
@dreams-of-a-immortal / dreams-of-a-immortal.tumblr.com

'' Secar as lágrimas e lamentar, no que isso realmente ajudará? Até mesmo os mortos conseguem permanecer parados e sem se mover. Mas eu estou vivo. Eu continuo de pé com minhas próprias forças. Se eu morrer um dia, então será melhor não morrer com arrependimento. (…) Mesmo se forçado a permanecer a beira do desespero,eu irei agarrar com força na menor chance como uma teia de aranha. Nós, humanos, temos esse espírito forte. Embora agarrar-se ao fio ou não depende da personalidade de cada um.''  - Ciel Phantomhive

@mcuchallenge March Prompt: AGAINST THOR: RAGNAROK (2017) dir. Taika Waititi THOR: THE DARK WORLD (2013) dir. Alan Taylor THE AVENGERS (2012) dir. Joss Whedon THOR (2011) dir. Kenneth Branagh


Learning How to Love Chapter Seven, Day Nine Part Two: Ultimatum

Hello everyone! As promised, here is the next chapter of Learning How to Love! It’s been a long time, and I’m terribly sorry for that. To those of you that may be uncertain as to whether or not I plan to continue this fic, know that no matter how long it may take me to complete each chapter I have no intention of giving it up.

Also side note, Cheritz is a blessing. I played the April Fool’s Day dlc as soon as it came out, and it gave me some much need laughter. To any of you uncertain about whether it’s worth playing, I assure you it most certainly is. (spoilers ahead) Everybody deserves to witness Jumin hocked up on catnip and chasing laser pointers I think I had actual years added to my life holy crap. I still can’t believe he got Zen to eat cat food I’m dead Jumin is everything protect my playful boy. Note: As always, MC will be referred to as MC in this story in the third person instead of blanks or Y/N. In addition, this story contains minor spoilers for Jumin’s route.

As usual, thank you so much to all who have read/liked/reblogged/replied to my original posts. I am beyond grateful for all the wonderful reactions and excitement that followed my previous chapters.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you’d like me to tag you in future chapter posts, as I am more than happy to do so!

To those of you who haven’t read the first chapters of LHTL or the Vampire Jumin fic and would like to, here are links to each:

Chapter Seven, Day Nine Part Two: Ultimatum

The day began on a rather unsettling note, with Seven instructing MC what to do should he not return from their ‘picnic’ within five hours of his leaving the chatroom. Perplexed and alarmed, MC demanded he be safe and take care wherever they were before she wished him the best of luck. Shortly after he exited the messenger, Jaehee appeared with equal concern about his behavior, though there was a healthy level of exasperated skepticism that accompanied it. Though MC was aware Seven was prone to histrionics, she couldn’t help but worry with so little information about what was happening on their end.

MC then asked about how Jumin was doing, hoping her gentle nudge this morning would help him get through the day’s tribulations without her. Jaehee explained that he had gotten in touch with her and said he would be at the office soon; as he had chosen to complete a quick errand before going. She went on to mention that Director Han was planning to confront Jumin about the Sarah that afternoon, and that she had placed Sarah’s credit report on the chairman’s desk in the hopes that it would make him reconsider who the true victim of the situation was. MC would have to remind Jumin to thank Jaehee for everything she did, the aforementioned gesture of pure empathy as touching as it was practical. Even if Director Han wasn’t convinced, at the very least Jumin would know Jaehee remained on his side. For that, MC was grateful.

Jaehee went on to express her unease about Jumin’s refusal to talk about MC’s return to Rika’s apartment. MC wasn’t all that surprised or worried, as she was more than happy to stay as long as he needed her. She was growing more fond of him with each day, and she had a feeling Jumin wasn’t quite ready to stand on his own just yet despite his remarkable progress. So she simply asked Jaehee to be patient too and give him the time he needed. Jaehee insisted MC try to change his mind–and MC promised to do her best–but she knew this was something that only Jumin could decide for himself. Only he could come to terms with his own fears and discover what she had already known since the beginning: that he could overcome them. Because she had already decided that she would never let him feel alone again in this life, no matter what form that would take. She would always be here if he needed to talk, if he needed somebody to listen, if he was confused, if he was tired; whatever it may be. As soon as he understood that–no matter how near or far she was–that would never change, she had a feeling he would be much more open to discussion about the subject.

