

@katiepokes / katiepokes.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

I want to do a poke on an area where I will be having to where tight clothing is it ok if I put a bandaid over it before my cloths


Totally ☺️ if you think that clothing or anything will rub against or irritate your new tattoo in any way, it’s definitely okay to cover it ☺️. Make sure to clean the area after at the end of the day to get any sweat or anything off and dry it


have you ever covered up a bad tattoo? if so how did you do it? I have a couple I’m trying to cover up but have to design them first so the original one is covered. (All the bad ones was when I first started stick and poking and never finished them.)


I have covered one of my tattoos, on my hand. Just place the coverup in a good spot and take your time on it is the best advice I can give ya ☺️☺️


Just realized I passed 4K of you guys 💛

Anonymous asked:

do you sterilize the skin with alcohol before placing the stencil? the part of your guide that includes sterilization doesnt say anything about stencils but says to do rubbing alc as the final step to prep skin. but doing so on a stencil will destroy it

I prep the skin with alcohol before the stencil yes, and the whole time I’m tattooing I’m using a water and green soap mixture to keep the skin still clean during the tattoo


hi! can i use non-sterile medical gloves and sanitize with alcohol before using? or does it need to be sterile gloves? ty 💛


I personally wear non sterile gloves latex free medical gloves while tattooing and use alcohol prep pads before I tattoo ☺️☺️

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