
@roses-at-moonrise / roses-at-moonrise.tumblr.com

ro • 22 • usa • she/her
icon by tiffdawg

reminder that this is a pro choice blog, because access to a medical procedure shouldn’t be a debate, and if you think otherwise, fuck off


this cast is iconic

also the last photo is killing me we have the whole fire nation gang (excluding our mopey prince and his uncle) and then we just casually have Gordon

congratulations Ozai you’ve captured the Avatar


Aang and Zuko's relationship is underrated and that’s sad

They are literally the BETTER Roku and Sozin

Not only there are great parallels/connections between the two since the first series, but is Aang (and Iroh) that ultimately makes him change sides

Let alone that Aang's kindness is the only reason Zuko is even alive. Katara and Sokka would have left him to die in the snowstorm at the north pole 😭

They are precious

Ah, Zuko asked to built an Aang statue (an huge ass statue Imao), this dude was so dedicated!


I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight

this same idiot: what kind of animal is the pink panther

me, already taking off my clothes: benjamin you’re so fucking stupid


oh my god the original out in the wild


Finished (re)watching ATLA with my sister a couple weeks ago. Zuko was her favorite, so I drew him for her... along with a little turtleduck :)


Okay so I’m done and.. (spoilers ahead)

  • The scarf thing (I might have screamed)
  • Oma and Shu are still red and blue 👀
  • Kataang didn’t have a moment in the Cave of two lovers

sokka trying to get katara to give up on her waterbending bc it could get her killed. and katara refuses to give up and continues to practice anyway. bc sokka and katara represent the survival of both the people and the culture. sokka had the safety of their people thrust upon him by his dad, while katara is the only one in their tribe that can carry the weight of their culture. both are heavy burdens, and they're struggling with their roles bc they're just two kids trying to rebuild in the wake of genocide. but they refuse to give up, bc that's what the story is about.

holding onto hope, regardless of what you face.


The revisionist history of these live action remakes needs to be studied. The amount of people who are saying the PJO movies and the M Night Shyamalan movie that shall not be named are better than the current live action shows is absurd. People immediately shut down at the prospect of changes to the plot, get mad at exposition, then get mad when they don’t pick up on story lines and characterization. Then they say that the objectively terrible cash grab movies are better than the new shows where creators obviously love the source material and want to pay homage to it. And don’t get me started on the terrible treatment both casts have received, ESPECIALLY THE CHILDREN! People need to grow up. Im not saying you have to like the shows but saying theyre worse than those movies is wild.

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