
Fandom Trash


•Just your average pile of trash• •pastel is my aesthetic•

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.

I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.

PLEASE reblog this.

I have reblogged this about three times now and I will never not reblog it

i actually heard of this happening in atlanta not that long ago. that shit is terrifying as hell.

idc if it may ruin my blog look or whatever, if it means word gets out about these bastards then imma reblog x1000

reposting on my friends account



Just messing around. I enjoy making these little things, even if I’m not very good. I’ve only attempted this a few time, and I probably could’ve spent longer on this one. But oh well.

People actually seem to like this for some reason??? Like, 46 notes when I'm posting this?? That's the most notes I've ever gotten on something I've made??? So??? I might make another one???


e3 doesnt care about gamers because where the FUCK is a nintendogs update

okay but real talk, the last nintendogs game came out in 2011, that's 6 years ago. i literally bought every version of the game, so don't tell me the game wouldn't sell, because I'll buy all of them if I have to. nintendogs is literally my favourite game ever


The last TV show you watched is now your life story for the next six weeks

What is it?

I watched Hannibal last night!

Star Trek: Enterprise.

Welp, at least I have Phlox for comic relief and a cute dog to pet.


I’m okay with that as long as I have the boys to protect me.

I won’t last the 6 weeks. Im not clever enough for this game. Its been nice knowing you all. RIP me


Well, I’m gonna die then. I’m watching Alone: http://www.history.ca/alone/

I’m down. So do I get to be a civilian or Kryptonian? Do I get to meet/kiss Kara? Like what’s going on and how can I make this happen?

why did I have to watch Fear The Walking Dead last night

                                                 stammi vicino, non te ne andare                                                             離れずにそばにいて                                              stay by my side and never leave me
                                                                     aria / duet

Anyone who tells me these two aren't married can fist fight me



  • First letter of your last name
  • Second letter of your middle name (or parents name if you don’t have one)
  • Third letter of your first name
  • Any letter you choose to end

Mine would be Liya or Loya…Reblog and tag this post with yours :)

Lmao people are getting such pretty names and then there are the ones who are like kdls XD





Cla…m My angel name is Clam. I am heavenly seafood.

Cyn…..q Cynq. Cyna.


Daya? Daym? Days? I quite like Days, it sounds like a very Neil Gaiman angel name.

Are you fuckign kidding me mine is literally Hhh


Aela…. kind of a cool one actually.

Ber.. y XD


Hhx…i? Not sure we can remedy that with anything lol

Vet..a. Veta. Thats kinda nice!


Sin… I don’t think this works for an angel name I would be “Sins”

I almost just snorted. Also mine probably wouldn’t be too much better. I was trying to make mine into some sort of actual word and the first/only proper word I came up with was “Moan”. Maybe we’re fallen angels.

Kna. I dont even know how you would pronounce that other than nah. So the K would be silent. 

Gaa. Makes me want to add another a and just be the angel of missed opportunity, frustration and stubbed toes.

Gaaa, Leonard McCoy’s personal angel…


What the fuck. I’m gonna add a p for Mhrp the angle of that random noise that people in my high school class made for like 3 years. That I still make as a kinda ‘welp or uh’ noise


Couldn't think of another letter, besides E, but that just makes me sound like the rejected angelic cousin of kale


im on the floor

As someone who has done this before, after sending the screenshot, say "what did you mean by this?" And just act confused. It'll work. Well, unless they know that trick themselves


Sad Rant, Ignore

My parents get pissed at me even when I don't complain about shopping. I complain about shopping a lot, because I hate it, and they never give me a choice whether I want to go or not. So today I decided, huh, maybe I won't complain for once, so I didn't. And then my dad asked me if I wanted something to eat, and I said not really, because I didn't want anything to eat, the food looked horrible, and I just wasn't really hungry. And then suddenly, they're both pissed at me, and apparently all I do is make their lives difficult (actual quote). My mom started speaking to me when we got home. In those ten minutes, she told me exactly ten times that I just make her/my dad's/both of their lives difficult. All because I'm not good at talking to people. "You need to learn how to talk to people" "It's just gonna make your life harder" "How do you think it makes me feel?" "Think about other people besides yourself for once" "It's selfish and you need to do stuff for other people [because they do stuff for you]" And my personal favourite: "Why can't you just pretend to be happy, rather than ruining our day?" My parents have known me my entire life. They know I'm crap with words, and they know I try my hardest. Yet my mom still says things like this. And I wish this was just a one off, but she does it every time we leave the house, and I always "ruin the day". So I've been crying for a good half an hour, and I had a stupid panic attack over the fact that I can't find a shirt that I need for school, because I thought it would make my mom happy if I could just do this one single thing right, and I still can't find it. My parents do everything for me, and I can't even get over myself and just pretend to be happy. I don't know why they've put up with me for so long.


Just went online to get a ticket to see Ed Sheeran when his touring here

I saw the cost of tickets

Yeah, I ain’t going

Do you mean the Australian tour? If so, $400??? The most expensive here is $200, with as cheap as $70??

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