
Sirius Black

@padfoot-ing-around / padfoot-ing-around.tumblr.com

19. Marauder. Gear head

Comedic Relief|| Edgar and Sirius|| May 20, 1980

Sirius had been gradually finding himself back at Order meetings, though they were still painful to sit through. The confrontation with Marlene the other day did little to sooth the anxiety that he felt on his way to this meeting tonight. 

But the cookies someone brought–– either his cousin or lily, probably–– were a nice addition to his growling stomach. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, nor changed his clothes either. 

“Hey Boner,” Sirius nodded his chin at the man as he walked into the kitchen. He was mid-bite, oblivious to the crumbs he was creating on the floor. 

“Hows your sister?” Sirius prodded, a grin spreading across his face. “She still fit as fuck?” He chuckled at himself and popped the rest of his cookie in his mouth. 

“So I heard a little something about you the other day,” Sirius pushed his butt off the edge of the counter and crossed his arms, moving closer to engage him in a conversation. 

“Yah so, does crazy run in the family, well I mean I’d shag your sister even if she was crazy.. but for the sake of our kids, I wanna know if we’re gunna have to send them all to St. Mungos or something,” Sirius trailed off to laugh.


Indoctrination|| Self para|| Ages 4, 6, 7, 10, 11

Aged 4, 

“Life goes in cycles. The mouse is eaten by the snake, then the snake gets eaten by a hawk. That’s just the way things are. Everything has a place in this world, beyond what you or I can conceive of it.”

“But why?”

“It’s not for us to ask why, its simply life. And its not for you to cry over either. Its the food chain. That rabbit died to be food for something else. If we kept it alive, something else would die because of it. Actions have consequences Sirius.”

“But that’s not fair!” Sirius exclaimed, wiping his runny nose with his sleeve. 

“Don’t you see, this way is the most fair!” His father exclaimed, almost bursting with excitement at the chance to prove his point to his son. “It’s not for you nor I to decide. Everything has a place in this world, there are no judgements about what lives or dies, things just are. There are those that are strong and those that are weak. The weak are destined to be eaten by the strong. And the rest is left up to chance.”

That still seemed vastly unfair to Sirius. His bunny hadn’t chosen to be weak, had it? And it certainly didn’t wanna to be eaten. 

Aged 6,

“Nooo!” Sirius let out a loud, high-pitched scream, trying to break away from nanny’s grasp. 

“Sir-i-uuhhhhhs!” His father yelled, marching forwards and grabbing his arm away from the help and yanking him forwards, away from crying Regulus. 

“When you hit your brother, you are spitting on your family, you got that!?” He yelled, his grip tightening around the boy’s bicep and shaking him violently. “Everything that brought you here, that made you what you are. You would be nothing without it, nothing.”

“You are the weak link Sirius,” His son’s wailing was grating on his nerves and Orion yanked him down the hallway. “You don’t hit your brother. You never disrespect the Black name like that,” his father yelled angrily. 

Sirius tripped, his legs struggling to keep up, as he tried to wiggle out from his father’s hands. “No, no- wasn’t - he-” Sirius heaved between sobs, sitting back with his bum, to use his weight to stop his father. It managed to loosen his father’s grasp just a little, but the man recovered quick. He grabbed Sirius around the belly, lifting him up under his arm and accidentally smacking Sirius’ head against the banister. 

His wailing grew louder and his father’s patience was gone. 

“You want to spit on me and your family?!” He asked in a raised voice, his face growing red with anger. “You ungrateful, spoiled brat.” He growled. Sirius let out a loud scream that was mixed with crying and hiccups. 

Orion opened the large armoire in the livingroom and stuffed the small boy inside, quickly casting a spell to lock the doors shut. 

“No no no no!” Sirius sobbed, trying to jiggle the doors open from the inside. 

“You have a duty to yourself and me; All the other Blacks before you. Honour and pride at all costs. You uphold your honour, or you’ll stay in here till you learn your place in this family. You’re a speck, you hear me,” he hissed through the crack between the doors. 

Sirius held his breath, his crying stopping momentarily. 

“You’re nothing without the Black name, you got that?” 

Aged 7,

“You need to see the value in things, Sirius. That’s what I’m trying to teach you. Why don’t you get that?” Orion asked him impatiently. His son looked down at his feet, dressed in a stuffy high-collared dressrobe he’d never wear on his own choosing. “Not everything is equal, some things are greater than others–– worth more.” 

He knew some things costed more than other things, but he didn’t pretend to have any real concept of money. 

“Why would you buy this?” his father yelled. “Huh?!” He tossed the toy across the desk towards the boy. “ANSWER ME!!” 

“I..” Sirius stammered, trying to find the words–– any words. He couldn’t even look at it, too ashamed of himself in a way he couldn’t really explain. 

“Is THIS something that appeals to you?” His father voice was angry but sharp, implying mockery. “My son, is this what you want to play with..”

Sirius started to cry, his arms wrapping tightly around himself as though trying to keep it all inside. 

“Do you know what this is?!” His father carried on. “This is a disgrace. A disgusting piece of garbage–– it’s not for you, but for muggles.” The word fell slimly from his tongue. “Muggle girls.”

The doll was dressed in pink, with bright red yarn hair, freckled cheeks and a wide smile. She looked friendly... and happy. Like she wanted to be your friend. And that’s why Sirius had gotten her. 

Orion could tell his son was getting lost in his own thoughts. He snatched the doll and got to his feet, making Sirius flinch back. He marched to the fireplace and ripped the doll’s dress off. 

“No!!” Sirius knew what was coming next. His father made a show of ripping her head from her body, and tossing the parts into the fire. 

“Thats what we do to muggles Sirius.” he said sternly, ignoring his son’s silent sobbing. “They aren’t equal to us, they will NEVER be equal to us. They belong in the garbage with the other rodents.”

His father made a face and looked at his hands as though they needed to be washed, before wiping them carefully on his waistcoat.

Aged 10, 

“We share what we own with others who are like us. And in return, they’ll do things for us... its how the world works, Sirius.” he explained. “And when I die, it will fall on you to take my place and fill that role.”

“But I don’t want you to die..” 

