
Texts From Gravity Falls


Welcome to "Texts From Gravity Falls!" Here the only mystery is what were they thinking and how much booze was involved! If you have suggestions for photos or texts or both, send 'em in! Images are made in GIMP.

Well I would give a medieval peasant some spaghetti.

1. They don’t have forks. I would hand them a fork with it and see what they do.

2. They don’t have tomatoes. This is something they can never experience again

3. I would let them keep the plate because it’s a nice plate and I think they’d like it

i love it when a post comes with its own FAQs

what the fuck do you mean they didn't have tomatoes

Tomatoes are not native to Afroeurasia and generally wouldn’t have been available on that continent before the Colombian exchange. When we refer to medieval peasants we’re usually referring to the poor of Europe and west Asia between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of what we now call the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. A time before the so-called age of exploration and colonization brought food such as tomatoes, maize, and potatoes to Afroeurasia and domesticated animals such as pigs and chickens to the Americas. European cuisine of the poor and rich alike before the Colombian exchange would still have been tasty with their wide selection of game meat, herbs, vegetables, and grains, but tomatoes would not have been available to them and that’s why I want to give a medieval peasant a plate of Italian-American style spaghetti with marinara sauce just like dad used to make

wait so. italy? i guess it’s not called afroeurasitaly, but…so “italian” food used to not have tomatoes? until they came from the americas? and they they what, decided “hey let’s just rebuild our national identity around these tasty christmas tree ornaments”? centuries of italy were lasagna-free and i’m just supposed to accept this

They had lasagna. It just didn’t look like what we think of lasagna today. It was more like layers of flat noodles with spices and cheese on a plate that you ate with your hands rather than a baked dish.

If you look at ancient Roman food there’s certain things we’d recognize as “Italian” like olive oil or fermented fish sauce or cheese but the flavor profile is completely different and pasta isn’t anywhere to be found. They also had herbs and spices that have since become unpopular or even gone extinct.

A lot of things we view as unmovable and unchanging about certain culture’s cuisines are incredibly recent developments. Modern Indian cuisine for example can be traced back to a singular guy in the 16th century. And these days lard is considered to be integral to making tamales but that wasn’t used until the Spanish brought over pigs and cows.

Food culture is something that can change very rapidly. Sometimes within a single generation. People generally use what they have available and what’s available can change at a moment’s notice.

This feels like watching a clown get questioned by the crowd before they pull out a history textbook and proceed to whack the audience repeatedly with it

That sums up pretty well what it’s like to be me yeah

Let's all thank that singular guy in the 16th century for inventing the best food in the world


I've just learned of the existence of the website historyofhyrule dot com, and it has an incredible amount of rare Zelda art. And my favourite thing is how back then the artists of guidebooks and tie-in stories only had tiny sprites to work with, and as a result we have a whole bunch of versions of the characters.


Hey! I’m gonna assume you guys like using Tumblr correct? What about AO3? TikTok? Or any other platform that fandom spaces thrive? Then you need to give a fuck about the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).

KOSA is a act currently being talked about in congress that is labeled as a act that prevents minors from seeing 18+ content. It being labeled as that seems okay and good, yes, but that’s not what this bill is about.

KOSA, if put in place, will make so the attorney general of each state gets to pick which platforms will be banned in their state. And this doesn’t been censorship of minors, this means censorship of everyone of ALL AGES.

“My attorney general wouldn’t ban this sites.” Yes, they might not. But don’t think about yourself right now. MILLIONS of people will be without spaces to escape too. Millions of people will be without access to websites that allows them to talk to people. Millions of queer people wouldn’t be allowed on to places they were originally welcomed.

“Okay? But they’re only trying to ban nsfw content?” And what do all republications see as nsfw? Queer people. Especially trans people.

KOSA is just another bill that will allow nation wide bans on topics such as sex, gender, sexuality, and more. This act does nothing more except erase queer people from online spaces, and further pushes the anti-trans beliefs (and genocide) circling our country right now.

Y’all need to give a shit about this bill like you should still be giving a shit about the RESTRICT ACT (which still hasn’t been turned down yet btw).