Not to mention the safest place in the world for her at this point was probably Jumin’s penthouse, considering the circumstances and the security detail. She had never felt more protected in all her life, and the guards were remarkably skilled in terms of noninvasive monitorization.

Relieved, Jaehee agreed and asked MC to take care of Jumin in the meantime. To which, MC smiled at the screen and replied that she could do no less. After a short farewell, she put the phone back on the nightside table and tried to work on her draft for a while. But her mind kept wandering back to Jumin and Seven, worrying and wondering and hoping things were all right. She barely managed to type out a few coherent sentences before she forced herself to take a break, thinking a change of pace might help. Gathering her spare set of clothes, she moved to the guest bathroom to take a shower and unwind. Under the scalding, enormous showerhead–God had she ever told Jumin he had marvelous taste–she let her mind wander, humming a little tune to ease her fraying nerves. Half an hour later she stepped out feeling refreshed, confident that things would work out okay for them both and that the best thing she could do was focus. After drying off and getting dressed, she re-entered the living room to find her phone blinking silver.

She opened the messenger to find Zen pouting about using Jumin as inspiration for his current acting role. Rolling her eyes with a smile, MC encouraged the endeavor in the hopes that it might help him understand Jumin a bit better. As the famous saying went: you can only understand a man when you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. But before Zen could grumble his acquiescence, Yoosung crashed into the messenger and flooded the chat with crying emojis and panicked words, ranting about how Seven was forcing him to keep quiet about something. MC asked if she should call Jumin, certain that he would deploy any help the two might need to get out of the situation safely, but Yoosung declined. Zen demanded an explanation despite Yoosung’s hesitant refusals, and continued to rail him until he figured no amount of pressure or safety hazards would make Yoosung betray Seven’s trust. Zen then proceeded to guess at their location with frightening accuracy, describing the area in enough detail to leave Yoosung speechless. MC could hardly believe it herself, and hastened to assist Zen in pressing him for a picture of where they were. She understood Yoosung wanted to be loyal to Seven, but there were some instances in which safety trumped lethal promises.

Tired, afraid, and worried about Seven; Yoosung caved and sent the photo. Shoving past her disbelief at Zen’s arguably prophetic vision, she and Zen immediately spotted Elizabeth the Third and asked Yoosung to retrieve her. Zen advised him to report back before he disappeared, and MC felt her chest tighten with fear, biting her lip. Please be okay, please be okay. For a short while all both she and Zen could do was sit there, numb with disbelief and flooded with secondhand adrenaline as they wondered what on Earth Elizabeth the Third was doing in the middle of nowhere. Zen logged out to quell a headache while MC stared at the swimming fish across from her; as if their lazy circuits and unpredictable trajectories could hold the mysteries of Elizabeth’s kidnapping and the danger into which Seven had waltzed with Yoosung in tow.

She barely had time to process before Jaehee returned to the messenger, equally shocked about Zen’s dream and hoping for their safe return with Elizabeth. She came to tell MC that Jumin’s father moved their meeting to the conference room, rather than their original plans for tea. Jaehee was convinced it had something to do with the files she slipped into his pile of documents, but the change just made MC uneasy. Why would he bump up the meeting if he didn’t have something urgent to say? She had faith in Jumin; she knew he would remain level-headed and try to solve this as peacefully as possible. But his father? She had more than enough reason to believe he would not be remotely rational about Jumin’s relationship status.

