
Who Muses

@whomuses / whomuses.tumblr.com

indie multimuses ;; cross fandom ;; oc friendly

. .carrd. byf. psc.

Hi! I'm Jay and this is my pinned post. I'm over 25, I've been roleplaying for over 18 years now. This blog is not mutually exclusive but is semi-selective. Please feel free to message me if you want to! I'm friendly.

QUICK NOTE: This blog runs on a queue. Currently posting 0 posts a day.


// I am unwell but feel free to drop a like on this post and I'll pop into your inbox to plot :)


// Bruh why did Tumblr just ping me an alert from 2 years ago from a dead blog im...


open rp || Will Halstead


He'd dipped off the floor and into the doctor's lounge; nobody was immediately demanding his attention. His chest had been feeling off all day. And he knew why, although he didn't want to face it. After a troubled sleep, wrecked by nightmares of guns and explosions, his first, tumultuous day at the hospital ... this hadn't happened for a while. But today, for some godforsaken reason, his brain wasn't being his friend. Thank God nobody else was in there; he braced one arm against the lockers, pressing the heel of his palm into his chest, taking steadying breaths and trying to stave off the panic attack he could feel fizzing at the edges of his consciousness. He'd managed to avoid having one at work - last thing he wanted was anyone to see this -


Panic Attack/ Comfort Starters

Panic attack

The sender is having a panic attack

  • "I-I can't... I can't control it."
  • "I-I can't breathe... everything's spinning..."
  • "I-I need to get out of here... please, I can't stay... it's too much..."
  • "N-noise... too much noise... I can't think... I need to..."
  • "I feel like I'm going to die..."
  • "I-I can't stop crying..."
  • "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for falling apart like this..."
  • "I'm scared... I don't know what's happening..."
  • "I feel like I'm going to pass out..."
  • "I need to get out of here... I can't handle this..."
  • "I-I'm fine, just give me a moment. It's nothing..."
  • : "I'm okay, really... Just need a moment to... to collect myself..."


The sender is comforting receiver having a panic attack

  • "Hey, hey, it's okay. Just breathe with me, alright? Nice and slow. You're safe here, I've got you."
  • "Tell me five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste."
  • "'You're not alone in this. Take your time; I'll wait."
  • "Let's count backwards from 100. One number at a time. You've got this."
  • "Shh, I know it feels overwhelming right now, but you're not alone. I'm right here beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."
  • "Focus on my voice, okay?"
  • "I'm right here beside you, holding your hand."
  • "Let's step outside for a moment. Take my hand, we'll get through this together."

❛ and who tells you this kind of thing? ❜ she asked. his latest relationship? a friend? honestly she doesn't keep up with the relationships around here, too busy with hers and trying to keep up in her own life as a single mom. so she drops it with a wave of her hand. when she asked who the needle was for she shrugged. ❛ oh my daughter will be here in a few minutes to get a tetanus shot. I am putting her in soccer. just thought I would get it ready so she can be in and out. ❜ sure she can take her to her doctors office, but this is way more convenient.


"Ah, y'know, just - stuff I've heard." he replied, keeping it light, still with that easy smile. "Oh, your daughter?" he asked. "It'll be nice to meet her." he said, "I've heard such nice things." he leant his shoulder against the nearby wall, looking down at the tablet he was holding. "Soccer's fun. Never really played it much myself." he admitted, "Big guy, so - they wanted me in hockey or football."


@traumabraved liked for Will and I can only resist whump for so long -- He'd taken the opportunity to slip into a free room for a super brief breather. The lounge was too busy - he didn't really want anyone getting worried about him. Just needed a moment - just to breathe - pretty sure nobody had seen him dip away. He pressed the heel of his hand into his chest, exhaling slowly, eyes shut and back to the door. Just a moment, then he'd get back, he swore...


// Things I need to write more on; Will has some serious ongoing ptsd that he's been working through in therapy, but is very much not really in control of. He pushes through and hides it as best he can but sometimes the barrier falls and it comes out.


she raises her eyebrows. ❛ not so sure about that, doctor halstead. but keep telling yourself that if you really believe it. ❜ the nurse blinks, waiting a moment before a wide smile appears on her features. ❛ i am just kidding with you. ❜


"Hey, I promise, just repeating what I've been told." he objected, even if it was still very much light hearted. "What are you doing with the needle, anyway?" he asked, "Anything I need to check up on? I got a moment..."


you know it is not okay to sneak up on people like that. especially if they have a needle , and not afraid to use it. ❜

open starter for mutuals !!