His father chuckled. “Well I won’t truly be gone. I’ll be hanging up there,” he nodded a chin to the paintings around the room. “Where I can always keep an eye on you..” 

Sirius’ gut sank to his feet uncomfortably, but he wasn’t sure why.

Aged 11, 

“We aren’t like other people Sirius––”

“Yah, but thats not fair!” Sirius exclaimed. 

“Whats not fair? That we should live comfortably while others CHOOSE to live in squalor, surrounded by filth? Because thats what they do Sirius, they CHOOSE to live how they do. To marry who they marry. No one forces them, no one holds a wand to their heads,” Orion laughed and poked his own wand at Sirius’ temple. Sirius moved his head away but the wand followed him mockingly. Sirius tried to swat it away but Orion grabbed the back of his neck and yanked him forward violently.

“Stooopp,” Sirius muttered annoyedly, trying to shake himself free. His father was relentless, which he knew, and he gave up after the one attempt. 

“You wanna go live with them? Hmm? Hmm?” Orion pushed the side of Sirius’ head with his hand, slapping him around. “Go live with all the other rats in the middle of London.. You’d like that, wouldn’t you.” Sirius tried to swat back, accidentally catching Orion’s arm with a weak slap. 

His father’s eyes burned and his hand was no longer flat, but rather his fingers curled into Sirius’ long hair and he slammed the side of the boy’s head into the wall, holding it there.

Sirius winced from the initial hit, trying to push away from the continued pressure of his dad’s hand. It worked against his favour and Orion slammed him again against the wall. 

“Why can’t you seem to grasp that we have pride in who we are.” His father growled through barred teeth. His son wasn’t 45 pounds anymore and was growing like devil’s snare every day. “We take care of our own and we make sacrifices to protect the greater good.” He continued. Sirius tried to push up from the wall again with his head, only to be pushed back again. 

“We take care of our people, and everyone else is either too stupid to realize that, or is in the way.” 

Source: Spotify
James: there are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way and the Sirius way.
Remus: isn’t that just the wrong way?
James: yes but it’s faster and there’s a 30% chance that you will die

The Way It Was || Marlene & Sirius.

Location: Order Safehouse
It was not hard to realize Dumbledore was rather irritated when he called for a break in the middle of the Order meeting. Everyone seemed to be distracted that night, and whether if it was because of the general atmosphere growing darker with each passing day at war, or simply the presence of firewhiskey and butterbeer on the table, the truth was it seemed like everyone there could use a little of light mood before returning to the stone hard reality that was fighting a war against a faceless enemy of which so much, yet so frustratingly little was known at the same time.
Marlene was one of those who exited the meeting room in the middle of a fresh fit of giggles shared with Dorcas Meadowes. The reason for their laughter was the image of old Mundungus Fletcher, head thrown back over his chair, mouth wide open and troll-like snores crawling out of said pit. While the image itself had already been laughable, what had really sent the two witches, and various others, over the edge, was the moment in which not one, but two flies headed straight down the rabbit hole that was his throat, causing him to croak out like a giant, bewildered bullfrog, before shaking his limbs and falling from his chair.
Dorcas excused herself to go to the bathroom, and as Marlene was coming back from the kitchen after helping to take the dirty dishes and empty plates to bring new snacks to the table, she ran into one Sirius Black, with whom she could not remember having a civil conversation for the past three months or so, if not more. At first, the tiny blonde hesitated, and even considered walking in the opposite direction. But she felt like that would do little to ease the nasty tension between them, one that had nothing to do with hatred, but was filled with awkwardness of heartbreak. And to be honest, she rather missed sharing with Sirius, in ways that did not involve expectations, jealousy, pain, drama. She missed the being friends of it all, messing with each other and with the people of their groups, arguing over rock bands and having incredibly dumb discussions over something Sirius would never find interesting, and that she would never find boring, or viceversa. She wanted things to be more like the way they were. So with a deep breath, she took a step forward in the name of diplomacy, and greeted the dark haired man with an open smile.
“Hey, you! The Ramones called, they said they have more clothes they don’t use that you can steal from them if you want” she teased, hands in the back pockets of her jeans.

It had been a long while since Sirius had dragged his sorry ass to an Order meeting. The longer he put it off, the harder it was to show up. There was the dread that people would ask him where he’d been, why he’s been absent and what he was doing with his life now, all of which he had no answers for. 

But it was finally Remus–– typical–– who told him to stop being a stubborn arse and to swallow his pride about the whole thing. But he didn’t see it that way, this wasn’t about pride! It was much deeper than that! So deep in fact, that when further questioned about it, he’d promptly told Peter it was deeper than his mum’s fanny and to just drop it. 

And then there was the dread that he would be most definitely seeing Marlene here. To that, he didn’t have an answer for either. Best he could hope for was that they’d just continue pulling a Lily and James (in the beginning times) and stay awkward and avoid each other. 

Slipping into the room about half passed, to no one else’s knowledge except Dumbledore’s expert eye, he took a seat in the very back of the room to hide in the corner. The guilt for having been so absent from Order things was like the annoying snores of Fletcher–– enough to make you uncomfortable, but not enough for you to actually do anything about it. Till now, that is.

It was called to order quickly and the wizards all stirred at the same time, giving stretches and returning back to the land of the living. The chatter started up quickly, and Sirius got up from his chair and fled to the safety of the kitchen. He found Molly there already, putting around with the dishes. He didn’t bother asking (knowing she’d probably wave him away) and picked up a clean plate to dry. 

James found him moments later and Sirius gave his mate a hard shove with love. They worked in silence, trying to trip each other while they stacked plates. James had almost got him and Sirius let out a laugh as he stumbled. He turned on his heels and snapped the dish towel at him, trying to get him in the arse, but James was already on the move. He disappeared into the other room, leaving Sirius to snap at air.

“What tha-” Sirius was left alone–– only he wasn’t alone. “Fucking hell,” he sighed under his breath at the sight of her. This was exactly the kind of situation he’d been trying to avoid. 

He couldn’t help but roll his eyes and smirk. He’d dressed this way purposefully of course. You don’t show up to an Order meeting in dress robes like a knob, nor do you look like you just rolled out of bed. The key was landing somewhere in the middle; Somewhere between ‘I don’t give a fuck,’ and ‘I’m so cool, I don’t even have to try.’ Sirius thought he’d pulled it off expertly. It was typical for her to notice. Fucking Marlene. 

