


•My only redeeming quality is my eyeliner• •Mediocre art blog is @kjhawk00• •Somewhat less mediocre art is my Insta @calypsox1368• Hmu for commissions/discussions over underlying apocalyptic themes in SU

I used to be hella social on tumblr n had all sorts of friends now i literally talk to no one

I just wanna be interweb famoos for mah art


Marco Grassi is an Italian painter who is dedicated to creating hyperrealist art masterpieces! 😮🙉🖼️🖌️🎨 Here you can see a small sample of his work!


Imagine being so racist and so comfortable in your white privilege that you actually say this aloud to black customers.

Witnesses say they asked Britney why she shaved her head and her response was, “I’m tired of plugging things into it. I’m tired of people touching me.”

i can never not reblog this

T-Pain: “That was the most beautiful thing in the world. Do you know why she was shaving her head? Because it was so important to other people. She is like, “Listen. Don’t touch my hair anymore. Stop touching my hair.” People were like, “We’ve got to make your hair before you go outside. You can’t leave.” She went … “Now I don’t have hair. What you going to do?”


The older I get the more her breakdown seems less ‘unbalanced’ and more ‘completely understandable’


Here's a massive list on herbs and there magical effects!

Acacia: Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells

Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness

Adders Tongue : Healing

African Violet : Spirituality, Protection

Agaric : Fertility

Agrimony : Protection, Sleep

Ague Root : Protection

Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money

Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity

Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing

Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom

Aloe : Protection, Luck

Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality

Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers

Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger

Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility,

Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing

Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions

Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth

Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic

Apricot : Love

Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil

Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection

Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection

Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health

Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft

Aster : Love

Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love

Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty

Bachelor’s Buttons : Love

Balm, Lemon : Love, Success, Healing

Balm of Gilead : Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing

Bamboo : Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes

Banana : Fertility, Potency, Prosperity

Banyan : Luck. Happiness

Barley : Love, Healing, Protection

Basil : Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection

Bay Leaf: Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength

Bean : Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming,

Reconciliation, Potency, Love

Bedstraw, Fragrant : Love

Beech : Wishes

Beet : love

Belladonna : Astral Projection, Visions **TOXIC**

Benzoin : Purification, Prosperity

Bergamot, Money, Success

Be-Still : Luck

Betony, Wood : Protection, Purification, Love

Birch : Protection, Exorcism, Purification and Cleansing

Bistort : Psychic Powers, Fertility

Bittersweet : Protection, Healing

Blackberry : Healing, Money, Protection

Bladderwrack : Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells,

Money, Psychic Powers

Bleeding Heart : Love

Bloodroot : Love, Protection, Purification

Bluebell : Luck, Truth

Blueberry : Protection

Blue Flag : Money

Bodhi : Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation

Boneset : Protection, Exorcism

Borage : Courage, Psychic Powers

BrackenBrazil NutBriony : Image Magic, Money, Protection

Bromeliad : Protection, Money

Broom : Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination

Buchu : Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams

Buckthorn : Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters

Cabbage : Luck

Cactus : Protection, Chastity

Calamus : Luck, Healing, Money, Protection

Camellia -Riches

Camphor : Chastity, Health, Divination

Caper : Potency, Lust, Luck

Carawy : Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers

Cardamon : Lust, Love

Carnation : Protection, Strength, Healing

Carob : Protection, Health

Carrot : Fertility, Lust

Cascara Sagrada : Legal Matters, Money, Protection,

Cashew : Money

Castor : Protection

Catnip : Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness

Cat Tail : Lust

Cedar : Healing, Purification, Money, Protection

Celandine : Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters

Celery : Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers

Centaury : Snake Removing

Chamomile : Money, Sleep, Love, Purification

Cherry : Love, Divination

Chestnut : Love

Chickweed : Fertility, Love

Chicory : Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity

Chili pepper : Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love

China Berry : Luck, Change

Chrysanthemum : Protection

Cinchona : Luck, Protection

Cinnamon : Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power,

Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love

Cinquefoil : Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep

Cloth of Gold : Understand Animal Languages

Clove : Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money

Daffodil : Love, Fertility, Luck

Daisy : Lust, Luck

Damiana : Lust, Love, Visions

Dandelion : Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits

Datura : Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection

Deerstongue : Lust, Psychic Powers

Devils Bit : Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust

Devils Shoestring : Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment

Dill : Protection, Money, Lust, Luck

Dittany of Crete : Manifestations, Astral Projection

Dock : Healing, Fertility, Money

Dodder : Love, Divination, Knot Magic

Dogbane : Love

Dogwood : Wishes, Protection

Dragons Blood : Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency

Dulse : Lust, Harmony

Dutchmans Breeches : Love

Ebony : Protection, Power

Echinacea : Strengthening Spells

Edelweiss : Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing

Elder : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep

Elecampane : Love, Protection, Psychic Powers

Elm : Love

Endive : Lust, Love

Eryngo : Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love

Eucalyptus : Healing, Protection

Euphorbia : Purification, Protection

Eyebright : Mental Powers, Psychic Power

Fennel : Protection, Healing, Purification

Fenugreek : Money

Fern : Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches,

Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism

Feverfew : Protection

Fig : Divination, Fertility, Love

Figwort : Health, Protection

Flax : Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing

Fleabane : Exorcism, Protection, Chastity

Foxglove : Protection

Frankincense : Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality

Fumitory : Money, Exorcism

Fuzzy Weed : Love, Hunting

Galangal : Protection, Lust, Health, Money,

Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking

Gardenia : Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality

Garlic : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft

Gentian : Love, Power

Geranium : Fertility, Health, Love, Protection

Ginger : Love, Money, Success, Power

Ginseng : Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust

Goats Rue : Healing, Health

Goldenrod : Money, Divination

Golden Seal : Healing, Money

Gorse : Protection, Money

Gotu Kola : Meditation

Gourd : Protection

Grain : Protection

Grains of Paradise : Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes

Grape : Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money

Grass : Psychic Powers, Protection

Ground Ivy : Divination

Groundsel : Health, Healing

Hawthorn : Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness

Hazel : Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes

Heather : Protection, Rain Making, Luck

Heliotrope : Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing,

Wealth, Invisibility

Hellebore, Black : Protection ****TOXIC***

Hemlock : Destroy Sexual Drive ***TOXIC***

Hemp : Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation

Henbane : Love Attraction ***TOXIC***

Henna : Healing

Hibiscus : Lust, Love, Divination

Hickory : Legal Matters

High John the Conqueror : Money, Love, Success, Happiness

Holly : Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance

Honesty : Money, Repelling Monsters

Honeysuckle : Money, Psychic Powers, Protection

Hops : Healing, Sleep

Horehound : Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism,

Horse Chestnut : Money, Healing

Horseradish : Purification, Exorcism

Horsetail : Snake Charming, Fertility

Houndstongue : Tying Dog’s Tongues

Houseleek : Luck, Protection, Love

Huckleberry : Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking

Hyacinth : Love, Protection, Happiness

Hydrangea : Hex Breaking

Hyssop : Purification, Protection

Indian Paint Brush : Love

Iris : Purification, Wisdom

Irish Moss : Money, Luck, Protection

Ivy : Protection, Healing

Jasmine : Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams

Jobs Tears : Healing, Wishes, Luck

Joe-Pye Weed : Love, Respect

Juniper : Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health

Kava-Kave : Visions, Protection, Luck

Knotweed : Binding, Health

Lady’s mantle : Love

Lady’s slipper : Protection

Larch : Protection, Anti-Theft

Larkspur : Health, Protection

Lavender : Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity,

Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace

Leek : Love, Protection, Exorcism

Lemon : Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship

Lemongrass : Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers

Lemon Verbena : Purification, Love

Lettuce : Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep

Licorice : Love, Lust, Fidelity

Life Everlasting : Longevity, Health, Healing

Lilac : Exorcism, Protection, Beauty

Lily : Protection, Breaking Love spells

Lily of the Valley : Mental Powers, Happiness

Lime : Healing, Love, Protection

Linden : Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep

Liquidamber : Protection

Liverwort : Protection

Liverwort : Love

Looestrife : Peace, Protection

Lotus : Protection, Lock-Opening

Lovage : Love

Love Seed : Love, Friendship

Lucky Hand : Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel

Mace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powers

Maguey : Lust

Magnolia : Fidelity

Mahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightning

Maidenhair : Beauty, Love

Male Fern : Luck, Love

Mallow : Love, Protection, Exorcism

Mandrake : Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health

Mandarin: love, luck, divination, money, house and business blessings

Maple : Love, Longevity, Money

Marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams,

Business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers

Marjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Healing

Master Wort : Strength, Courage, Protection

Mastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust

May Apple : Money

Meadow Rue : Divination

Meadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness

Mesquite : Healing

Mimosa : Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification

Mint : Money, Love, Luck, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection

Mistletoe : Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism

Molukka : Protection

Moonwort : Money, Love


When Zuko apologized to uncle Iroh in the tent cause he was so ashamed of his actions and what he’d done to the only person who unconditionally believed in his ability to do good >>>>>

So okay, I’ve given this rant before but this is another good time for it.

Structurally speaking, ATLA did something important with Zuko that, in a purely mechanistic sense of narrative development, I think a lot of people don’t notice immediately, and that even fewer people who want to emulate what was done with him get.

Which is Zuko is made a protagonist VERY early, and the show goes out of its way to continually place Zuko into situations where the audience empathizes and roots for him.

This happens in literally the second episode of the series, if we count the two-part premiere as a single episode, which I think we should. The A-plot of that episode, “The Southern Air Temple,” is Aang reckoning with the genocide of his people… but the B-plot?

The B-plot is the introduction of Zhao, and more specifically, his introduction in a way that is calculate to shift the audience, whose introduction to Zuko did NOT engender a ton of sympathy to him, directly and forcefully onto his side. They want Zuko to kick Zhao’s ass.

This continues all through book one and book two. Remember, Zuko is never, ever the main villain of this series. That’s initially Zhao, followed by Azula and Ozai. (Plus various temporary players like Long Feng.) Whenever Zuko isn’t placed into direct conflict with the other protagonists, he’s always written and presented in a way that is careful, VERY VERY careful, not to make him too monstrous, and to make us root for him. He’s placed right next to Iroh, who is designed for people to like, and that reflects back onto Zuko; we want Zuko to be better than he is because we want Iroh to have good things.

Put aside for the moment whether any specific character, including Zuko, deserves their redemption. If you’ve decided you’re going to do that, you have to erect the proper narrative scaffolding around them, and it extends to far more things than “did this person not do things that were too horrible” and “is this person genuinely sorry and is working really hard to atone.” There’s a difference between protagonist and white hat, but if you want someone to eventually wear that white hat, you REALLY need to establish them as a plausible protagonist early on.


A nuclear reactor starting up

My brother does maintenance work in nuclear plants fairly often and told me how cameras don’t do this justice, how in person that blue glow is not quite like any other blue he’s ever seen in his life

Vanya: I was mentally and emotionally abused for years and was led to believe I was worthless and my power was purposely suppressed
Klaus: I was kidnapped and tortured and watched the love of my life die while fighting on the front lines in Vietnam, all while overcoming addiction
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