
Turn It Off!

@lsd-saints / lsd-saints.tumblr.com

George, minor, he/him - icon by @Trashy_Musical_Art

your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?

What if it was clasical music tho


My last words:

“I thought that I would go right outta my mind.”

- Hardware Store, “Weird Al” Yankovic

“And I slip some, boil away”

- Swallowed by Bush

“The timings ideal and the moment is super to ready and fire and blow that sick bastard away”


“And nobody’d even notice at all”

Well damn. There it is!


“The timing's ideal and the moment is super“

and if we’re counting spoken words

“I'm gonna need some nitrous oxide for this one“


Help support a great artist

If You’ve been around Tumblr a while, you’ll probably recognize the artwork of @modmad

Be it from her lovely dhmis work…

Or maybe from her gravity falls period…

Or maybe from osomatsu-san?

Or mp100?

Or perhaps you may know her as the person who singlehandedly built/revived the Magicstone tag and the Gladstone gander fandom

Or even from her thesis film, Skip

She even did some great work in the Steam Powered Giraffe and Ace Attourney fandoms, as i’m told

Why am I bringing all of this up?

Because mod is currently working on a kickstarter to publish a second volume of her webcomic, The Property of Hate!

As you can see, as of today, October 30th, there are only 9 days to go and we’re barely halfway there

Why should you care about Tpoh? Well, in addition to being a charming, heartwrenching, pun-filled and exciting adventure, it also features an extremely diverse cast of characters. The main characters are a young british-indian girl and her telly-headed guide (who is canonically pansexual, with both a girlfriend and an ex boyfriend appearing in canon). There are a wonderful pair of wives, a nonbinary main character as well as a genderfluid one, and all kinds of amazing twists and turns. Not to mention the art is amazing

Basically, if you’re not reading it already, you definitely should. And you should also help Mod make this amazing step forward into getting her story out to a broader audience.

The kickstarter link is here

And you can start reading the comic from the beginning here

Or see more of mod’s collected work here or on her Tumblr blog, @modmad

Please, help a great artist and a great person make her dreams come true!


This is amazing, y'all. In the last 2 days we’ve been able to pull in almost 2k thanks to all of you! We’re in the home stretch now, with one week to go. As of right now, this post has about 7k notes. That means if everyone who liked/reblogged it donated just over $1, we would be at goal. For $10 you can get a digital copy of volume 2, and every little bit helps.

I so so so appreciate all of you who’ve been helping to spread this, even if you can’t donate. The response to this post alone and the amount of love I’ve seen from all of you has been incredible. I believe we can do this!

4 days left y'all, and we’re making steady progress! We’re close to 19k, which means there’s just about 7k left. Please continue spreading this, y'all have been truly wonderful!

We raised another 2k just yesterday and there’s 3 days left. We can do it y'all!




I’m going to point out some weird things about @projecttrinity‘s upcoming visual novel “Women of Xal” in relation to this site.

1) It’s an upcoming Kickstarter bound otome game that very obviously is PoC / People of Color & WoC/ Women of Color centric. We’ve got a bi female lead with several romancable women. And it’s in a harsh matriarchal society ready to give some brutal parallels to our own. Being helmed by a very capable and snarky Black writer. The two programmers are women. The artists are women. The singers are women. One of the animators is a woman. AND THERE’S TANGIBLE QUALITY TO IT! I thought we’ve been asking for more projects like this for years now. But Tumblr has been the most quiet of the four sites it’s updating on??? (Youtube, Facebook, LemmSoftForums, Tumblr) 

2) How are hateful anons finding this project before everyone else? Why are we letting Black creatives feel like the anon has a point about Tumblr not caring? Isn’t this site notorious for propping up content like this? Where are my feminists at?!

Like, I truly get it: Most of you will have only just heard of this. And Tumblr didn’t make it easy in the first place. Tags and timing are madly important. But so are reblogs and follows! You’re reading this now - there’s nothing truly stopping you from showing that anon the middle finger. For every time WE DON’T JUST ‘HEART’ A CREATIVE’S POST and reblog/follow their content, we prove hateful anons like this wrong. And every time we prove them wrong, we send an encouraging message to other minorities who want to share their passions with the world, but face that uphill battle.

And hey, the writer clearly has faith in this site still:

You can find out more about the project here.

Or, better yet, follow, and support the team here!

(Bonus Note: If you’re someone who has been reblogging a lot of content from this team as well, cheers, fellow sisters! <3)

Something unrelated, but, please help support! :) 

Tumblr’s pretty good about ignoring black creators, hell alot of black people on tumblr are pretty good about ignoring black creators. Which really goes to show you most of the folks on here are just being performative for good noodle stars and aren’t really about anything.

I went searching for this because I noticed this was already greenlit and found that this is supposed to have a late 2019 release!