“Funny.”  he smirked dryly, pretending not to be amused by her joke. 

“I thought you had to be over 4 feet to attend these meetings...” he feigned puzzlement. 

They fell easily back into their old Hogwarts habits. Sirius set the towel aside and leaned his butt on the counter, crossing his arms. 

“So how are things?” He hated himself for asking, but he was genuinely curious. He had to force himself not to smile, though his eyes were clearly happy and blue, rather than grey. 


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

For a moment Black’s face displayed shock and disappointment and Igor dared to think that he might have succeeded in nipping this whole thing in the bud. Things would surely be awkward (and probably more than a little confusing) the next time Black spoke to the real Arabella Figg, but that was hardly Igor’s problem. As long as he got out of there scott-free, he didn’t really care one way or the other.
Unfortunately, Black’s uncertainty wasn’t to last. His protests followed Igor to the door and just as he had made it into the corridor, a hand latched onto his arm, turning him back towards the other wizard. Igor flinched instinctively. He’d never been fond of unasked-for touch and especially not in recent years. “Hey!” he snarled, and even with Arabella’s voice, the anger made it sharp as a basilisk’s fang. “Let go!”
Dory was staring at them from the living room, eyes wide. She was silent in the paralyzed way of a frightened child, but Igor paid her no mind. His eyes were on Black, narrowed into a glare. He reached around to the hand at his waist and gripped the wrist tightly. “I said no,” he said acidly. In the beats of silence between their words, he could hear the tick-tick of the clock in the kitchen. He surely only had minutes left before the Polyjuice wore off. He needed to get out of there.
It was so tempting to draw his wand from the pocket of his dress, but he gritted his teeth and resisted. Instead, he wrenched Black’s hand from where it rested at his back and skipped back a couple steps from him, raising his hands in what he hoped looked somewhat placating and not like he was resisting throttling the man. Flustered as he was, he wasn’t sure he was entirely successful. “I must go,” he said again, trying to rein in his temper. Starting a fight, even just a verbal one, would only prolong this and he was eager to be away. “You stay here with Dory. She is looking very frightened.”
Black seemed to be genuinely fond of the little girl. Perhaps his concern for her well-being would be enough to get him to back down. Igor pointed at her, fixing his expression into one of apologetic worry. Now that he was feeling a little bit calmer, the facade was much easier to manipulate. “I am sorry,” he said, to both Dory and Black. He thanked years of practice, which allowed him to sound genuine. He then fixed Black in particular with a very stern look. It suited Arabella’s face well. “But when I say no, I mean no. I cannot.”
Again, he risked turning his back on the Order wizard and the little girl behind him and moved towards the door. His long strides were probably not much like how Arabella normally walked, but at this point he didn’t care.

Sirius’ arm remained tightly around her waist and fought against her body to stay there, in one last ounce of stubbornness. The ticking clock marked several seconds before he noticed they were being watched by another pair of eyes.

Nymphadora was standing in the living room, staring right at them, fake wand still in hand. It pulled Sirius back to the present and he immediately released the woman, raising both hands to the air and taking several steps back in an instinctive recoil.

She shouldn’t be watching this. But he knew children had a way of witnessing things they probably shouldn’t. They go unnoticed or slip through the cracks, until they see things they’ll always remember. It struck a chord with him, deeper than it might the average person.

Maybe tomorrow he’d laugh about the situation with the boys. They could swap a story or two about a time when they’d struck out- Peter most definitely had a few- or maybe even a Figg anecdote. But in the moment all sense of arrogance was gone.

“I wouldn’t have.. I just..” Sirius didn’t know how to explain. He figured he knew what she was thinking, judging from her last stern response, but he didn’t know how to reassure her that this was not THAT. He would never..

“I, uh.” He looked pained as he tried to find the words.

He glanced back at Nymphadora like he wanted to say something, but she turned on her heels and ran into the kitchen, obviously confused and a bit upset.

“Damnit.” He hissed again. This night was turning even more topsy-turvy than before. He wasn’t that guy. Why would she think that? How could she think that HE would ever...

His mind kept racing to its justification. She was just a prude. She was leading him on, and then she just drops him when it’s no longer convenient. Deep down he knew that wasn’t the case. There’s been a good deal of chasing on his part- but women liked being chased!

Sirius frowned and backed away from her slowly, growing more embarrassed by his own behaviour. His hands were still raised in the air apologetically, though he had yet to apologize.

“I should look after that,” he pointed a thumb towards the interior of the house. She was already turning around for the door. Sirius watched her awkwardly. 

“Yup, door’s right there..” he muttered under his breath. He wasn’t bitter about it, but the embarrassment was bruising his pride.  

“Guess I’ll see you at the next meeting..” he added awkwardly, not really expecting much of a response. 


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

Sirius chuckled behind his tea cup. He’d heard of these infamous cats Figg had–– not directly but according to the other Marauders, she enjoyed talking about them. Peter recounted a time when he’d been stuck listening to her about it for nearly an entire evening. The Marauders were not fans of cat, they were dog people. 
Still, though some might be turned off by the images of a “cat lady,” Sirius could see how maybe a woman who spent too much time petting felines would be eager to pet something else. She’s probably into some kinky shit. 
Sirius nodded thoughtfully. “That’s what we’re all trying to do,” he looked away to his cousin innocently colouring on the floor. “Just trying ta live another day.” 
Sirius smirked at the mention of the babysitting. “Oh this is usually just a one off thing. Me and Andy are pretty close, and I like hanging with Dory as much as I can… Never know these days.” He spoke nostalgically which surprised even him; he’d given up nostalgia about family long ago. 
“Besides that, oh you know,” he smirked devilishly and gave a cool half-shrug. His hair came out from behind his ear and he brushed the curls back. it was almost the perfect length that he liked. Made him look extra groovy. 
“Just trying to stay outta trouble. Not always easy, danger seems to find me.” His smile dropped slightly from its usual goofiness to a more sultry curl, reflecting his ego. His eyes darted down from her face to her cleavage and then back to her lap. 
“You know..” He decided to test his luck and he set his tea cup down, before leaning back to cozy into her. His hand moved almost just as quick to rest chastely on her thigh. 
“I get how scared you must feel, with all this bullshit going on round us…” He turned, his eyes focusing and turning a brighter shade of blue. He watched her eyes and even glanced to her mouth. “I could teach you some things–– just simple self defence type stuff. Maybe set up a couple wards round yours..” 
It was all just talk now. His brain was very much disconnected from what he was actually saying. Sirius was never one to back down until there was no sign of hope, and right now, he saw an ‘in.’
Sirius’ hand squeezed her thigh, in the process managing to inch up towards her inner thigh. At the same time his eyes flickered to her sultry lips before he leaned in for a snog. 

