all and will result in that person not trusting you
  • assure the delusional person that they are safe; be open and honest at all times
  • encourage them to verbalize their feelings and offer protection to prevent injury to themselves or, possibly, others
  • start building a trusting relationship with them rather than acting on a desire to control their symptoms
  • do not confirm or feed into the delusion by asking questions about it when the person is not experiencing a psychotic episode

what it does not mean:

  • insisting to a psychotic person experiencing psychosis that what they’re experiencing isn’t real

I don’t mean to trivialize psychosis by making a weird comparison, but this guide also serves as a handy checklist for helping someone through a bad drug trip. In both cases your number one priority is to get the person through whatever they’re dealing with unharmed.

i don’t think it’s trivializing at all, nor a weird comparisonβ€”as a psychotic person who has had psychotic episodes inadvertently triggered by drug use and/or worsened while trying to self-medicate with drugs, i think this is an important addition.






6 days left in 2020 and weird shit keeps happening.


I just looked this up and it is, apparently, true.

What the fuck 2020


I didn’t want to disrupt the post about hostile architecture I saw because it’s true that the main target is homeless people but I did want to mention that this architecture also hurts people who aren’t skinny. I want to preface this all by saying I am in no way trying to minimize how this impacts people experiencing homelessness I am just trying to add on to the discussion of how these are bad.

You think that someone who can’t fit into those weird little yellow seats is going to feel comfortable? No. It will only make them feel bad or excluded.

Look at this shit. It’s not good or nice.

It only adds to the ways fat people are made feel unwelcome and though we already needed to tear this shit down because it makes life a million times worse for people experiencing homelessness and so this isn’t saying this is why you should tear it down. It is saying that our society is fatphobic and that sucks.

It’s also not great for disabled people (or god forbid, disabled homeless people because they exist too) because if someone is having a crisis and needs to lay down they have to lay on the ground instead of on a bench.Β  A bench is a lot safer because you’re not as likely to lay on something hard or sharp or be tripped over/stepped on.Β  Someone might also see a bench like these and opt to try to find a better place to lie down and end up falling instead.Β  People who pass out or have CFS episodes might only have a few seconds warning before they should really be lying down, and benches like this make it much harder.Β 

I’ve seen some places say that benches like the first one are β€œwheelchair accessible”, which is fucking stupid because it’s already a chair??? the nature of a wheelchair is that it’s a chair, you don’t need a special space to park your wheelchair, you can just park in on one end of the bench.Β 


Transmisogynists have been talking about putting β€œterfs don’t interact” banners on their own posts to trick people into reblogging them

So remember to look at people’s urls before reblogging

Every fucking time this post blows up I get terfs in my notes. Which means some of you well meaning people reblogging this have terf followers without even knowing

I want your midnights But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day

As requested byΒ onnewyearsday

Squeeze my hand three in the back of the taxi.

I can tell that it’s going to be a long road

I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town babe

Or if you strike out and you’re crawling home


how come goyim will make 30k note posts about why not to use antisemitic memes but ignore the SEVERAL hate crimes that have been committed since chanukah started

non jewish people are encouraged to reblog

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