


18 | They/Them | Writer

I would like to thank everyone who pays The Lost Prince any attention or appreciation (those I suppose you're all sick of hearing about it by now 🙃) and to that end, I want to pay love forward to some special WIPs I've been allowed to appreciate over the year. I'll pick a few and if anybody wants to do this, feel free to reblog because nothing makes a writer's day than something to keep them going.

  • @veneritia I am in love with the WorldBuilding of When Comes the Dawn and the relationship between Fernice and her lil bro, is drama I always enjoy hearing about. Charles and Ambrose, ma'am!
  • @trapped-inadystopianovel for engaging characters (Sola my son) whom I always love to hear about and wonder what they're up to often.
  • @serpentarii it's the intriguing plots and complex characters for me, the never ending roll call of acceptional posts. And my star-crossed boys.
  • @surroundedbypearls Every WIP post is always so beautiful, it's like the art the sky makes just before it takes a nap.
  • @writingamongther0ses the sheer abundance of the writing you manage to produce never fails to impress me. Like girl, you're singlehandedly pushing me to get off of Tiktok and write. Your wip posts always make my day.
  • @lottieiswriting for my darling Macro and your beautiful wip, Kill the King
  • @ccorpsidious Adrian Skylar, the one and only, most precious boy who needs a good mom and a warm blanket.
  • @eluari the absolute beauty of the accompanying art!
  • @dameschnee123 for Priestess of Light, for the hardhittibg lines that just stock with you. You know the one I mean!
  • @writerjodie for a Protagonist like Nessa Herrik, whose complex motives are as compelling as the plot! I really can't wait to see more.
  • @residentofthedisc for all your works! Every one is utterly amazing, you have the range, darling!

Awwww ! Thanks

Even though I’ve stopped that WIP to focus on something else it’s so good to see someone appreciate it 🥹


I hate the way the Greek campers were viewed in hoo like these literal kids who made up a grand total of 40 (maybe 100 max with hunters + party ponies + satyrs) defeated an army that consisted of hundreds possibly thousands of monsters on their own including a couple of rouge titans and Kronos who was their leader. And won. Don’t get me wrong the Romans destroyed the Palace and all which was probably filled with their remaining resources but there were hundreds of them including adults who had retired after a decade of experience. And the army they fought was probably smaller cause everyone was off at New York in the main fight so give the Greek campers their due respect cause not only did they win, they pulled off the impossible


What is the biggest disappointment in fanfic?

When they don’t tag character death and then WHAM, character death


So I just finished the Percy Jackson books and now I’m thinking about how Aphrodite, goddess of love, can only kiss her babies once before giving them up

Im fine :)


I had a tattoo client ask if I ever used AI to design tattoos for me. Man I spent the better part of a decade doing shitty bit work as a graphic designer and now that I have the space to do whatever I want, I'm gonna let the computer generate random garbage for me? What next should I have a computer that eats my dinner and fucks my wife?

I feel like people get so hung up on the results of a thing that they don't appreciate that the process of making it is, actually, enjoyable.

It's like if you have a friend who likes to bake, asking if they'd like to just buy cupcakes from the store instead of making them. The end result of the cupcake is secondary to the joy you get from having made cupcakes.

Art isn't a slog or a chore or something I want to avoid. Art is fun. It's rewarding. It feels good to do it. You may as well be asking me if I want the AI to watch television for me, it doesn't make any sense, I'm not participating and would gain nothing from it.

Reblogging this here because I feel this way about creative writing vs. AI generated writing as well

Anonymous asked:

hi hi!! looking for 16+ rp partners (i’m 18, they/them) for literate-novella percy jackson roleplay! i’m very open to whatever ships and can play plenty of characters, so just interact w/ this if interested in the fandom at all, and i’ll reach out :))



Hello! Love your stray gods fanfics lol. Just wondering if your still working on fading sparks

If not np!


Hello ! Yeah I’m still working on it ! Just on a temporary hiatus until my exams are finished but a new chapter will absolutely be coming


Artemis Deity Guide

The Romans knew her as Diana, she is the goddess of the Moon, the hunt, the wildlife, as well as mothers and maidens.

Who is Artemis?

Most associated with the moon and wildlife, Artemis is also known to be a goddess who reigns over childbirth, as she helped deliver her own brother soon after she herself was born. She lends a hand in the cycles of nature and the wild creatures within it.

Unlike her more extroverted brother, Artemis prefers wildlife and nature rather than hanging out with other deities. That being said, she seems to have a soft spot for humans.

She is a virgin goddess, sworn to chastity of her own will.

Parents and Siblings

Lovers or Partners

  • Orion, though not all myths agree that they were romantic partners, some believe that they were hunting partners or close friends.


