
is a Dan Curtis Production

@isadancurtisproduction / isadancurtisproduction.tumblr.com

I may not have posted on Ao3 in months, but, uh, at least I'm not dead. On Ao3 at isaDanCurtisProduction. I've got Spideypool, I've got IronDad (only sometimes do those two tropes crossover). I've got a little bit of Phlint, I think I have a single Good Omens, good luck. I'm currently still on twitter at @isaDanCurtis but that might change if things get too weird over there.

New Peter Parker Field Trip Fic! (Because I have a type)

It's just under midnight EST, so when I said I was going to upload today, I wasn't quite a liar. Almost a liar, but not quite. I cut it really close there at the end though.

I can't remember the last time I wrote and uploaded a one-shot. Last time I wrote a one-shot, I bet it was less then 11k words. Silly Danny needs to write more concisely.


not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…

‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.

‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.

even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.

I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.

fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.

idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.


after arouind 9pm all music sounds better and all fanfic reads better BUT all thoughts become 97% less reliable. trust me im science

i have been informed this is called being "tired." but i am rejecting this hypothesis due to i am science


I'm comfort-rereading all of my bookmarked Peter-goes-on-a-field-trip-to-Stark-Industries fics rn, and I keep having the thought:

"Wow! I love these so much! I should write one!"

And then I have to remind myself that I've not only written one Peter Parker Field Trip Fic, but I have in fact written two of them!

They're just so so deliciously messy. Yum yum yum. I need so many more of them in my life


I just saw the strange sentiment of "who wants to read their own fic?" And I just want to put out there that it's actually fine and wonderful if you read your own fic? I don't know about you, but personally I am out here writing the fics I want to read (and the occasional gift), and what's the point of writing the exact thing I want to read if I don't then, you know, read it? I put time and effort into that thing. I made it so I could have it. I wanted it to exist. I refuse to create it and then leave it without my love.

So if you're out there and you read your own fic and you wonder if you're the only one, please know that you aren't. And if you're out there and you haven't read your own fic, give it a try! You wrote that beautiful thing for a reason, and you deserve the ability to read it. You brought something creative into the world and it deserves attention- including your own!


I have a lot of ao3 comments I haven’t responded to in AGES, but that’s just because I’m a cog trapped in the unforgiving capitalism machine, guys!!! I see every comment and I appreciate it a lot!!!


Since November I've been going through a weird crisis/transformation around my art and identity. It's left me feeling ready to leave art behind as soon as I find a job that I can do that pays my bills. Tons of my answers were about melancholy and dissatisfaction and the final answer I chose "spite", but got love.

Anyway, thanks quiz maker person for making me cry unexpectedly. But not in an entirely bad way. <3



"You create from alienation. There is a distance not only between yourself and others, but between yourself and what you are expected to be, yourself and your own humanity. Your honest self feels too divorced from what it should be for it to have any place among everyone else. Your art is an expression of your estrangement from normalcy and other's expectations. It is strange and shocking because you feel that is what you are when you are not pretending to be otherwise. You do not create things to be pretty or pleasing to others, but to be raw and confusing. You have always felt different, so you want to create things that are remarkably different from the norm. It is an expression of your own strangeness, which seems to have no place but in your art. Your work is a sanctuary for everything that alienates you from the world at large."




You create from hope. In spite of everything, you maintain a fervent hope deep inside you that things can always be better. It is a stubborn and tenacious hope that you take care to cultivate because you would be lost without it. Art is an outlet for your hopes, a way of expressing your most optimistic wishes for the world. It reveals your ideals and everything you value most. Your work is a declaration of hope for yourself and the world, an adamant assertion that a better reality is within reach. In a world so rife with disillusionment, you strive to send out a message of stubborn encouragement. It is a call to action for everyone on the verge of giving up. Though you may doubt yourself at times, your hopes are what inspire you the most.


