

@studying-papers-blog / studying-papers-blog.tumblr.com

nadya / 14 / +65 / #studypapers / drop me a message and let's be friends !

Notes taken 2 weeks ago when I was studying for my chemistry test. Luckily, memorising all the names wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be.


How to prepare and study for exams.

Since I am having my exams next week I decided to make a post about how I study for exams and some other tips ! I hope this will be helpful :)


1. Plan - A week or so prior to exams plan out all the things you need to study. Make a schedule where you have a clear overview and outline of the things you need to do on which day.

2. List - Usually once the schedule is made I make a list of the topics I need to review. Besides the list, I make a few boxes which I fill in based on my understanding. The goal is, of course, to fill in all the boxes. This system helps me to see which topics I still need to practice.

3. Notes - Rewriting your notes can help you to remember things easily but this is optional since it does not work for everyone :)

reblogging this because my exams are coming up soon ! goodluck to anyone else if they have their exams as well <3


Literally do your work as soon as you know it exists. If you get homework, do it during your free or when you get home or on the train if you really want to, on the day you get it. Just got set an assignment? Get the draft done that weekend. It doesn’t have to be amazing and absolutely ready to send in, it just needs to exist. Just got sent an email? Reply when you see it. If you’re not sure how to response to it, write Dear (), leave a gap and then write Regards () and keep that in your drafts. Set a reminder on your computer or write the reminder on a sticky note that you’ve got that sitting in your drafts and you need to send it off in the next 24 hours. Need to clean your room? Don’t spend time thinking or planning how you’re going to clean it or how you’re going to change up the space in the process, just pick stuff up and put it where it should be until everything’s in order. Done. Seriously dude, when a task arises as an issue, tackle it as soon as you realise it exists. Remember, it doesn’t need to be amazing it just needs to be done. So, when the due date of the task creeps closer, you can go back, work with what you have and make it the quality you want it to be. 


study tips and tips about self

start doing it today.

keep doing it.

dont stop.

tomorrow is a new day to try again.

dont wait to see massive results from the day one.

make it a routine to learn something evey day and the big result will be obvious at the end!

the secret is: make study your habit. be in  love with studying. by expanding your horizons and becoming smarter. you are doing it for yourself. just yourself. dont fall in the trap to try to be better than someone else. it doesnt worth the time and the energy. develop yourself, discover yourself. and one great way is to do this through studying. study your material or even try to read something totally different than you usually do that it interests you a bit. politics. astronomy. history of the russian. psychology of the family. 

also. have more interests and hobbies. i have theatre. and good company. i think friends give you the power of keep trying. catch every chance that is given to you to try something new. dont underestimate it. if you are into many things while you are young, you will have some wisdom collected over there and you will be very pleased with yourself! so keep trying and love studying and learning new stuff. languages, form of arts, athletics or dances.



How to Handle Having TOO MUCH To Do

So let’s say you’re in the same boat I am (this is a running theme, have you noticed?) and you’ve just got, like, SO MUCH STUFF that HAS to get done YESTERDAY or you will DIE (or fail/get fired/mope). Everything needs to be done yesterday, you’re sick, and for whatever reason you are focusing on the least important stuff first. What to do!

Take a deep breath, because this is a boot camp in prioritization.

  • Make a 3 by 4 grid. Make it pretty big. The line above your top row goes like this: Due YESTERDAY - due TOMORROW - due LATER. Along the side, write: Takes 5 min - Takes 30 min - Takes hours - Takes DAYS.
  • Divide ALL your tasks into one of these squares, based on how much work you still have to do. A thank you note for a present you received two weeks ago? That takes 5 minutes and was due YESTERDAY. Put it in that square. A five page paper that’s due tomorrow? That takes an hour/hours, place it appropriately. Tomorrow’s speech you just need to rehearse? Half an hour, due TOMORROW. Do the same for ALL of your tasks
  • Your priority goes like this:
  • 5 minutes due YESTERDAY
  • 5 minutes due TOMORROW
  • Half-hour due YESTERDAY
  • Half-hour due TOMORROW
  • Hours due YESTERDAY
  • Hours due TOMORROW
  • 5 minutes due LATER
  • Half-hour due LATER
  • Hours due LATER
  • DAYS due LATER
  • At this point you just go down the list in each section. If something feels especially urgent, for whatever reason - a certain professor is hounding you, you’re especially worried about that speech, whatever - you can bump that up to the top of the entire list. However, going through the list like this is what I find most efficient.
  • Some people do like to save the 5 minute tasks for kind of a break between longer-running tasks. If that’s what you want to try, go for it! You’re the one studying here.