MC didn’t have time to ask her further before a triumphant Yoosung returned to the chat, attesting to his safety and that of Seven and Elizabeth. As excited as they all were, Jaehee advised that she inform Jumin after the meeting with his father, to which MC agreed. He had enough on his mind at the present moment. If they overwhelmed him with too much too soon, he was susceptible to retreating into himself again. Yoosung cheerfully agreed to take care of Elizabeth for the time being, but he did mention that Seven’s was behaving strangely and driving erratically. Jaehee advised them all to be safe as she took off to prepare for the meeting.

Yoosung was effervescent as ever, proud to be the RFA hero of the day for saving Elizabeth. MC could only smile and repeat what Jaehee said, immensely relieved that they had escaped more or less unscathed. Seven’s abnormal behavior was suspicious and a cause for concern, but she figured that his survival had been more crucial than anything else. MC advised Yoosung to use his energy to keep Seven awake upon the first mention of sleep, her heart having stopped enough times in one day. Yoosung departed with the promise that he would be vigilant, leaving her to play some relaxing music and return to her writing, partially relieved of her earlier anxieties. But without knowledge of how Jumin had fared with his father, they weren’t out of the woods just yet.

Jumin stepped into the conference room on the defensive, approaching his father with caution. “Why did you suddenly change the meeting place?” Jumin asked a few feet away from him, unimpressed by the somber look on his father’s face.

Director Han hesitated at the sight of his son’s distrustful, guarded look. He hadn’t seen that expression since Jumin had been a teenager. “…Because I had something to show you. I heard you were very rude to Sarah and thought about having a chat over tea, but I received something from my assistant during lunch.”

Jumin blinked, though he had a feeling he knew what his father’s latest ultimatum was about. “What did you receive?” He prompted.

“Apparently, someone who works for you must have done some research on Sarah. Here, take this.” His father handed over an envelope, much like the ones seen all over the building, filled with familiar credit scores and financial reports on a woman by the name of Sarah Choi. None of it came as a surprise; he had already witnessed the woman’s voracious spending habits. He froze when he skimmed several other documents detailing her debt under the name of her phony company. Then he closed the envelope again and set it on the table, crossing his arms as his father granted a futile explanation. As if Jumin had no ability to read and comprehend simple data, or understand what this newfound information further intimated about Sarah’s intentions.

“It’s Sarah’s credit report. She must have a lot of debt. And I called a couple places to check myself, and I could tell there are multiple loans under the company’s name.” No shit, Sherlock, the wry thought came unbidden.

Jumin’s reply was flat, working to keep the ice out of his tone at the sight of foolhardy sympathy suffusing his father’s features. “Assistant Kang found this,” He clarified, “although I didn’t know about the company’s financial situation…I was aware of her personal credit situation.”

“Why didn’t you let me know if you knew?” His father demanded, shocked.

Jumin gazed at the other man with deadpan disbelief. “Because I never intended to marry her in the first place.” Because it wasn’t my choice to begin with. “And I was preoccupied.” He added as an afterthought.

“Preoccupied? You mean your missing cat. I was going to talk about your ads anyways…It’s simply too much. Think of the company’s reputation…! It’s nothing to go see the TV’s network head for.” His father looked to him with ample disapproval, as if his son had shamed him irreparably.

Jumin, however, remained calm. It wasn’t the first time a person had decided he was strange, and he certainly wouldn’t be the last. “There was a reason I had to find that cat. You would not understand, father.” At the time it had seemed vital, extreme anxiety and fear clouding his mind. He felt no traces of that earlier panic now, only a steadfast calm. MC was waiting for him. The sooner he could reconcile this discrepancy and finish his work, the sooner he could return to her company. He wanted to live up to her confidence in him.

“A reason…” Director Han scoffed, looking for all the world like a tired parent instructing a foolishly stubborn child. “You care so much about that cat but not about finding someone…I cannot understand you, son.” He shook his head. “All I want is for you to meet someone and be happy…”

He knew his father meant well as he watched his brows crease with worry, but blind sentiment could only extend so far when faced with reality. Not to mention his father’s definition of happy was absurdly narrow. “Can you still say that after seeing the credit report of the woman you wanted me to marry?”