Under different circumstances, Igor might have been more willing to consider the fact that Sirius Black was a very handsome wizard. Younger than Igor himself by five years or so, yes, but possessing of the sort of easy charm and confidence that caught people’s eye. That combined with his dark eyes and hair and his mischievous grin, he was an all-around winning specimen.

That said, Igor prided himself in being able to think with his head over other parts of his body and the inconvenience of Black’s tenacious advances far outweighed any intrigue they provided.

That and the fact that Black was an enemy under the impression that Igor was a middle-aged Squib woman with loyalties to Dumbledore. A disguise that was going to disappear in about ten minutes. There was that, too.

This all would have been quite funny if it were happening to someone else. If he’d heard this as a story of one of the other Death Eater’s missions, he would have smirked and later laughed at the thought of it. Unfortunately, funny situations had a way of being a lot less funny when they were happening to you. Alarm bells were ringing in Igor’s head as Black’s hand came to rest on his thigh. The space between them on the couch seemed to have vanished. And all he could think was how much he hoped that the Dark Lord didn’t use Legilimency on him when he told him what he’d learned.

“Um,” he said, mind racing for a way out of this that was quick and efficient and wouldn’t raise Black’s suspicions. “That is very kind of you…”

He was just about to try reminding Black of Dory’s presence in the room, thinking that the role of bashful woman might be the best one to play here, when the choice was rather taken away from him by Black’s face suddenly being alarmingly close to his own.

“Hey!” he said, his temporarily feminine voice so high-pitched that he flinched. Merlin’s teeth, he couldn’t wait until he had his own voice and body back. Dory was looking over her shoulder at the adults on the couch, surprised, but Igor’s attention was on Black. He tried to rally Arabella’s expression into one of indignant dismay. “I am thinking that this is a bad idea!” he exclaimed, leaping to his feet and nearly bounding over the coffee table (and the small child sitting in front of it) in his haste to put a safe distance between himself and the Order wizard. “I do not think we should do anything that we will be regretting! I should go!”

It seemed very unlikely that he would find out any more interesting information about the Order of the Phoenix now anyway, not with Sirius Black determined to stick his tongue down his throat. And if he wasn’t careful, he wouldn’t be able to get out of here before the Polyjuice potion wore off.

“What would the others say?” he said as he hurried in the direction of the door, putting on a show of being very flustered and embarrassed. Considering the debacle this so-called stealth mission was turning out to be, there wasn’t a whole lot of acting going on. “We must not!”

The yell shocked Sirius from his skin and he pulled away quickly. It was clear by his face that had not been the reaction he’d expected. It wasn’t often that he ‘struck out’ and when it happened he only had two strategies for coping with it. 

“I, uh..” he tried to recover quickly. And finally his face dropped the shocked expression and he broke into a cocky smirk. 

He watched as she leaped away from him, hovering. Why was she talking so... weird. It was the first time he noticed she was using way too many words. 

“No don’t go.” He got up to his feet. He was persistent and moved so he could try and grab her hand. She was already on the move and so he followed her to the door, hot on her tail. 

“Wait... what?” He tried to get her to slow down. “Who cares! They’re a bunch of squares anyways! Not like we gotta tell them. They won’t even know.”

“C’mon stop.. Figg, stop!” He tried for her arm again and turned her towards him. “You can’t deny the chemistry we got here. And I’m sure you’re lonely in that house with all those cats..”

His cocky smirk had returned and he intended to wear it as a helmet.

His hand moved to her waist and he pulled her into his body a bit reluctantly, hoping it wouldn’t scare her off again.

He didn’t know why he wanted her so badly. Maybe he was just really horny now that Verina was gone. He hadnt fucked in a month now. Or maybe it was the mysterious allure of a mature woman. Or the fact that she wasn’t giving into his charms so easily.

“Let’s just put dory to bed and we can just see where things go from there, hm?” He asked innocently, his grey eyes now bright blue and wide in his best puppy-eyed smirk.


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

Before he could ask ‘Colour what?’, Igor found himself being pulled along by the hand, Dory excitedly tugging him in the direction of another room. Having only been inside the house once before, and under rather strenuous circumstances at the time, he didn’t know the layout of the rooms and had no idea where they were going. As it turned out, he was being led into a cluttered sitting room. Children’s toys and paraphernalia were scattered all around. Clearly this was where Dory spent a good amount of her time.
The child plonked herself down on the floor in front of the coffee table and with little to-do began to colour a drawing. Ah, thought Igor, sitting down on the couch. Colour that. He wasn’t being asked to join in at least. He liked drawing, but he didn’t feel like doing it alongside a child. Especially when he had no idea if Arabella Figg could draw or not. For all he was aware, she could be infamous throughout the Order of the Phoenix as a terrible artist.
Not to mention, he simply wasn’t comfortable around kids like this. Odd, perhaps, when one considered his background in teaching, but the children he’d tutored back in Bulgaria had been different. He’d not been their babysitter, he’d been their teacher, and had brooked no silliness from them. Just sitting and playing with a child wasn’t something he was at all accustomed to doing. He only hoped that Arabella was the same.
“Thanks,” he murmured when Black took a seat next to him, passing him a cup of tea. He was all too aware of just how close the wizard was sitting to him. Igor considered ‘accidentally’ spilling his tea into Black’s lap, but ultimately decided against it. That might be misconstrued as a ploy to get his trousers off. Merlin’s teeth, this was ridiculous!
Luckily, for the moment Black seemed content with chatting. Igor was glad that he’d at least done a little digging into Arabella’s life before temporarily donning her appearance. “Oh, you know,” he said lightly, casually shifting to put a little more distance between them. “This and that.” He’d heard people use this saying before, as a way to be vague. “I like spending time with my cats.” Arabella bred cats, he’d learned. Igor himself wasn’t much of a cat person, but he could understand the appeal of spending more time with felines than people. “Mostly I am… trying to stay out of danger,” he added carefully. 
As a Squib, it made sense that Arabella Figg would be vulnerable in this war. Igor was fairly certain that the only reason the Dark Lord hadn’t targeted her was because she wasn’t important or vocal enough to catch his attention. Igor turned Arabella’s lips down into a sad frown. “I do not like to think about it. It is why I do not come here so often. What about you?” he asked. Maybe he could learn more interesting information. “What do you like doing? When you are not watching Dory, of course,” he added, nodding at the colouring child on the floor in front of them.

