
MOC (Mermaid Of Color)

@faylike / faylike.tumblr.com

Fay - she/her - 28
Happily diving into the world of books.
Currently reading: Prophecy by Ellen Oh.

this is going to sound like such a little sibling ass take but i genuinely believe that being a little bit annoying is actually a greater sign of maturity and self awareness than being universally likeable and on good terms with everyone

if some people find me annoying and can't stand me because of how i think and act then that means i'm a fully realized human being with my own personality and opinions and free will and not just a reflective surface for other people's desires, which is in fact a good thing despite what people who want you to just be a reflection of their own opinions and desires will tell you, and why being considered "cringe" or whatever doesn't bother me at all

also it's really funny when you're confident enough in yourself to know that people not liking you isn't always a sign that you're the problem. like there's something undeniably hilarious about being aware your mere existence has the power to piss someone off and ruin their day and i recommend embracing it.


day 4 of horror mythology: shui gui

in chinese mythology, water ghosts are the souls of those who committed suicide by drowning themselves, as well as those who accidentally drowned to death. these souls are trapped in the body of water they died in and will haunt that water forever, unable to make their journey through di yu and re-enter the reincarnation cycle, until they successfully drag a living person into the water and kill them. the person they killed then takes their place as a ti si gui, and the original water ghost can be reincarnated.

not “oh my god it’s just a tv show” as in you are not allowed to find genuine joy and form a true connection to fiction, but “oh my god it’s just a tv show” as in, if it legitimately stresses you out and impacts your mood when things don’t happen exactly the way you want them to, and it causes you to lash out at other - real - people, maybe you need to take a massive step back.

Anonymous asked:

You know, one time I read a fanfic and it triggered my psychosis, sent me into a month long episode THEN a whole year later I was on ao3 just mindlessly scrolling, I came across the fanfic title and it gave me a panic attack, but something compelled me to click it, i didn't read it but i did scroll through it, why? mental illness.

So like... ya

This is me responding to your old(?) post about someone else's fiction not being able to hurt you, this is probably just a me thing but mental illness makes you do things and react to things in insane ways that sometimes you cant control. I knew while reading that it was affecting me in some way, but I kept reading because well, I'm mentally ill, and then a month of my life dissapeared lol

I think I'm trying to make a point about something but I'm not sure

I did after the fact comment to the author and just kinda, told them about what happened, but I didn't harrassed them or something, -

-but when something does what this fanfiction did to me then you're basically obligated to let the creator know I think(they are a really good writer), I'm an adult and the fanfic was in the ballpark of something I would read and if like, 59% of it was taken out and it had a happy ending I would be fine but oh well

Oh boy, I'm starting to have a panic attack just typing this out holy hell anyways uh, I'm not disagreeing with you(?) but I am saying, don't be too quick to dismiss someone who says a piece of fiction fucked with them? idk sorry, have a good one

My friend, the fiction didn't harm you.

Your mental illness harmed you.

Random writers on the internet are not responsible for managing your mental illness for you.

You are responsible for managing your mental illness.

I knew while reading that it was affecting me in some way, but I kept reading because well, I'm mentally ill

This is self harm. You were engaging in self-harming behavior by continuing to read a fanfiction that you knew was triggering to you.

👉 You are responsible for managing your mental illness.

👉 Writers are not responsible for managing your mental illness for you.

And I hate to tell you this but messaging the author about it was absolutely harassing the author.


"I think I'm trying to make a point about something but I'm not sure"

Yeah you are.

You're trying to show that saying 'someone else's fiction isn't able to harm you' is wrong, actually, look, it harmed you! when in actuality, you just harmed yourself.

I am fascinated to see what your comment to the author was.

"Hi, I read the warnings for this fic, then read the fic and it triggered me for some reason and caused a month long a psychotic episode, and then I read your fic again on purpose, knowing that it triggered me before, and gave myself a panic attack, and you know I'm obliged to tell you this, next time can you just change half of your fic and give it a happy ending so I won't trigger myself, thanks"

No one needs to read that on a work they put time and effort into.

I was reading a fic that involved a medical procedure that gave me a panic attack out of nowhere, but that wasn't on the author. That was a me problem.

It's a me problem that is so far divorced from the author and what they wrote that telling them about it would be cruel.

And that was a me problem that I didn't even know I had until that point - I can't imagine =knowing= that I'm about to read something that would trigger me and STILL blaming the author and their fic.


A lot of people around me are having kids and every day it becomes more apparent that hitting your children to punish them is insane because literally everything can be a horrible punishment in their eyes if you frame it as such.

Like, one family makes their toddler sit on the stairs for three minutes when he hits his brother or whatever. The stairs are well lit and he can see his family the whole time, he’s just not allowed to get up and leave the stairs or the timer starts over. He fucking hates it just because it’s framed as a punishment.

Another family use a baseball cap. It’s just a plain blue cap with nothing on it. When their toddler needs discipline he gets a timeout on a chair and has to put the cap on. When they’re out and about he just has to wear the cap but it gets the same reaction. Nobody around them can tell he’s being punished because it’s in no way an embarrassing cap, but HE knows and just the threat of having to wear it is enough.

And there isn’t the same contempt afterwards I’ve seen with kids whose parents hit them. One time the kid swung a stick at my dog, his mother immediately made him sit on the stairs, he screamed but stayed put, then he came over to my dog and gently said “Sorry Ellie” and went back to playing like nothing happened, but this time without swinging sticks at the nearby animals.


The psych nerds found out ages ago that punishments that make the child think for a few minutes (about one minute or year of age until they're tweens) is much more helpful to develope social intelligence and understanding than punishments which prevents thinking, like the ones that involve pain. In fact, corporal punishment encouraged lying, extreme reactions, violent outbursts, go figure, they don't trust you.


This is all really fucking serious and important and I'm mainly reblogging for that, because this correct mentality needs to be spread around more, but I'm also reblogging because I absolutely lost it at the child who dreads having to wear the normal blue hat of shame.


Bloom Burst Knight


[Image Description: a drawing of a knight character. they are wearing full plate armour which is golden and pink with ornamental floral designs. their face is even pink. they have a burgundy cap and are holding a steaming golden sword with a pink and gold hilt. there is a glowing pink flower made of magic hovering above one of their hands. End Description]


Your politics should be guided by what you need to do to affect the reality of political systems, not on acts that are moral and good, or even worse, being a """Good Person""". Your end goal may in fact be moral and good, but the actions that bring you closer to that goal are only moral insofar as they actually work, and even that debate is straying too close to trolley problem debates and too far from "how do we break this fucking machine" for my liking.

I'm imagining if Vladimir Lenin wrote "How To Be a Good Guy" instead of "What Is To Be Done"


I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:

Fictional characters are objects.

They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.


An equal and opposite truth:

The actors, directors, writers, etc that create this characters are people.

They are real. They exist independent of the characters and your opinions. You have no right to them, their opinions, or their relationships. They have no responsibility to you. You cannot force them to follow your fantasy.

THIS is a good addition.


I’m increasingly worried by all the people on my dash calling themselves insane for loving stories in the way humans have loved stories our whole history. “The brain rot is spreading” — you mean you were changed by art? “I’m not normal about this” — you were moved by it? You felt human emotions about it? “I’m about to be so annoying” — you’re going to talk about art? You’re going to be passionate? You’re going to think deeply about it? You’re going to feel love for the work of someone’s soul? You are not a consumer and art is not a product to be casually used! You are a human and stories are the beating heart of our humanity! You must feel everything and you must know that it is normal!

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