

@dads-back-from-the-store / dads-back-from-the-store.tumblr.com

discord: yourfavbastard3 (2024, newest username) (i use it more atm) || he/him || minor || i am just sittin here. || basic dni, check pinned post

welcome to my blog!!


* some tags to filter my posts with here



Name: Alexander/alex, but most know me as dad/dads on here

Gender: Male (trans)

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Uh. https://cake.avris.it/pB5 (I use the labels gay and queer)

Personal note: I’m neurodivergent so some of my posts can get ranty/incoherent. I have a hard time expressing my tone over text/understanding other people’s tone over text. (Also, my blog is occasionally flooded with posts about my hyperfixations.) Basically I’m just sorta fucken annoying, haha. Adhd, Anxiety, and Depression is also a triple fucking threat so I’m currently not active much due to the difficulty of keeping a social media presence. Im tryin though πŸ‘πŸ‘

DNI/DNF (do not interact/do not follow)

β€œsuperstraights” do not follow, if you need a reason why here are the receipts (plus another post)



trump supporters


sexual agere (keyword: sexual)

terfs (you can interact if I provoke an interaction but I’m trans + support trans people so you won’t really have a good time here lol)


triggers on this blog (not my triggers, these are warnings for people who have the triggers listed below because I can’t keep track of tagging these all the time. sorry)

tw swearing

tw caps

tw yelling ~~~~~~

Anonymous asked:

autistic women: autistic men keep raping us

you: some πŸ‘ people πŸ‘ rape πŸ‘ to πŸ‘ cope πŸ‘

you could not have been farther from the point this isnt even remotely close to what i’ve said lmao. the fact that you literally have to put words in my mouth that dont even mirror any of the points ive been making to make your community look better is sad. also guess what! I was sexually assaulted by a woman at a very young age, who also happened to have autism! I guess all autistic women are bad now because of this one individualized experience. it’s almost like the reason there are a lot of autistic men who rape is because there are just a lot of men who rape. but yall wanna spice up your points even if it completely ruins a valid argument; it has to be about their autism


hey btw this ^^^ is literally ableism and if you believe or promote shit like this please unfollow me

if you promote this please follow me

autistic people don’t need to be good at socializing to deserve respect & needing accomodations isn’t β€œexpecting the world to keep coddling them forever”

β€œautistic people” Sis this is talking specifically about how autistic men and boys are so much more entitled and are treated so much better than autistic women and girls and it’s right lol. It wasn’t saying autistic people as a whole for a very specific fucking reason. Some doctors literally debate whether autism even exists in women and girls because women and girls are so heavily penalized for showing any form of assertion or discomfort. Autistic women continually try and try to be considerate because. That’s something all nice and normal people should try to fucking do actually. They don’t use their disorder as a crutch for being aggressive pieces of shit that don’t care if they make other people uncomfortable. Sorry but that’s something that deserves to be discussed! Biggest example being the fact that so many autistic men become incels and use their autism as a reason why and blame women for being mean harpy bitches for not seeing past their disorder. As if they’re fucking owed any kind of romantic or sexual access on the basis of simply being alive. Y'all can WAGHH ABLEISM but I have literally seen so many of them profess it themselves. Yet autistic women don’t seem to do that. Isn’t that so so SO interesting? Why ever could it be???

as an autistic woman, the screenshot is right, autistic men are unbearable. the combo of social disability and male socialisation is the worst. men of marginalised groups are still men, and will often exploit the ways in which they are marginalised to throw anger at or attack women or try to gain something from women, whether sex, dating, pity, or empathy/free therapy. or a misogyny pass card.

a guy in extended family, with a confirmed autism diagnosis, uploaded revenge porn of his ex online and has called me the c word multiple times for telling him he doesn’t have the right to consider himself a feminist

When your life is so male centric you see the words β€œautistic boys and men” and think it’s somehow talking about all autistic people

its still ableist because you’re generalizing a group that already has a higher rate of both having autism, and being on the low functioning side of the spectrum. this whole thread is just β€œi had this personal experience so all autistic men bad” and β€œautistic women are inherently better.” stop making a condition (which most of the radfems reblogging dont even have) into a fucking competition


hey btw this ^^^ is literally ableism and if you believe or promote shit like this please unfollow me

if you promote this please follow me

autistic people don’t need to be good at socializing to deserve respect & needing accomodations isn’t β€œexpecting the world to keep coddling them forever”