This act opens the door from any site such of tumblr and quotev to be banned, to YouTube if your AG doesn’t like it for ANY reason. And don’t forget, VPN’s can only do so much, and the government already wants to ban those.

What can you do? CALL YOUR FUCKING CONGRESS REPS. EMAIL THEM. I don’t give a shit, all I care about is this bill that doesn’t speak for the people getting blocked and not being put in place. Bills like this further push our nations descent into facism. And if there’s a way to prevent that, we better fucking do it.


“oh they’re not taking away chronological dashboard, well everything’s okay then” they also said in the post they’re making reblogs collapsed (like comments on twitter) so you won’t see the full conversation in a post. they also won’t get rid of tumblr live despite it being an annoying and cancerous data-miner that isn’t legal in much of the world. they won’t even let you opt out of tumblr live for more than seven days. they implemented a terrible photo viewer that mimics tiktok and makes it so you can’t zoom in on images. they took away the ability to view prev tags. they’re making it so you have to sign in with your email to view almost any thing on tumblr. they’ve already made it so you have to sign in to send asks, even on anon. they’re slowly phasing out custom blog themes.

the things that make tumblr at all usable and favored by us– the older web blog features, the anonymity– that is still being taken away. it HAS been being taken away for some time now. i am urging you people to reveiwbomb the tumblr app. force them to acknowledge that users do not like these changes.


People on this website will really mock anti-vaxxers and flat earthers for ignoring scientists and getting their alternative facts from facebook, and then turn around and insist they know more history than historians and more archaeology than archaeologists because they read an unsourced tumblr post once

Is there a real life example of this?

It happens a lot.

This is mostly just TERFs but i'm throwing "Witch hunts and executions of 'witches' were a 'female genocide' targeting women who were independent from men" into the ring

I thought some of these were true :(

how do you actually make sur e you only read true stuff tho?

TL;DR: the two key questions to ask, to determine if what you’re reading is reliable, are “who is saying this?” and “where did they get their information?”

The most important step is to find another source that’s not from tumblr. Googling keywords like “egyptian statues broken noses” and “roman dodecahedron” will very often pop up discussions of exactly the topic in question. For like 80% of these, Wikipedia actually has a decent rundown of the misconceptions, the debate, and the truth behind it. (Wikipedia is also a really good place to quickly find a lot of sources discussing these topics, in the references tab.) For example, here is the Wikipedia page discussing theories about the Roman dodecahedra, and what theories are considered likely by various scholars. I almost always quickly check Wikipedia before I reblog any post about history on tumblr that I can’t personally vouch for. If the ONLY place you find references to the Greek goddess Mespyrian are tumblr and wattpad, that’s a good sign that someone just made her up.

Look for news articles about historical discoveries from reliable sources (NPR and BBC, for example, are good; The Sun is not.) (Popular news reporting on science CAN be reductive and simplistic, though! So watch out for that too.) See who they cite; people with titles like Dr., Professor, and Senior Curator likely know what they’re taking about. Museums frequently have websites discussing exhibits relating to the topic, as well. However, these can often be harder to find, because news articles and museum websites are much less optimized for SEO than clickbaity blogs. For example, the Brooklyn Museum had an exhibit all about deliberately broken noses of Egyptian statues, and how they were done in ancient and medieval times to forward political and religious motivations. CNN published an article that included quotes and explanations from the curator explaining the history of broken noses on Egyptian statues. See if you can find a source from a professional talking about what you read on tumblr.

If you really want to understand the scholarly consensus or controversy behind a history/archaeology topic, search the relevant keywords on JSTOR; that’s where you’ll find the scholarly work that professionals in the field are doing.

While reading things on tumblr, though, the two most important things to check are 1) does this post provide the source that the OP learned this from? and 2) does the OP give a reason for you to consider them reliable? There are actual history and archaeology professionals on this site! @rudjedet and @thatlittleegyptologist are Egyptology professionals who have credentials and cite their sources; @marzipanandminutiae works at a historical museum and sews historical clothing. When they speak about their areas of expertise in history, they speak from professional experience—and they are honest about what topics that they have not studied. (I’m a PhD candidate in American archaeology, though I don’t blog about it super often; this is part of how I know how to vibe-check history posts that don’t sound right, and how to fact-check and source-check them. But it also means that when I post about history, I always try to include sources. In my post about Brithawon, for example, I made sure to provide the complete source for where I was getting my information: an archaeology PhD dissertation.)

