
rise, if you would

@bosmer / bosmer.tumblr.com

for that is our curse

kendrick lamar made me realise that there is an even stronger level of hater that i have yet to tap into


I saw a post that said “Dragon Age discourse walked so that Baldurs Gate 3 discourse could run” and that’s absolutely false. Dragon Age discourse sprinted, foaming at the mouth, so that BG3 discourse could skip happily through a meadow


Endlessly diabolical how you can't say words like rape and suicide uncensored without either being criticised by idiots or punished by conglomerates.

It's not r*pe, it's rape. It's not su*cide, it's suicide. Not unalive, dead. The backbone needs to be reintroduced en masse because softening the blow of these concepts with advertising language does absolutely nothing but allow people unaffected by them to feel not even a sting of what they can do, prompting inaction.

And it's been proven that on certain websites, you don't even face a repercussion for using the words as they are. People just started censoring themselves because they feared the potential lack of views and likes and followers which is so nasty itself.


i actually deserve this url more than anyone else. including you 🫵🏻 i hope you aren't following me waiting for me to give it up. I'm so deserving of every username i have that i literally have had the username scientology on tiktok since 2019. the honest to god xenu church of scientology has tried to buy my tiktok username from me for the past 5 years. they still don't have it. i have the url bosmer because i am a good person and gods favourite. 🧌

highkey I'm incentivised. it's been years since i saw hate directly meant for me. it's like the thrill i used to get from being an asshole on mic as a teenager. also 🧍🏻‍♀️ i hate americans what about it. i have lived and worked in america and still hate youse. i even hold off from eating my SSN in case i move back, but i still hate youse.


i actually deserve this url more than anyone else. including you 🫵🏻 i hope you aren't following me waiting for me to give it up. I'm so deserving of every username i have that i literally have had the username scientology on tiktok since 2019. the honest to god xenu church of scientology has tried to buy my tiktok username from me for the past 5 years. they still don't have it. i have the url bosmer because i am a good person and gods favourite. 🧌


fun fact I was mutuals w whoever had the bosmer url (my url was bossmer :/) and not only did I hate her for having that url but every time she poster her Opinions on things I would see red. she was also british and very often complained about usamericans but not any actual critique of the atrocities committed by the American empire, but just “Americans make fun of our accents >:(“ this was back in 2017 tho so don’t @ me


Bestie I literally think I deserve that url more than anyone else like I would be so powerful. I've also seen some posts by her but we never interacted so idk but I trust your judgment 💀


I'm actually screaming rn LMFAO

@sophasil check this shit out

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