Sirius chuckled behind his tea cup. He’d heard of these infamous cats Figg had–– not directly but according to the other Marauders, she enjoyed talking about them. Peter recounted a time when he’d been stuck listening to her about it for nearly an entire evening. The Marauders were not fans of cat, they were dog people. 

Still, though some might be turned off by the images of a “cat lady,” Sirius could see how maybe a woman who spent too much time petting felines would be eager to pet something else. She’s probably into some kinky shit. 

Sirius nodded thoughtfully. “That’s what we’re all trying to do,” he looked away to his cousin innocently colouring on the floor. “Just trying ta live another day.” 

Sirius smirked at the mention of the babysitting. “Oh this is usually just a one off thing. Me and Andy are pretty close, and I like hanging with Dory as much as I can... Never know these days.” He spoke nostalgically which surprised even him; he’d given up nostalgia about family long ago. 

“Besides that, oh you know,” he smirked devilishly and gave a cool half-shrug. His hair came out from behind his ear and he brushed the curls back. it was almost the perfect length that he liked. Made him look extra groovy. 

“Just trying to stay outta trouble. Not always easy, danger seems to find me.” His smile dropped slightly from its usual goofiness to a more sultry curl, reflecting his ego. His eyes darted down from her face to her cleavage and then back to her lap. 

“You know..” He decided to test his luck and he set his tea cup down, before leaning back to cozy into her. His hand moved almost just as quick to rest chastely on her thigh. 

“I get how scared you must feel, with all this bullshit going on round us...” He turned, his eyes focusing and turning a brighter shade of blue. He watched her eyes and even glanced to her mouth. “I could teach you some things–– just simple self defence type stuff. Maybe set up a couple wards round yours..” 

It was all just talk now. His brain was very much disconnected from what he was actually saying. Sirius was never one to back down until there was no sign of hope, and right now, he saw an ‘in.’

Sirius’ hand squeezed her thigh, in the process managing to inch up towards her inner thigh. At the same time his eyes flickered to her sultry lips before he leaned in for a snog. 

Anonymous asked:

Your character is accused of something he or she didn’t do. How does he or she react?

// Sirius is both laughing and crying and banging his head against the wall//

Thank you ‘anonymous’ for so aptly mentioning the time that I wasted 11- FUCKING YEARS of my LIFE being locked away in Azkaban, for something I didn’t do. Thank you, thank you. 

// Still very bitter//

No, really, cuz I had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN the times I was constantly tortured and berated in that forsaken hellish dumpster-can-of-a-place, where I felt the tiny shards of my humanity being ripped out of my CHEST every FUCKING NIGHT by dementors. Having to listen to the constant wailing and ghoulish screams from my neighbours. With no contact from anyone, other than the four sweating, mouldy walls of my cell...

// Sirius is stubborn, proud, and hotheaded, which is a very bad combination to have in that kind of circumstance. It would lead him to dig his heels so far into the ground, that he’d probably cut off his nose, despite his face– and completely prevent a compromise or rational discussion from happening//


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

Dory unfortunately didn’t seem to have much interest in the idea of looking like other people, so Igor supposed he wasn’t likely to learn the extent of her powers that day. Not that he really had been expecting to, the girl being as young as she was. She probably had no idea herself of what she was capable, nor would she for many years. Still, it was a very interesting tidbit of information to feed back to the Dark Lord.
Black, meanwhile, was sympathizing with him. Or rather, with Arabella and her plight as a Squib. He didn’t say much, but Igor could read it in his expression. For someone as seemingly outgoing as he appeared to be, Sirius Black had a deceptively hard-to-read face. Igor had to remind himself that this was a wizard who had grown up in the same family as Bellatrix and Narcissa, so it made sense that he had a Pureblood sense of decorum, even if it was squandered now. He ought not be surprised that Black could hide his thoughts and feelings when he wanted to.
Tread carefully, Igor reminded himself, somewhat needlessly. He always did.
Neither Dory’s singing nor Black’s sympathy distracted Igor from the brush of the other man’s fingers on his arm, even if Black was quick to return to his tea-making duties. Unbelievable, thought Igor indignantly. Taking advantage of a distraught woman! Or, er, me.
Reminding himself with a lot more sternness to focus on the mission, he crossed his arms and retreated towards the doorway as nonchalantly as he could. “It is what it is,” he said simply, as if Arabella didn’t wish to say anything more on the matter. He didn’t want to make his escape just yet, but he thought it best to put some more distance between himself and the tenacious Sirius Black.
Only to just about have a heart attack when a woman’s voice rang out behind him. It was far enough away that when he looked over his shoulder, the witch – presumably the elusive Andromeda – was not in sight. Still, Igor felt his heart beat faster and he did his best to keep his face clear of any emotion other than amusement at Dory’s antics and lingering sadness over his feigned Squibby-ness. He forced himself to laugh Arabella’s feminine laugh as Dory ran past.
She didn’t take long with her goodbyes and within moments she was back in the kitchen, cheerfully proclaiming that they’d been given permission to have… something. Igor wasn’t sure if it was the silly way the girl was saying the word or if it was one he’d simply never heard before, but he had no idea what she was talking about. Was it a food? A toy? He glanced instinctively at Black, but the Order wizard gave no hint to clarify.
“Oooh,” Igor said, pretending to be impressed and not completely lost. “Yay!” This, he decided, had to be the weirdest mission he’d been on. Including the one where things had gone terribly awry and he’d ended up babysitting a toddler Ed for the afternoon.
…Okay, maybe that one had been weirder. It was a toss-up.
“I do not think that I can stay, though,” he said, pitching his voice to be regretful. Maybe now was the best time to make a prudent retreat. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he knew that he had a little over a quarter of an hour left before the Polyjuice potion wore off, but it was better safe than sorry. Especially when more and more uncontrollable elements were being thrown into the mix. Whatever peetza was, Arabella was clearly expected to know all about it, so if his confusion was discovered, that would definitely start alarm bells ringing in Black’s head, no matter how flirtatious he was feeling. He had to be casual about this. Inconspicuous. “I will have my tea, but then I must go.” He offered Dory an apologetic look. “I am sorry.” Resisting the urge to utterly exclude Black from this apology, he made himself turn the expression towards the other wizard, as if truly sorry to cut his hospitality short.