There are a lot of topics about history where historians debate with the truth is. However, there are also a lot of topics where we can be confident that the Tumblr misconceptions are not what the truth is. An important part of understanding the truth is knowing where people are getting their information from, and whether those people have the experience (whether personal or scholarly) to know what they’re talking about.

Wikipedia is hit or miss on matters of history. There have been some high profile incidents where high-ranking users have collaborated to support a false, biased and misleading version of the truth on Wikipedia pages (last I heard about this, basically everything on the page about Poland's role in ww2 and the holocaust is bull-fucking-shit due to Herculean efforts by a handful of admins to actively promote lies)

Wikipedia is however an invaluable tool and can be a good way to get a decent overview of a topic, for the following reasons: it is increasingly the main informational source online for many topics outside of glorified ads and bot-generated nonsense, it cites its sources, and if you want, you can check the talk page and see past disputes and issues that have been discussed and resolved on the page.

On the talk page, you can also see a quality rating for the page, which is mostly for editors not readers, but it does help to know if you are looking at a highly polished page or one that is generally agreed to be a trash fire. (I have been very slowly polishing and improving a C-class, high-importance page, and it's so much work...)

With history pages, I recommend looking at the sources and then looking up the authors of major sources used. This is useful because it will help you figure out if you're reading something that is an academic consensus or just a niche opinion pulled from the ass of some nobody.


[ID: A thread of tweets from Empress Alvara Nova (Debut TBA) @/empressAlvara that say: Well, the mask is off, if it was ever really on. As I predicted, the TikTok ban has evolved into blatant censorship of the internet. Let's talk about it. Big rant incoming, but if you enjoy continuing to have even some semblance of personal freedom, you're gonna wanna listen.

Bill S. 686 also known as the Restrict Bill (aka the TikTok Ban), can be read in full here govtrack.us/congress/bills...

However I intend to summarize the most significant parts if you'll bear with me a moment.

First off, this bill will ban the use of hardware such as modems, routers, home cameras, etc, and virtual tech such as VPNs, if they are manufactured by or used to contact and deal with "foreign adversaries."

Note that, while a summative list of "foreign adversaries" is given in the bill, it is subject to change at any time without warning.

This bill will make the use of VPNs to bypass bans on apps/content such as TikTok a criminal act, punishable by minimum imprisonment of 20 years and a minimum fine of $250,000 or $1,000,000 depending on if you knowingly did so for the explicit purpose of accessing banned content

The bill gives the federal government the power to access and monitor any activity from suspected devices, virtual or otherwise, without telling anyone. This essentially gives them the power to spy on you without your knowledge or consent, monitoring you at all times.

This includes routers, modems, online videogames, streaming apps, social media, ring cameras and other home camera systems, smart thermostats, literally anything that makes use of the internet

The method by which this will be done is by the President appointing a Secretary of Communication, who forms their own independent group without any votes or democratic selection, and that group can then make decisions behind closed doors without disclosing anything whatsoever

Decisions banning whatever they deem to be inappropriate or threatening content, or otherwise deemed a threat to national security. At any time. Without disclosure or voter input. And remember, accessing said content would be a crime under this bill.

If this passes, they can go through your text messages, your emails, your Snapchat, your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and private messages on any other social media, anything that uses the internet, and they can censor it and prosecute anyone who disobeys these restrictions

In summation, this bill effectively bans anything at all the government deems inappropriate for whatever reason, very fast, without warning, and without voter input, and further allows the government to spy on you directly through anything that makes use of the internet, 24/7.

It is, without exaggeration, one of the most horrid and genuine threats to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the overall rights and freedoms of Americans everywhere. Especially the right to privacy.