“I’m sure Glam didn’t know about Sarah’s financial situation. And just because she has financial problems, it doesn’t mean she’s a bad person.” His father chided.

Jumin’s eyes widened as he stared at him with open incredulity. “Christ. Are you being serious?” He demanded. Was his father truly convinced that these women, or at the very least Sarah, had no ulterior motive whatsoever under the weight of so much debt? “If I were you, father, I would never let those women hide their financial situation before talking about marriage. This woman is still hiding the facts. You know that she is not to be trusted!” Jumin refuted, appalled.

“This is quite shocking, but we can solve their financial problems for them. Everyone has one or two flaws they want to hide.” His father replied calmly, as if he was imparting great wisdom. “You have to let some things go if you to live in this world.” He finished with a shrug.

Jumin pursed his lips, trying to think of some way to get through to him. “Father…do you realize what you are saying? You say all the wrong things and call it advice.” It was his turn to shake his head. “I am very sad to see that you’ve lost your good judgement…”

“I’ve not lost my judgement. Sarah was recommended by Glam…I trust that she is a good woman.” He seemed so confident about Glam that Jumin had to wonder how she managed to elicit his trust in such a short time. “Sarah may have some problems but we can still accept her. Glam is so worried about her that she barely sleeps at night.”

Over an engagement? Something about that revelation made his skin crawl, gripping his forearms a fraction tighter than before. “So ultimately, all you care about is that your girlfriend is happy?” He clarified.

“Of course, I know that you’re not fond of Glam. But you didn’t like any of the women I’ve been with…It is nothing new.” Jumin was somewhat amazed that his father never thought he had a reason to be wary of the women he brought home on a monthly basis. “Anyways, I wish you’d respect my opinion regarding this marriage.”

And I wish you’d respect mine, Jumin thought with acerbic disdain. “God…” Jumin pressed two fingers two his temples. “Father…I understand why you are acting like this.”


“As you’ve said, I have never liked the women you’ve met. Because I knew that they were never truthful to me…they always wanted something from me.” He grimaced slightly as he remembered a variety of uncomfortable encounters. “So I could never understand the relationships you so desired. It all seemed like making a deal to me.” Cold, empty, and parasitic were the first words that came to mind. “But I respected that you were different from me, so I never said anything about who you were with.” He explained, levelling a penetrating gaze at his father.

“Hmm…” His father couldn’t meet his eyes, something about Jumin’s explanation making him uncomfortable all of a sudden.

“But I’ve realized something recently…after meeting someone.” Jumin began reluctantly, knowing his father would explode on him for ‘cheating’ on Sarah.

And at a speed that would put any ravenous gossip to shame, “You mean you are seeing another woman?!” There it is.

Jumin sighed, hands falling from their suspension across his chest while one lingered at his hip. “I realized what it feels like to have your heart filled after being with her.” He continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “Thanks to her, I’ve understood what you are like when you’re with someone. A beautiful woman who understands me and cheers for me…wanting to give her all my love and care…” His lips curled slightly at the thought of her, fighting a smile as he remembered her encouragement a few hours prior. So cute… “And also being irrational and stubborn–being blinded by love–just like you are now.” He admitted with a frown, remembering his less than ideal behavior.

“That doesn’t sound too good.” His father looked to him with a brow raised, perplexed. “Why didn’t you tell me if you were seeing someone?”

“I planned to tell you in time.” He replied easily, as it was the truth. He didn’t like concealing things from his father unless he had little choice. “And…the things I’m about to say now, please consider them words of truth from a loving son to his father.” He tried to break it to him as gently as possible.

“What more do you have to say?” Director Han couldn’t remember the last time Jumin had ever been so open and talkative, or if he ever had since the day he was born.

Jumin’s answering voice was low. “Most of the women you’ve chosen were never ready to truly love you. They were only busy trying to fill their greed.”