“Oh..” Sirius’ face fell as she mentioned her quick departure. A strike out was enough to deter him however. Maybe she was just playing hard to get. He wasn’t about to give up so easily. It didn’t cross his mind that maybe he’d just misinterpreted the signals. He couldn’t wait to tell Prongs about this later- He’d never believe that Arabella Figg is actually down to fuck. Bet she’s kinky in the sack.

He waved his hand for Nymphadora to hand over the money for their supper, which she gave him with a eyeroll and large sigh. 

She turned back to Arabella, looking up at her curiously. “Do you wanna colour?” She asked, looking through her pockets for her Playwand.

“Cmon!” She exclaimed enthusiastically, grabbing the woman’s hand and dragging her towards the living room. All her toys and colouring things were in the room that she’d gradually taken over through the years. It was always in a perpetual state of mess. 

Sorry, Sirius mouthed to her through a smirk, following behind the two girls. “Hey don’t pull her too hard, Dory,” he scolded. 

It was weird once children were involved. He’d never really been much for kids, which always seemed to confuse his mates. He just never knew what they were thinking. Easy to relate to, sure. But he didn’t know what to do with them once they were alone. Kids were always ignored in his household, himself included. 

He hoped that once James had his kid, things would be better and he’d get better with kids. He had to. He was planning on having a relationship with the baby. At least babysitting Dory might be a sort of ‘test run’ for it.

He flicked his wand and the tea followed behind them in the air, setting down in front of them on the coffee table. Dory folded herself on the ground and began to colour a moving picture of a dragon. Her Playwand moved clumsily, dragging the colour around whatever she wanted. Pink and blue and rainbow spurted from the wand and made huge squiggles across the page. 

“Here’ya,” he handed off her tea, sitting on the couch beside Arabella and pulling up close- close enough so they were intimate, but far enough away to keep them from actually touching. He blew on his tea before taking a nice sip. 

“So you’re never round..” Sirius commented, trying to get to know her better. “What do you like to do with your time?”


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

The child was only too eager to show off her abilities and Igor grinned encouragingly. The more he could report the better. He wasn’t sure yet if changing her facial features into those of barnyard animals was the extent of Dory’s power, but even if it was at this point, who knew what she could be capable of as she got older? She could prove to be a powerful future enemy. Or ally.
At the moment, however, she was very much an excited little girl, albeit one with pig’s ears. Igor tapped his chin in mock thoughtfulness, deciding to play along for the time being, in hopes of finding out more about the Metamorphmagus. “Hmmmm, you are a—” Shit, what was the English word for the animal? He scrounged around in his memory of classroom vocabulary. “–pig?” he finished, hoping that he hadn’t gotten the word wrong.
Black interrupted the so-called game with an offer of tea and Igor nodded. He wasn’t keen on staying long enough to drink it, but it would probably seem suspicious to turn the offer down. “Thank you,” he said distractedly. He, too, had heard the footsteps overhead. Unease clawed at his insides. He didn’t want to deal with any more Order members than he already was.
Still, he did his best to keep Arabella’s features clear of dismay. Instead, he made himself focus back on Dory, who had just (briefly) made her face fish-skinned.
“Wow! A fish!” he enthused, feeling stupid as the high-pitched, womanly voice left his lips. “That is amazing! Can you change to look like other people also?” That was what he really wanted to know. Could she change herself to look completely unfamiliar? Or even to look like someone else? An ability like that would make something like the Polyjuice potion coursing through Igor completely unnecessary for someone like Dory. It would make her the perfect spy, once she was older. It would make her as dangerous as she was fascinating.
He turned towards Black, supposing he ought to try and make some conversation with the other adult in the room. He tried to seem as unflirtatious as possible, crossing his arms over Arabella’s chest and keeping her expression friendly, but not too friendly. “It would be nice to be able to do that,” he said, nodding in the little girl’s direction. Remembering that the woman he was impersonating was a Squib, he made sure to make his voice extra wistful. “Even with all the magic around us, some people, they are amazing.”

“Yes!” Nymphadora let out a scream of excitement that someone had finally gotten the animal right. “You’re much better at this than Sirius. He never gets it right,” she explained.

“Mmm,” the young child put a finger to her lips while she thought, her head tilting to the side as she considered it. She’d never tried to look like other people before. Being animals was much more fun. Her skin continued to shine in iridescent fish-like scales. 

“Well I dunno,” she shrugged finally, squeezing her eyes shut again to try. 

Sirius had already started prepping their tea, flicking a wand around the kitchen with ease. The amount of Order-related things that the Tonks had hosted- coupled with the numerous babysitting he’d done for the tot, had him familiar enough with the room, that he didn’t even need to look to find cups and plates. 

The cupboards opened and shut, sending floating glassware around to settle on the counter. He placed a tea bag into each cup and leaned his butt against the counter so he could watch them, his arms folding. He knew he could look cool in the ‘don’t even try’ way, that most ladies found irresistible. 

He was just debating how long it would take them to put the girl down so he could bend Arabella over the counter, when she intruded on his thoughts. 

“Mmm,” he shrugged, brushing his curls away from his face. Arabella didn’t often talk about her lack of ability to do magic. It had often seemed to him that she preferred to just ignore magic altogether, so maybe it hurt less; She probably wouldn’t feel like as much of an outsider that way. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like not to have magic- like a part of him would be missing. 