Lynne Cox is an accomplished American open water swimmer. Twice, she held the record for the fastest crossing of the English Channel. Cox was the first woman to swim the Cook Strait and the first to swim the Straits of Magellan and around the Cape of Good Hope. Cox swam the Bering Strait from American soil to Soviet soil in 1987, at the height of the Cold War. 


Look at her. 

I know open water swimming isn’t really glamorous, but Lynne Cox is arguably one of the greatest overlooked athletes of the 20th century. 

And quite possibly a mutant. 

She can withstand water temperatures that you or I would die from because of her training and her body’s unique reaction to cold (you know how the blood will leave your fingers and toes when it’s cold, to preserve heat? her whole body does that, pooling her blood in her core and insuring her body temperature stays toasty where it counts).

She funded the Bering Strait swim herself, clearing out her bank account when she couldn’t get corporate sponsors. After she succeeded (to almost everyone’s surprise: if you get in the Bering Sea without serious gear you generally just die) Gorbachev mentioned her during treaty talks with Nixon: “Last summer it took one brave American by the name of Lynne Cox just two hours to swim from one of our countries to the other. We saw on television how sincere and friendly the meeting was between our people and the Americans when she stepped onto the Soviet shore. She proved by her courage how close to each other our peoples live.“

She wasn’t just the first woman to swim the Strait of Magellan. She was the first person to make it across. 

On top of setting multiple world records, she swam a mile+ to the coast of Antarctica, in just a bathing suit, and did not die. 

She’s swum over 50,000 miles. 

And look at her. This is a photo from when she was young, at the peak of her career and setting records all over the world. She is a great athlete. She is a human who can do things most humans would die trying. I’m sitting here at 1 AM getting all teary eyed because this is the first time I’ve looked up a photo of her and I am so surprised, so gratified, so overwhelmed to find out that this world record setter, this literal superhuman, has nearly the same body type as me. 

Since they wouldn’t let her be a fantasy creature in a video game, she just did it in real life, I guess.

Anyone who thinks there is just one athletic body type isn’t paying attention during the Olympics opening ceremonies.

Her body type is optimized for her sport. The shape of her body and the presence of fat both provide insulation to keep her core warm while she swims.

A lot of open water swimmers aren’t this chunky, but that’s because most of them are actually triathletes, and their body type is a compromise between the ideals for the different sports.

There really is no one way to be fit and athletic. For some reason, we tend to get ourselves hung up on the body type of track and field athletes, especially that of marathon runners (who tend to carry almost no extra fat) as the ideal.

Dude HOLY FUCK she’s a badass.

When Lynn Cox was training to swim the English Channel at 14, her practice regimen had her swimming off Long Beach pier from 3am-6am each morning and then going to high school.  Her coach asked that she be excused from morning gym so that she could have extra time to shower and do homework. Her gym teacher refused to allow it because she believed that Lynn Cox was too chubby and too clumsy to be missing 9th grade gym. 


And here’s a joyful, more recent photo of this tremendous athlete.


so uhhh i was at safeway after refilling my prescriptions (because im sad bitch disease) and i decided to go through the card aisle when i left and found………..



im soft……… this made me really happy, even if it’s something so small………….. happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🌈💖💕💝💗


man, something i’ve noticed is that people really, really love to talk about bi people as if the only bisexuals that exist are bi women. and it’s really offputting, because bi men are already ostracized enough as it is.

hell, the lack of resources for multisexual men is so large that there’s a large percentage of men that…never even realize they’re bi/pan. they live their entire lives feeling isolated and confused about their identity and who they are due to a lack of education, a lack of information, a lack of resources.

i never, ever see posts and resources and kind words for my bi brothers, and that needs to change. the bisexual community is the largest out of the lgbt community. we need to stand up for each other, for every single one of us. bi men exist, bi enbies exist. please actively work harder to be more inclusive, for your bi siblings’ sake.


hey! bi people’s terms need more recognition!

  • doe: fem bi girl
  • stag: masc bi girl
  • tomcat: androgynous bi girl
  • mage: fem bi boy
  • knight: masc bi boy
  • druid: androgynous bi boy
  • dove: fem nonbinary bi
  • crow: masc nonbinary bi
  • pigeon: androgynous nonbinary bi

I KNOW this will be controversial, especially on here, but I’m gonna say it.

Seeing MLM pairings as your “yaoi”, kink, or guilty pleasure is really homophobic. Y’all making mlm parings seem all taboo and really oversexualizing them. It’s harmful.

Fetishizing =/= supporting 🗣🗣


They call me Dr. Worm Good morning. How are you? I’m Dr. Worm I’m interested in things I’m not a real doctor, But I am a real worm; I am an actual worm

everyone shut up and listen to doctor worm



Sorry. That’s just me leaving after getting some shredded cheese from your fridge. Hongry


a free elf:

That’s the girl is sia’s video chandler


I love how the person posting this is probably really freaked out but all people are doing is making jokes.

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