“There were people like that in my past, Glam is different.” His father retorted immediately, waving him off.

Jumin’s lips twitched at the sheer irony. He might have smiled if his future didn’t depend on his father realizing that this infatuation with Glam was disillusioned at best. “You were always blinded, every single time…That is your weakness.” He insisted. “Glam Choi, Sarah…both women are no different from the women you’ve met until now.”

“Glam is not like that…! All she does is worry about you.” Not in the way you’re thinking, I’m sure. “Besides, Sarah is polite and bright. The more you see them, the more you’ll realize they are different.”

Jumin frowned, as if he had any desire to see more of them after Sarah’s last ‘visit’. “No, they are not. And you are simply being so irrational that you can’t accept the evidence that’s right in front of your eyes.” Jumin held firm.

“Hasn’t it occurred to you that you’re only rejecting Sarah because you love someone else?” Director Han retorted, equally obstinate, as if it was the only rational explanation for Jumin’s behavior.

Something about his father demoting MC to the position of convenient scapegoat made the blood in his veins turn to ice. “I don’t know. At least she doesn’t try to trick me or do things behind my back, so I haven’t thought about it.” He shot back before he cooled his ire, appealing to logic instead. “When I was upset over losing my cat, Sarah shamelessly brought a fake photo of my cat to act as if she’d found her.”

Director Han looked genuinely taken aback. “I never heard about that.”

How convenient. “Besides, she went to Assistant Kang’s home to ask her about me. You don’t know this, but apparently, Glam was with her.” If he had to be brutally honest with his father to convince him, then so be it. Sugarcoating wasn’t getting him anywhere.

“Glam…?” The word was a dubious question.

“The information I have is easy to acquire.” Jumin assured, revealing his hand. “If you continue to insist on Sarah, then I will make my move as well. I will give you all the evidence I can find showing you how greedy and ambitious those women are, until you accept the truth.” Jumin was frank. “It will be a waste of time on my part, but my relationship with you is important.”

“Stop now!” His father snapped, incensed at Jumin’s flagrant disobedience. “You are insulting me by talking like this.”

“It is the same for me. It’s very sad…that you can’t understand how I feel.” He didn’t know how to articulate the heaviness in his heart. His father’s denial was vexing, but that didn’t mean Jumin was going to enjoy systematically erasing Glam and Sarah from their lives at his expense. He didn’t want to be the one to crush his father’s hope to be genuinely loved again.

His father seemed at a loss for words. “…Sad?”

“I no longer wish to fight with you about such a pointless subject…Can you not understand how I feel?” Jumin implored, unable to help the raw feeling in his voice despite the control with which the words were delivered. He didn’t want to fight with his father, he didn’t want those women endangering MC anymore than the hacker already was, and he didn’t want a marriage with a woman that looked at him as a butcher looks at plump cattle. All he wanted was to remove two variables making everybody’s lives harder than they already were, why couldn’t his father see that?

Director Han looked his son up and down, expecting to find some inconsistency that would prove the man before him an imposter. “Jumin, it’s very unlike you to say that.”

Perhaps it was, Jumin thought as he adjusted his tie out of habit. Grasping the fabric renewed the memory of MC earlier that morning, bright and playful, pulling him down for a kiss. But then, if choosing to feel meant being able to love her, did that really make it a bad thing? “Father…if you feel my sincerity, please accept my suggestion. Please stop insisting on this marriage so I don’t have to dig more up on Sarah… and let me be in peace. As your son…I only wish for this horrible situation to end.”

“…” Taken aback though he was, his father had no ability to deny his honesty. Because for once in the entire history of their relationship, Jumin chose to tell him how he felt rather than resorting to tactical refusal and evasion.

It was uncomfortable, but liberating. “And please, take your time to be more objective about the situation. I’m begging you, father.” He continued, watching as the words that tumbled out of him effectively weakened his father’s resolve.