“Only one in our family that I know of,” he gave a shrug. If she could let him in a bit more, then maybe he ought to return the gesture. It was clear that she was trying to get to know him, to open him up. 

“She’s our lil shinning star,” he added with a laugh to keep the conversation light. His family had a way of butting into every conversation and immediately ruining the mood. 

“But what about you,” he sprung off the counter and moved to be closer. “You don’t talk much about your family..”

“Tea tea tea...” Dory sung, moving from side to side on her chair rather precariously. She hopped down off it and danced her way to the screaming kettle. 

“I’m sure it wasn’t easy being... well..” he looked embarrassed, which was an odd look for Sirius to wear. He knew talking about something as shameful as being a squib in all circles was frowned upon by pretty much everyone. 

His hand brushed from her elbow, down her forearm lightly, before he expertly turned away for a brief moment to prep their tea. 

“Tea tea,” he hummed, scooping Dory up and letting her see, as the kettle steamed and poured the water. It would be a bit of cat and mouse to get Arabella to bed- that was the fun of it!-  but she’d already given him hints that she was open to the idea. He just had to gently seal the deal. 

He set Nymphadora back down and she ran back to her chair, swiping some biscuits.

“We’re leaving!!” A woman’s voice called from the front door. 

“Go say bye to mummy,” Sirius nodded and the girl ran off in the other direction. 

There were noises as two adult voices said their goodbyes to their daughter. 

“Bye Sirius, we won’t be all night!”

“Yah, alright!” Sirius yelled, smirking at Arabella, and not bothering to formally greet them at the door. “Bye!” He added, hearing the pattering of young feet running back into the kitchen. 

“Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm,” Dory danced, waving a galleon bill on her face like it was a fan. “Mummy says we get piiiiiizzzzzzzzza,” she sung, waving it against her face and circling around Arabella.

Sirius chuckled and shook his head at his crazy second cousin. “Giver’ere,” he waved a hand for the money, but she was too preoccupied with Arabella. 


Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

Much to the disguised Igor’s chagrin, his attempt to excuse himself from the impromptu babysitting duties went completely ignored. More frustratingly still, Black’s looks were still warm with flirtation. Merlin’s teeth, he’d just had to run into the one Order member who had a thing for older witches, hadn’t he. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he watched as the other wizard embraced the little girl. Clearly Black was a close friend of the Tonks family. If nothing else, Igor supposed that was some sort of information to bring back to the Dark Lord. It was pretty paltry, though, and he doubted that Lord Voldemort would be very impressed.
Unlike Black, he didn’t remove his shoes when he stepped through the door. Hopefully it would go unnoticed, because he wasn’t keen to do anything that might impede a quick getaway if he needed it. Then again, it wasn’t like he was going to wear these clothes again. Once he changed back into himself, these boots would be too small. He’d stolen them the night before from outside the door of one of the rooms in the Leaky Cauldron. The dress had been just as lucky a find – there had been a laundry basket in the pub’s upstairs hallway. Whoever’s clothes he’d found, it had only been a matter of some simple charms to make them fit the unfamiliar shape of Arabella Figg’s body.
In the here and now, Black was calling out various forms of Andromeda Tonks’ name. To Igor’s relief, it would seem that neither of the elder Tonkses were home. It was trouble enough to pretend to know one person, let alone any more. He hadn’t the slightest clue how well Arabella knew either Andromeda or her Muggleborn husband.
Igor’s attention was soon caught when Black sat the child down at the table and proposed a different game. He was fully intending to make another excuse for why he couldn’t partake in any frivolities, when what Dory did next stopped him short. She’d contorted her little face and it had changed. Not just in expression, but in actual physical shape, her nose becoming the recognizable form of a pig’s snout. She was a Metamorphmagus.
Now that was interesting information. Igor wasn’t sure how the Dark Lord might make use of it, but Metamorphmagi were rare, extremely so. It was certainly something worth telling him and that was a relief. It meant that he wouldn’t be leaving here empty-handed.
So intrigued was he by the little girl’s magical abilities that he scarcely noticed Black’s preening. “That is very amazing!” he told Dory, not having to work very hard at all to infuse Arabella’s stolen voice with enthusiasm and intrigue. “What else can you do?”
He asked partly out of a need for more information to bring back to the Dark Lord, but also out of genuine curiosity. His mother always said that one of his ancestors on her family’s side had been a Metamorphmagus and Igor found the ability fascinating. Could this little girl simply change small parts of herself or could she make herself completely unrecognizable at will?

“Uhhh. I don’t think Bella knows how to play our game,” Sirius smirked but was overrided by the excited ramblings coming from the child.

Nymphadora never missed out on a chance for attention, especially when it came to what she could do.

“I can do lots of things- can’t I Sirius?! Can’I?!” She asked blurted excitedly, nearly bouncing out of her chair. The excitement got the better of her and her ears changed into pink floppy ears, like that of a pig’s.

“Oo Poo!” She ‘cursed’ with a laugh, shaking her head to make the ears flop around. 

“She’s still just trying to get the hang of it, ain’t that right Dory?” Sirius chuckled, giving one of the big ears a light pull. 

“Now you can guess what I am!?” She turned in her seat, getting up on her shins so she could give Arabella a good look at her character. 

“I still think you look like a bunny,” Sirius chuckled. 

“Nooooo, Sirius. Stoppit!” Dory pushed him away. She knew her uncle had a way of teasing. 

“I can do all sorts of amimals.” the young girl explained.

“What sort of food you got in this place-” Sirius was already on the hunt through the kitchen. He opened some of the cabinets and the fridge. 

“You hungry?” Sirius asked Arabella. “I can put on some tea?” It was as though their house was his house- once a Black, always a Black.

He looked up at the sound of footsteps overhead. “Mummy is home then?” he asked Nymphadora, who gave him just a shrug. She was too preoccupied with the other woman. 

“Can you guess this one?” She scrunched her face up and her skin started to change colour. There were rainbow scales that appeared briefly on her face but then they disappeared like a mirage. She tried a little harder but couldn’t manage to get the full brilliance of a tropical fish. 

“Tha’s a hard one,” she sighed.