  • None


  • Diana
  • Phoebe
  • Selene, the personification of the Moon, is different than Artemis but her name still became an epithet during the Hellenistic period.
  • Artemis Orthia
  • Agrotera (“she of the hunt”)
  • Keladeinē (“strong-voiced”)
  • Parthenos (“virgin”)
  • These included Hekatēbolos and Hekatē (“far-shooter”)
  • Hekaergē (“far-worker”)
  • Iocheaira (“she of the showering arrows”)
  • Delia, referring to the island where her and her brother were born
  • Sōteira (“savior”)
  • Phōsphoros (“bringer of light”)
  • Eileithyia (in her capacity as a goddess of childbirth)
  • undefined
  • Artemis Daphnaia

Festivals/Holy Days


  • Artemis also held domain over initiation rites for everyone--male and female historically, though with progressive society, I mean "everyone" as in everyone. All genders included--when entering new life phases; i.e. child to adult, virgin to spouse, spouse to parent, and so on.
  • From literature we know that the twins didn’t immediately start out as deities of the moon and sun respectively.
  • Eileithyia and Hecate were mistakenly identified with Artemis and thus their names were occasionally epithets of the Goddess.

Modern Deity Work


Disclaimer - Not all of these are traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).


  • Moonstone
  • Pearl
  • Silver
  • Clear quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Selenite
  • Opal


  • Cypress (T)
  • Laurel (T)
  • Palm tree (T)
  • Mugwort or any other plants in the Artemisia family!
  • Amaranth
  • Lilies
  • Chamomile
  • Wildflowers


  • Boar (T)
  • Deer (Doe and Stag) (T)
  • Heron (T)
  • Bear (T)


  • Bow and arrows (T)
  • Quiver (T)
  • Spears
  • Lyre
  • Crown, usually of foliage, sometimes metal with a crescent moon
  • The Moon (T)


  • Any of the items or iconography of the things listed above
  • Art of or that reminds you of Artemis (T)
  • Meat, especially if you've hunted it yourself (T)
  • A lock of your hair (T)
  • Olives, olive oil, olive branch (T)
  • Honey (T)
  • Water (T)
  • Baked goods
  • Fruits and nuts, especially if foraged by yourself
  • Moon water

Acts of Devotion

  • Take care of and respect the nature around you
  • undefined
  • Take up animal-focused activism
  • Hunt (ethically, of course!) (T)
  • Listen to or create music that reminds you of her.
  • Read/sing Hymns to her (T)
  • Honor her mother and Apollo; in literature they both held much love for their twin and their mom.
  • Research her history and mythology
  • Take care of children or donate to children’s shelters

Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!

References and Further Reading

Artemis - Mythopedia

Mythopedia has huge lists on either page for further reading on both Artemis and Apollo.

Artemis - Wikipedia

Artemis - Theoi Project

Myths of Greece and Rome; Artemis (Diana) By Jane Harrison (via Sacred-Texts)

Fun Fact about Coin: I learned a little late in the game that the “guardian angel” that had been with me since I was young was in fact Artemis. Though I haven’t worked with her for some time now.


2023 Bucket

This is a bucket. Anything you don't want to take with you into 2024, feel free to drop it in the bucket. I will be burning the contents (with Hellfire) at exactly 11:59pm on New Year's Eve.

You don't have to type anything, at all. Just reblog the bucket and your intentions will be known by the universe. Or the bucket. Or whatever you like.


Hey ! You said you were waiting for my religious trauma Grace fic (which should be uploaded today), want an @ when it’s up ?


Yes I do!!! Stray Gods destroyed me, it's all I think about ahahahaha


If you need to cry:

Remember that Artemis loved Callisto, her whole heart was wrapped around a nymphs finger. And Callisto loved her back. They were free together, laughing and dancing and kissing. They were bound by oath, by their hands interlocked even when they were apart. They were supposed to have eternity together, forever and ever in each other’s arms. Forever, which was shattered by greed and selfishness- that of a man, a god. And now, Artemis can only see her love in the stars. She cannot touch, or speak, or kiss. She gazes, begs, but Callisto will not come back to her again.


say something encouraging to other fic writers!

Someone’s life is better because your work is in it.


You were there for someone when they needed it


You made someone forget their own problems for a little while with your words.

you added ART into the WORLD. Art that wouldn't exist without you!!! That is amazing!!!

You made someone feel seen, even for just a few moments. Don't underestimate how powerful that is.

You helped someone realize that they weren't alone in the way they felt, and maybe since you had the courage and focus to look at those difficult feelings, maybe they could too.

You’ve shown someone a really cool trope or concept that they realized they loved.


the fact that we only have “herculean task” and “sisyphean task” feels so limiting. so here’s a few more tasks for your repertoire

  • icarian task: when you have a task you know you’re going to fail at anyways, so why not have some fun with it before it all comes crashing down
  • cassandrean task: when you have to deal with people you KNOW won’t listen to you, despite having accurate information, and having to watch them fumble about when you told them the solution from the start (most often witnessed in customer service)

feel free to chime in i ran out of ideas much faster than i anticipated

Promethean task: opposite of a Cassandraean task. You have the right information, and SOMEONE has to share it. But it's all in the delivery and if you're the person to identify the problem you WILL be hated forever.

Oedipal Task: (1) Attempting to avoid an unspeakably awful outcome and in doing so creating the circumstances that will bring it about. (2) Trying to solve an problem and discovering that you are in fact the problem you are trying to solve.

Odyssean task: you’ll complete it but it’ll take 20 times longer than it should and involve multiple side quests and mini-adventures


Pandorean task: some people fucked around and now it's your job to make sure they find out

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