His father let out a long breath, crossing his arms as he deliberated. “Fine…Alright.” He conceded. “I won’t mention Sarah again, but don’t say anything about the woman you’re seeing now.”

Jumin grit his teeth at the flat-out unwillingness to acknowledge MC, but otherwise chose to compromise. Responding with anger would only destroy the progress he’d made in changing his father’s mind about the situation. “…Alright. I suppose that is the best you can do.” He agreed.

“I’m sorry.” His father replied slowly, eyeing Jumin carefully. “Regardless of what’s happened, I feel I’ve upset you.”

“I’m fine.” Jumin shrugged, hoping to ease his guilt. As long as his father understood this wasn’t what he wanted and stopped strong-arming him into marriage, he saw no reason to remain upset. “I understand how much you care for Glam.”

“Yes…Still, I see that this has been very hard for you…for you to express your emotions like that…” Director Han blinked, as if he was still dazed by the sheer impossibility of it. “I will think more on it. Let’s stop this talk for now, I should be going back.”

“Alright.” Jumin gaze shifted to the man standing dutifully at the door to the conference room. “Please take my father back, chief of security. And…please tell Assistant Kang to come in. And I’d like for all the bodyguards to give us some privacy.”

“Yes, sir! Mr. Chairman, this way sir.” He was glad to see the chief was no longer hesitant to obey his commands, likely due to the sight of his father’s uncertainty regarding the situation.

Jumin nodded his farewell to his father and turned to look out at the city littered with towering buildings, mulling over his next move.

“Mr. Han…! Did the talk go well?” Assistant Kang asked as soon as she stepped inside with uncharacteristic exuberance.

Jumin sighed in frustration, but didn’t turn around. “It’s not over for good… but those women won’t be able to manipulate my father for the time being.” His lips pursed into a white line, the next phrase a muttered afterthought. “Glam must have more influence on him than I thought….I was a bit surprised.”

“Alright…” Her voice was crestfallen at the sound of his partial victory, disappointed her research had accomplished so little. “Will you need all the information I’ve managed to find?”

“Yes. I should at least know about it so send them to me.” He replied, only paying partial attention.

“Yes, alright.” She agreed, her earlier haste and excitement returning. “And I have something to tell you!”

Jumin raised a brow, turning his head to look at her. Her sparkling eyes just made him more confused. “What is it?”

“They found Elizabeth.” She blurted, as if she had been waiting for hours to say so.

Jumin stared at her blankly, electing to process the development later despite his initial shock. It would only serve as a distraction. “…Really? I’m glad to hear that.” He managed before he turned back around.

Assistant Kang blinked at his tepid response. “Yoosung is with her right now.”

“Alright.” He replied offhand, gathering the documents his father left.

“Should we go to Yoosung’s house right now?” She was amazed that she needed to be the one to suggest it.

“No. She is in good hands. Just make sure she doesn’t run away again.” He replied, unperturbed as he looked at each one more closely and one of the older statements caught his eye. Wait a minute…did that say….Sarah Choi? Does that mean…? Jumin withheld a grin. Gotcha. He needed to run this by Seven and the chief of security. He memorized the heading of the page before his father’s secretary returned to collect what he’d left behind in his mystified stupor.

She couldn’t help the answering outrage at his complete dismissal. “What?! You don’t want to bring her home?”

“I said I want to give her back to V.” Jumin explained as he returned his gaze to the evening sky, it’s darkening hue reminding him of MC’s eyes. He needed to finish his work and fact check quickly if he was to see her before she fell asleep. Would she be excited to see him? Perhaps it was foolish to hope after everything he’d done.

“St–still, you don’t want to see her?” Assistant Kang continued, unable to believe the radical change in Jumin’s behavior.

Jumin rubbed his temples. He had just achieved some measure of peace, but there always had to be something scrambling his brain this week. He didn’t want to think about Elizabeth the Third right now. “I feel like I’ll have useless thoughts if I see her. It’s a bit complicated.” 

“But still…” She protested weakly.