Repaying the Toll|| Marlene and Sirius|| 1977

The little blonde could feel the boy stiffen in her arms, which made heart clench, but she did not pull away. She could feel him reject the display of affection, but she did not let him. She did not allow him not to permit himself to be held and comforted. Everyone deserved to be held and comforted, especially in situations like this.
Sirius worked like a rollercoaster with sudden twists, turns and free falls. And Marlene had the time of her life with rollercoasters, for sure, but right now, it was hard to follow as the boy shifted from defiance to submission in less than seconds, and all she could do was simply be there to support him. Hearing him claim that he had to endure such abuse, that it was the right thing, it actually broke her heart. Such a harsh reality…such a dark life. She was seeing Sirius in a whole new light, and suddenly the erratic patterns of his usual behaviour seemed made a lot more sense within their chaos.  
“You’re right, I don’t know, I never could” Marlene pulled back just enough to look him in the eye “But I know this: you might be your family’s black sheep, but that makes you infinitely better than any of them, no matter how many times they claim otherwise. You are better than just your last name”.
She stopped his hands when Sirius started to pull at his own hair, holding them gently and resting them on her lap, where he would not be able to hurt himself.
She had to admit, she was a bit scared by the sudden desperate grip on her shoulder, matched with the madman’s eyes. She swallowed thickly, throwing her head back, but nodding. “Your secret is safe with me, Sirius, I promise. I will never tell anyone”. She was a woman of her word. If she promised to keep a secret, she would take it to her grave, unless she was released from said vow, or someone’s life was in danger. But in this case, she did not see how telling anyone would help. What could anyone do against a family that concentrated so much power within the wizarding community, as the Blacks did? It was a fight she did not know how to battle, and it scared her and saddened her even more. It added impotence to all the sorrow, the anger, the compassion swelling inside her. And all she wanted was to make things better and safe that poor, Lost Boy from his Nightmare Island.



Not What She Seems || Igor and Sirius || Whodunnit | May 15, 1980

The double entendre might have gone over Igor’s head, but the look Black offered him did not. Oh dear, he thought. I may not have played this right.
All the fretting that had been running through his mind, worried that he would give himself away, and it hadn’t occurred to him that things might go wrong in a different way. Did Black think that he was flirting with him? Or were they already a couple? The latter seemed unlikely, Black being several decades Arabella’s junior. Possible, of course, but unlikely.
Either way, there was no missing the flirtatious tone in Black’s voice, nor the feel of his hand at the small of Igor’s back as he pushed him playfully through the door. Igor swore in the privacy of his head. This was getting way more complicated than he’d bargained for. Merlin’s teeth, how was he going to get out of this?
As quickly as possible, that was how. He offered Black an indignant look, hoping that his intentions might be rebuffed if it looked like Arabella wasn’t interested. Unfortunately, the Order member wasn’t looking, instead calling out for the child they were apparently babysitting.
This day could not get worse, Igor thought. As soon as he did, he regretted it. Thinking things like that had a distressing tendency of inviting the universe to prove you wrong.
The pattering sound of running feet reached his ears and a moment later a little girl rounded the corner of the hallway and beamed at the sight of them. She was round-faced and chubby in that small child way, with bright red hair. Not red in a natural way, as Igor’s had been when he was little, but a vibrant crimson, the colour of a Stunning spell. Igor had a vague recollection of what the adult Tonkses looked like and this didn’t fit that. Perhaps it was the effect of some charm gone wrong.
Did Arabella like children? She didn’t have any, Igor knew that much. Just a lot of cats. But most women seemed to like kids, even if they didn’t have any themselves. He wasn’t sure he could force himself to coo over this one, but he fixed his expression back into a smile and waved at the little girl. “Hi Dory!” he said. “How are you?”
The little girl was still grinning ear to ear. “Good!” she piped. “Let’s play sorceresses!” There was no question there, just an excited imperative.
“Ummm,” said Igor, thinking that he would rather be sent to Azkaban than play dress up with a child. “I do not think I have time today. I am sorry, Dory.” Smiling a little more genuinely, momentarily amused by his own unintentional rhyme, he pointed at Black. “I think that Sirius will play with you, though!”
If the little girl could keep Black occupied, maybe he could make his escape before anything got too much more out of hand. He was sorely tempted to make his excuses and leave that very moment, but he knew that he needed to come away from this with something, even if it was just the layout of the house or information about the wards guarding it.

Sirius smirked proudly as he watched Arabella interact with the excited and energetic young girl. 

“Course I will!” Sirius nodded eagerly, giving Arabella a smile. Yup, she’s definitely into me

“Where’s mummy?” He asked her, wrapping an arm around the girl and pulling her into his body for a hug. She wrapped her arms around his legs and flung her head into his body, before looking up at him.

“Idunno,” she shrugged in the carefree way, pulling away from the hug. Sirius squeezed the back of her neck and glanced down the hall. 

“Andy?” He called out, taking off his shoes and nodding for Arabella to follow them inside. 

“Drom-myyyy?” He sang, getting some giggles from his younger second cousin. The laughter seemed to egg him on, and he couldn’t help but grin. 

“And-y-roo?” He reached the kitchen, scooping up the baby’s hand and swinging it. 

“Thats not mummy’s nammeee,” Nymphadora shook her head at her silly cousin. 

“Its not?!” Sirius feigned confusion, his brows furrowing and his lips pursed together. “I thought thats what her name was.” He picked Dora up and put her into the chair around the kitchen table. 

“Hey, why don’t we show Bella our game?” He suggested, he moved to be beside Arabella, his hand slyly moving to the small of the woman’s back. 

“Okay!” Dora exclaimed, squishing her face up like she was trying way too hard to wiggle her ears. Her eyes squeezed shut and she grunted, before her nose miraculously changed into a pig’s snout. She let out a loud laugh, trying to look down at her nose. 

“Ummmm,” Sirius pretended to think. “Are you a.... bunny rabbit?” 

“Noooooo!!” Dora yelled excitedly, making an “oink oink” nose involuntarily. 

“What do you think Bella?” He turned to look at the woman, his eyes flickering down at the older woman’s full lips for a brief moment, before he licked his own and jostled his curly hair. 

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