So that’s how to prioritize. Now, how to actually do shit? That’s where the 20/10 method comes in. It’s simple: do stuff like a stuff-doing FIEND for 20 minutes, then take a ten minute break and do whatever you want. Repeat ad infinitum. It’s how I’ve gotten through my to do list, concussed and everything.

You’ve got this. Get a drink and start - we can do our stuff together!


WOAH THIS SOUNDS HELPFUL. I’M GOING TO TRY THIS IMMEDIATELY. Also, I made a chart for myself, but if anyone else wants it for reference (or if this is wrong and I misread you can tell me) here it is:


I can’t decide whether I like this spread or not :’D what I do like though is the ‘five tasks per day’ system I’ve started using – this way I can concentrate on five main things every day and am able to plan a bit into the future Picture sources: colourline ♥ // kate wolf


Studyblrs! Please turn off "Best Stuff First" in “Dashboard Preferences” in General Settings


You’re missing out on heaps of original study tips posts and heaps of great stuff by creators, not just me! My study tips are really detailed but can be specific at times, I don’t want to have to resort to poorer quality posts or clickbait titles to bring in the activity :’( 

Studyblrs are one of the biggest communities on tumblr, we can make a difference!

@staff please remove this feature! I’m an original study tips maker and this killed my activity! Tumblr is about original creators as much as reblogging, and having this option on will mean only the popular bloggers get featured more and more. It’ll be so much harder for new studyblrs to get a foot in!

Reblog to protect your own original content from being filtered! 

Check your activity graphs. I’m sure you’ll find yours drops off at the same date. #spreadtheword #protectyourcontent #protectoriginalcontent


22 oct. 2017; 67/100 days of productivity

Warm yellow spread with frog umbrella doodles! I just started listening to Dear Evan Hansen and it’s really good (so many feelings!)


tips for public speaking

  • take a deep breath
  • it’ll be over before you know it 
  • pretend like you’re obama (it’ll help you talk slower)
  • stand up straight
  • in a class setting, people don’t typically pay attention anyways so it’s not like your classmates are watching your every move. they don’t care.
  • don’t lock your knees
  • bring up a note card with important topics or quotes
  • make eye contact if you can
  • or look at people’s hair. it’ll make it seem like you’re making eye contact, but it’ll be less awkward
  • don’t memorize your entire speech. instead, memorize a couple bullet points of topics you need to hit
  • project your voice as if you’re speaking to someone sitting in the back of the room
  • talk with your hands to help you feel more warm and welcoming
  • don’t put your hands in your pockets
  • walk around a bit, but let it come organically. don’t force it.
  • don’t bounce one leg the whole time, it’s distracting
  • spit out your gum
  • smile
  • don’t eat a big meal prior
  • if you have to present for a certain number of minutes, have a friend sit in the back of the room and hold up finger signs for how many minutes you’ve been up there
  • don’t wear loud jewelry
  • practice your presentation/speech to a friend or family member who is unfamiliar with the material. if they don’t understand your presentation or don’t follow, you need to be more detailed
  • stick to the built-in themes on power point. yes, colors are pretty, but some color combos can be hard to read, and you won’t know it until it’s up on a big screen/projector.
  • put pictures in your power point. they’re more entertaining to look at than a paragraph of text.
  • speak with formal language. stay away from curse words and slang.
  • remember that everyone in your class is going through the same stress.
  • if you absolutely cannot handle the idea of public speaking, talk to your teacher and see if it’s okay for you to do your presentation after class.
  • it’ll be okay.
  • you got this.


Check it out here!

FEATURES: - 2018 wall calendars with 4 leaves design - 2018 monthly calendar (starting on mon) - 2018 at a glance - A sentence a day (diary) - Blank horizontal monthly calendar (starting with mon/sun) - Blank vertical monthly calendar (starting with mon/sun) - Blank vertical monthly planner (starting with mon/sun) - Brain Dump - Daily Planner - 5 years, 10 years goals planner - Bucket list - Habit tracker - Life goals - Monthly goals - Yearly goals - Weekly planner - 4 motivational and inspirational quote


[10.22.17] 40/100 days of productivity 

I’m not usually a big fan of writing in mechanical pencil, but these ones are so cute and they look like the sunrise! 


recent notes + bujo spread, ft. pictures from my seoul/tokyo trip over the summer! // ig: studylustre ✨


- 10.30.2017 -

lit coursework on a Monday afternoon. Happy halloween for tomorrow, guys  🎃

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