You create from hope. In spite of everything, you maintain a fervent hope deep inside you that things can always be better. It is a stubborn and tenacious hope that you take care to cultivate because you would be lost without it. Art is an outlet for your hopes, a way of expressing your most optimistic wishes for the world. It reveals your ideals and everything you value most. Your work is a declaration of hope for yourself and the world, an adamant assertion that a better reality is within reach. In a world so rife with disillusionment, you strive to send out a message of stubborn encouragement. It is a call to action for everyone on the verge of giving up. Though you may doubt yourself at times, your hopes are what inspire you the most.


Bookmark recs (part 2), tagging game!

Second part of a jumbled-together tagging game. The last part was all Stranger Things fics, this one is gonna be NON-Stranger Things fics.

Rules (more like guidelines really): Pick (at least) ten fics from your AO3 bookmarks, and post them with links and a note of why you like them or why you picked them (alt. your bookmark comment). Then, as tradition goes, tag ten people. Or something, whatever, I'm not your boss.

Here goes!

  • A Nice Young Man by RobinLorin (6,9K, The Musketeers, Aramis & Constance Bonacieux) My notes: The one with the fake-date. The one with the deadbeat fake boyfriend from a Craigslist ad.
  • Bits and Pieces by Asidian (8K, Rise of the Guardians, Jack Frost etc) My notes: The one where Jack doesn't eat and there is a misunderstanding and guilt, and prettily written.
  • War and Peace In Mind by Jaune_Chat (@jaune-chat) (334K, Sky High, Warren/OC) My notes: The Sky High one. THE one.
  • This, You Protect by owlet (64K, Marvel, Bucky & Steve) My notes: The one where Bucky's regaining SELF and his mission is to PROTECT ROGERS. The one with the Olds. The one with Building as the most awesome mission assist ever.
  • Petey and Wade and other being punched in the face things by isaDanCurtisproduction (@isadancurtisproduction) (262K, series, Marvel, Spider-Man/Deadpool) My notes (for the third installment only, but I really can't recommend the whole series enough!): The one where Peter Parker is with Deadpool, but Spiderman is trying to ruin it. What?? The one with the gorgeous misunderstandings.
  • Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways by hologramophone (7,7K, Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles) My notes: The one where Derek's the boss and Stiles doesn't know it. The one in the elevator! :D
  • Prince Among Wolves by Wrenegade (101K, Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles) My notes: The one with Ollie and Andy and Stiles taking care of them when Derek doesn't know how to. The kid-fic that makes my heart melt.
  • Grievance by PeaceHeather (92K, Marvel, Loki etc) My notes: The one where Tyr takes Loki in and gives him a safe haven. The one with the lips sewn shut and the deception. The hopeful one.
  • The Criminal Keeper, an Origin Story by town_without_heart (11K, The Flash, Barry/Mick/Leonard) My notes: The one where Barry works for the Wishing Well Foundation and someone wants to meet Captain Cold. The one where he becomes the Criminal Keeper. The one with the tiny apartment and boyfriends? and where Mick wants his cuddles damnit.
  • Always Glad You Came by aloneintherain (13K, Marvel, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm) My notes: The one where Flame-Brain likes Spidey, and Spidey likes him, but The Four don't like it because they think Spidey's an adult. Which he isn't. The one with the misunderstandings and the necklace of bruises at breakfast. The one where they are SO GODDAMN CUTE.
  • Mountains and Badgermolehills by Glass_Onion (142K, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sokka & Zuko) My notes: The one where Zuko and Sokka are both captIves and don't know who the other is, but make kinda friends, and then escapes together.
  • Salvage by MuffinLance (127K, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko & Water Tribe People) My notes: The one where Zuko falls overboard and is saved (or captured) by Chief Hakoda's crew. The one where they slowly learn to like him, where he slowly learns to trust them, and where he's slowly adopted into a new family.

Tagging: ... I suck at tagging, so feel free to NOT do this but @elysiumwaits (I SAW YOU LIKE THAT OTHER POST XD), @jaune-chat, @platypanthewriter, @peaceheather, @maun3t, @artzeppo, @king-steeb, @dream-about-dancing, @adelacreations and as usual, anyone who wants to do it! I just picked random people from my notifications honestly :p (Also this is totally low-key and voluntary and just for fun, so feel free to ignore it!)

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