Everyone should be thoroughly invested in shooting this bill down, as it could result in the breaking up of mass communication methods, the targeted suppression of minority groups, the immediate quashing of dissent in any form wherever it may be, and a true totalitarian state. End ID]


i haven’t seen anyone on tumblr talking about this and i think we need to

just to clarify what we’re seeing here:

cully pratt, chris pratt’s brother, a sergeant in the solano county sheriff’s department in california, openly supports the three-percenters, a far-right militia group with ties to the january 6th insurrection at the us capitol among other things, and posts their imagery online.

chris pratt hypes his brother, and has also been seen at public appearances wearing three-percenter symbols, thereby publicly endorsing this shit as well.

i’ve already seen people try to distance chris pratt from this, saying, “it’s his brother, not him!!” hate to break it to you, but when you are a famous person and use your platform to publicly display symbols endorsing far-right hate and white supremacy, that makes you culpable. he is at best completely ignorant, but that’s giving him a lot more credit than he deserves, frankly; even so, even if he actually is just ignorant, that definitely doesn’t give him a pass. there should be accountability no matter what.

The Three Percenters are more than just a right-wing militia. They are a terrorist group and are designated as such by the Canadian government. Here’s a partial list of some of the things they’re responsible for: 2017: -Three Percenters firebombed a mosque in MN., narrowly missing killing & injuring dozens of members who are there for morning prayers. The Threepers responsible told police they wanted to “scare Muslims out of the country.” -A self-identified “Three Percenter” is arrested by the FBI after unsuccessfuly trying to blow up a bank in Oklahoma City with a car bombed modelled after the one used by Timothy McVeigh. -Three Percent militia member Tyler TenBrink fires a handgun at a crowd of people protesting an appearance by white supremacist Richard Spencer. 2018: -Self-proclaimed Three Percent supporter Joseph “Dymond” Vinci - beats a homeless man with a police baton. When the man attempts to defend himself, Vinci shoots him dead. -Three Percenter Joshua Daniel Miller shoots a 23-year-old man to death. 2020: -Three Percenter Benjamin Jong Ren Hung, intentionally drives his truck into a crowd of protesters in Pasadena, California. -A group of volunteer medics arriving to support a counter-protest to a “Back the Blue” rally in Fort Collins, CO are set upon and beaten by Three Percenters militia members. -Thirteen men are arrested after a failed plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan and put her on “trial” for “treason.” At least two of the 13 are in the Three Percenter or Boogaloo Bois militias. -After a pro-Trump rally in Atlanta, Georgia, Three Percent leader Chris Hill and over a dozen masked men rush a group of four counter-protestors leaving the area, hold them at gunpoint and beat them. 2021: -So far 16 Three Percenters have been arrested for taking part in the deadly January 6th insurrection


Now what did I say???


Bringing back this post since Chris Pratt is trending again because of the Mario movie


the true plot twist of gravity falls is that stanley is the smart twin and ford is the biggest dumbass in 52 dimensions

Stan: I’ve run a very successful business for thirty years while rebuilding a portal with one third of the blueprints and no help from a demon.

Ford: It says not to summon him but he called me smart so he can’t be that evil

Mabel: I got close enough to a murderer to steal his weapon, uncovered a government conspiracy, found a way to get Mermando from the pool to the lake, broke a bunch of clones out of their prison, stopped a demon from getting the information he needed, came up with an efficient way to defeat a zombie horde, sewed an actual light source into my sweater, basically performed a successful exorcism without damaging the body, found the secret door to the basement, and nearly all of that was without the help of the journal.
Dipper: It says not to read the spell aloud but it probably doesn’t summon that many zombies, the agents can probably handle it.

History REPEATS.


I thought I’d share with Tumblr the best screenshot edit I’ve ever made. Not necessarily best in quality, but best in concept.

Did I work too hard on this?


Was it worth it?


I would be remiss if i didn’t do a Mystery farm version 💅🏾


I saw this earlier and my brain wouldn’t let me sleep until I’d doodled my own version.

They’re heading into oncoming traffic. (:

the girls are racinggggg!




‘Have the police come and eject the pines family from the store’ NOT TODAY!!

Old men flee from authorities with shopping cart

One of them was heard shouting “You’ll never catch us alive!!”

Pls accept my humble contribution


Throwing my own hat into the ring. 0 reference used, 0 fucks given. Time taken to draw: six minutes and thirty-nine seconds.


They had to go back on St. Patrick’s Day, because the kids wanted some Lexy Charms!

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