



How to come up with names for your dystopian teen lit:

Try to say regular names with a bunch of Oreos in your mouth!

Examples:  Jocelyn = Jorslun.  Elizabeth = Lisbit.  Daniel = Dannel.

You’re welcome.

Following up on this idea.  I tried this method with a hamburger in my mouth, in lieu of Oreos. Results:

Alice = Allit.   Mark = Marth.  Tommy = Domi.

Confirmed: a mouth full of President Choice White Mac and Cheese  produces a subset of names with a more badass tilt to them.  

Examples: Chris = Rith.  Brittany = Brickney.  Megan = Mayhem. 


This is an amazing tool.


Sam: Wow…. baby that’s um….. that’s great. 

Tf are you not happy sam? Or you in shock?


Reblog this if you are literally suprised when people find you attractive.


Y/N: I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever Peeta. Besides, you’re happy with Katniss and I wasn’t going to mess that up.

Is today the day I hate you?


Stiles: Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

Y/N: It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.

God I'm savage lmao

I've never hated dualism as much as I have right now. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

Someone reposted my art on Twitter and Phil favorited it :/

Guys idk how to feel about this. Happy he saw it, a little annoyed it was reposted :/

reposting is disgusting, I’m so sorry that your art got noticed that way, can you maybe @ him and tell him if you haven’t already?

I’d definitely do that If Dan and Phil’s last response to stolen art is anything to go by, they hate it too, but will obviously still appreciate the actual piece for what it is

I wish people would understand I really don’t like reposting, especially without my permission or credit. I made a big fuss about reposting recently. She didn’t even know my tumblr, which means my drawing was lingering around being reposted multiple times.

Confront the girl/guy who did that and tell them to give you credit! and also tweet Phil about it if you want <3 [hopefully that helps]

I messaged her(: she was very nice about it, and I told her to credit me next time etc etc. and should I tweet him? Not sure, I might just have to let it go and accept it as it is. Thank you guys for the support though, it makes me feel a lot better about the situation.

You should tweet him. It's surely unfair that he doesn't know who the actual artist is and would love to know. You deserve to be recognised by him


nah I think we should really stop glorifying cigarettes

you sound boring.

You sound like you’ve never had the scent of cigarette smoke ingrained in your clothes to the point where people in middle school thought you smoked at eleven because your parents couldn’t be bothered to go outside. You sound like you’ve never had your mother flick cigarette ashes out of the car window and have them fly into your face. You sound like you’ve never been kept up at night by the sound of your dad hacking up a lung because he has to get up for his midnight smoke. You sound like you’ve never had to run into a convenience store to get your mother cigarettes as soon as you turned eighteen and cringed at touching the box because you know they’re not only killers but government sanctioned killers because they can not only tax the shit out of them but ensure people buy more at the cost of young lungs and a once beautiful home now plagued with the smell of smoke and ash. You sound like you’ve never had a great grandmother who stopped smoking 30 years before her death who still got lung cancer and subsequently died. You sound like a Fucking ignoramus. Smoking isn’t Fucking cool, it isn’t fun to glorify, it’s disgusting and makes not only you but your children smell bad. Makes not only you but your children cough, get cancer, get sick.

You sound like a Fucking moron. Smoking isn’t cool. Grow the Fuck up.


“We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.”

The Breakfast Club (1985) dir. John Hughes

i really just want to make you coffee in the morning and spend all day in a bookstore while it rains outside and hold your hand during movies and lay in bed with you and our cat while we watch some boring tv show but it will be great because im with you 
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