

@leiaorgania / leiaorgania.tumblr.com

+ mari, 22. // han solo didn't die for this. var sc_project=11042858; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="9e7b82f3"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");
Anonymous asked:

hey just so you know your original edit post/158034250232 was flagged, just in case you wanna apeal

Thank you, non! Just appealed the post and hopefully it will be reviewed soon. Now I’m here wondering what could have possibly triggered the algorithm but you know, whatever. Thanks again for letting me know!


Unsolved Mysteries

Some interesting reading for a rainy day. (Please click through to see the most up-to-date version of this list!)

Know a good one that isn’t listed? Message me!


W O N D E R (n): a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

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