“Assistant Kang.” He turned to address her with a measure of finality, changing the subject.

“Yes…” She looked to him, brows furrowing at his sudden engagement.

“I ignored your efforts when you were doing your research… but it helped. I admit I was wrong. I apologize.” Despite his flat tone, his sincerity was warm and clear. “It must have been very difficult for you to find all of that. Thank you.” He gave her a small smile filled with gratitude before walking past her to finish the piles of work surely waiting at his desk. “Then I’ll get going.”

“Difficult…? Thank you…?” She repeated, certain this was some strange alternate dimension. That, or the man in front of her was surely not Jumin. He was being…considerate? And…grateful?

Jaehee walked out of the conference room in complete stupefaction, opening the messenger robotically to let MC know about the latest developments as she walked to her own desk. Though she was still concerned about Mr. Han dodging his responsibility to take care of Elizabeth–and she had no idea how she was going to break it to Yoosung– she had to wonder if MC had noticed his uncharacteristic behavior.

MC grinned at the other woman’s bewilderment from within the penthouse, elated. Jumin was growing more comfortable expressing himself bit by bit, even without MC’s encouragement.

“Feels as if spring is in the air?” She asked, well aware of the change.

“Spring in the air…” Jaehee halted abruptly on her path as she tested them. “Yes.  I agree…the comforting wind that silently comes to you…“ She added, just as the man of the hour unceremoniously arrived. “Mr. Han;;” She acknowledged with a measure of exasperation. The man was surprising her on all fronts today.

“Jumin!” MC laughed at his sudden entrance, delighted. “I heard the meeting went well.”

“MC, here you are.” The words were fond; thankful that she was There in the messenger. “I’m about to leave soon, so will you wait?” MC smiled at the request. Of course she would, she’d been excited to hear from him all day. She always appreciated Jaehee’s updates, but she wanted to hear the grand tale from Jumin himself. She also sensed a slight melancholy behind the words, as if he was certain he would receive an irritated rebuff for leaving her home alone for so long. Silly man, she couldn’t help but think, you didn’t do anything wrong. She was just fine in his absence, spending her time working and preparing for the RFA party approaching in little more than a day. It was sad to see how certain he was that he didn’t deserve any level of acceptance or acknowledgement, even something as simple as a greeting upon his arrival at home.

Jaehee tried to address what Elizabeth the Third’s living arrangements would be again, but Jumin evaded the subject entirely, saying that they could address it later. He went on to mention something he forgot to address at the meeting earlier, telling Jaehee that he wanted to give her a vacation as thanks for everything she’d done to help him change his father’s mind. Jaehee was largely incoherent for the rest of the conversation as he asked for potential dates, offering her time to mull it over before he returned his attention to MC.

“I miss you so much I can’t stand it.” Appeared in his signature blue heart adorned with roses, charming as ever.

Her heart was melting at the sight of his unrepentant affection, as sure as he was sincere. “I miss you too.” She reassured him.

She could almost feel his desire to dash straight home and forget the tasks that he had planned to complete as soon as she reciprocated the sentiment. “Just wait a bit more.” He implored, though she had a feeling the words were more for himself than they were for her. “I have to visit a couple places…but I’ll go there as soon as I can.” He promised. “Thinking of seeing you at home makes me excited.” He added with a smiling emoji before he took his leave.

MC bid him farewell as Jaehee insisted it all must be a dream. She congratulated her frazzled friend and assured her it was indeed real, beaming at the sight of her joy. When Jaehee exited the messenger to finish her work MC’s gaze lingered on the black screen, a soft smile reflected in the low light. She was so proud of him for paying attention to Jaehee’s efforts and acknowledging what would make her happy, instead of defaulting to what he assumed everybody wanted from him. It was a sure sign that he was beginning to understand how to care about others properly, and why it was so important to develop that understanding.

MC grinned at the door. She was so going to tackle Jumin the second he stepped inside.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

“Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves it’s own mark. To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.” 
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