β€œautistic people” Sis this is talking specifically about how autistic men and boys are so much more entitled and are treated so much better than autistic women and girls and it’s right lol. It wasn’t saying autistic people as a whole for a very specific fucking reason. Some doctors literally debate whether autism even exists in women and girls because women and girls are so heavily penalized for showing any form of assertion or discomfort. Autistic women continually try and try to be considerate because. That’s something all nice and normal people should try to fucking do actually. They don’t use their disorder as a crutch for being aggressive pieces of shit that don’t care if they make other people uncomfortable. Sorry but that’s something that deserves to be discussed! Biggest example being the fact that so many autistic men become incels and use their autism as a reason why and blame women for being mean harpy bitches for not seeing past their disorder. As if they’re fucking owed any kind of romantic or sexual access on the basis of simply being alive. Y'all can WAGHH ABLEISM but I have literally seen so many of them profess it themselves. Yet autistic women don’t seem to do that. Isn’t that so so SO interesting? Why ever could it be???

as an autistic woman, the screenshot is right, autistic men are unbearable. the combo of social disability and male socialisation is the worst. men of marginalised groups are still men, and will often exploit the ways in which they are marginalised to throw anger at or attack women or try to gain something from women, whether sex, dating, pity, or empathy/free therapy. or a misogyny pass card.

a guy in extended family, with a confirmed autism diagnosis, uploaded revenge porn of his ex online and has called me the c word multiple times for telling him he doesn’t have the right to consider himself a feminist

Y'all really be gatekeeping a neurological disorder people have no control over, lmao

If you look at the notes apparently it needed to be

Actually the radfem takes are kind if secretly based.

1. Autism and/or the diagnosis turns people into unacceptable monsters.

2. Women are treated of autism by being bullied and shamed for not being normal. This makes them the good attributes above.

3. We need to bully and shame autistic men for not being normal and then they will be like the autistic women.

I follow a lot of edgy people but have never heard something like that.


Lol. Lmao even

I’m not sure which part makes me see red more: β€˜all girls are sweet angels who try to be good all the time and use their neurodivergence/disabilities to better themselves" or β€œmen are evil always and never deserve any sympathy because they live to manipulate women”

(my social awkwardness never made me cute and I never got β€˜more considerate’ or β€˜strong’ thanks to it, I became a literal wreck; also I know multiple real human men)

(also some of the worst people I met were women, so everytime I see 'women are naturally good’ bullshit I cringe)

These idiots: autistic boys/men are treated soo much better than autistic girls/women, making them entitled!!!

Me, a teacher, who has worked in many different schools and was a witness of many situations where autistic boys were bullied by either calling them slurs likeΒ β€˜r*etard’ orΒ β€˜D*wnie’, or abusing their triggers to cause their meltdown and laugh at them:

Also, me, a teacher, who encountered many parents, who only have their daughters diagnosed to have the paper, wave it in front of the teachers brave enough to tell said parents about their girls’ misbehaviour (like taking away other kids stuff or punching in the face) and claim loudly:Β β€œYou CAN’T punish my baby!!! She’s got [this], [this] and [this]!!!”:

i see this post is resurfacing!

also why does it have to be about their autism? some people can be less or more symptomatic. for every 3 boys with asd theres one girl with asd; which means there’s also a higher chance of boys being on the lower functioning side of the spectrum, making them more symptomatic. the β€œcoddling” you’re referring to is probably support that they need to try and function in social situations.

this is not feminism. your ableism with a shiny gold star on it - is still ableism. and even if you have autism; you are not exempt from being ableist.


Bon it might just be the weed i’m smoking but wtf is goncharov my dash is COVERED IN IT and i… My brain is breaking


LMAO it's basically a movie that a collection of people on here have (and are, currently) inventing out of thin air. The original meme was this:

it's originally from like a year ago, but it's seen a popularity resurgence in the past few weeks (I remember seeing a post from @calidotgov about it that got a fair amount of attention, thats around when people started talking about it again). So yesterday @beelzeebub made this fake poster:

which gave people a basic cast of characters to work with, so now we're all just making up lore for this imaginary movie. that's what I've gathered anyway




Cookie run fans will be like "omg rainbow shard god cookie just dropped" like bestie they aren't cookies anymore they don't even look like cookies You are playing People Run


no this is so true and as a crk player im tired of pretending it's not

im so glad i dropped out of crk a while back because i shit you not my team that had some of the previously MOST respected cookies is now apparently DOG

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