He stepped back; held his hands up, palms out, even with an easy smile on his face - the very picture of surrender. "Not on purpose, I promise," he said, voice low and genuine, "They say I move quiet for a big guy."


open rp || Will Halstead


He'd dipped off the floor and into the doctor's lounge; nobody was immediately demanding his attention. His chest had been feeling off all day. And he knew why, although he didn't want to face it. After a troubled sleep, wrecked by nightmares of guns and explosions, his first, tumultuous day at the hospital ... this hadn't happened for a while. But today, for some godforsaken reason, his brain wasn't being his friend. Thank God nobody else was in there; he braced one arm against the lockers, pressing the heel of his palm into his chest, taking steadying breaths and trying to stave off the panic attack he could feel fizzing at the edges of his consciousness. He'd managed to avoid having one at work - last thing he wanted was anyone to see this -


Austin really had not meant to walk into the middle of someone having a panic attack at work, but to be fair, he was also having a pretty intense day. First day at a new hospital, everyone confused about where he should be or who he should be working with, on top of the fact that today was one of the busier days? Everyone just loved to get sick and hurt this time of year. He needed a small break, and considering the fact that his senses were all kind of on fire, he did not stop to listen or even think before stepping into the lounge.

(He had stopped at three of the wrong rooms before this. He was actually desperate.)

He freezes up almost immediately, eyes widening. It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out what's going on, thankfully, because Austin is not one. "H-Hey, are you uh... doing alright?" Because it is his first day. It's not like he knows anyone, really.

The E.D. was always busy, always new people coming in, nurses and docs dashing all over the place to keep up with the emergencies. Runny noses, wounds, broken bones, anything that would bring people to their doors. It was why he'd managed to grab a rare moment of the room being empty, as his shaky attempt at calm-breathing was absolutely not working and his heart rate was increasing and, in a very frustrating insult to injury, whenever he closed his eyes there were flashes of guns and explosions and car crashes -

His head whipped around at the sound of the door opening, but the face that stepped in was unfamiliar. He had the correct uniform on, the lab coat, and Will opened his mouth to brush it off as nothing, to greet the unfamiliar face, but instead his words don't escape. There's nothing there, no air, closing his eyes and stepping back. Pressing the heel of his hand harder against his sternum, trying to ignore the starbursts behind his lids as he felt the shaking start proper. Shit, shit, shit -


send 🛑 to clean blood off of my muse after they protected yours.

add + to reverse so receiver is the one cleaning blood off sender.


if you have "original characters do not interact" or some form of anti-original character language in your rules... you are weak and will not survive the winter. you're missing out on unbelievably inventive characters created by your deeply passionate peers. you're missing out on so many types of interactions and unique perspectives not found in current mainstream media and the content it produces. there are so many talented people in the rpc with amazing original characters, and you're just writing them off for no reason. what a shame.


It was either really creepy that Skye knew about his healing, or a really good guess and she was crazy fast figuring out health stuff in her head. Either way she was right, Peter needed to eat something and get some rest. Sooner rather than later with the way he felt. Both of those was going to make getting better go by a lot faster and easier. Without his body exhausting him further trying to repair the damage done while working on fumes. Not that he hadn't done that before, but it was one of the farthest things from fun. Or a good idea.

"That's not so bad..." a few seconds being down meant Peter might not have passed out, or if he did it was brief. If he did, the impact of hitting the ground may have been enough to startle him back awake. It could be part of why he felt so disoriented when he came to. He gave a weak, loose feeling nod to...he wasn't really sure what, but Peter was still nodding anyways and lifted his head to see Skye again, "...so, is this clinic close by at least?" and ideally had an elevator to ride up so Peter didn't have to crawl up the side of her building but hey, he's had worse ideas.

|| @whomuses ||


She hesitated, for a breath - taking him into her apartment would be visible, obvious. There was another option, though. Doing her course the way she was, being a student doctor, took up the majority of her time - but she still had access to the physiotherapy studio, she still worked there one shift a week, and it was close enough by... ~ "I have a better idea." she told him, "We have to walk about a block, you think you'll be okay with that?" she had a small stash there for if she needed to grab something in a rush, and it wouldn't look too weird, although this was already a risky maneouver.


@inmentemusae liked for Will!

"Hey, Connor -" he paused in the corridor, seeing the other man having been heading in the other direction. "Look, um, I know this is a bit out of the blue, but I was wondering if you were free after your shift tonight? I got tickets for this - this show, but Jay's had to duck out because he's got a stomach bug and - well - nobody else wants to go, uh." he looked plenty awkward, rubbing the back of his neck, "I mean, if you don't want to either that's totally fine, but it seems a waste to - well - to waste 'em, y'know?" he grimaced. "I don't know if it's your thing, Nat said I need to get more cultured, whatever that means, so I thought local theatre and all that…"


What did eating have to do with broken ribs? Or falling from a truck, and bruising, and…Peter honestly didn’t know what else there was, “Uh…this morning I had a poptart.” he remembered, because he grabbed it off his desk and bolted out the door to not be late for class. He cringed and hissed at the movement before feeling her help try and keep him stable. Which was more than appreciated at this point, the buildings looked just far enough away he ran the risk of falling again as he got his legs to work and hold him upright.

Peter blinked slowly and thought back before nodding, “Yeah…I’ve heard of it a few times. Never gone though.” he tended to just drag himself back to his dorm room and recover there as best as possible now. It wasn’t flawless but he’d picked up on a good amount of first aid after the number of other times he’d been hurt and needed help. Things like stitches and how to try and manage a concussion, “Nice to meet you, Skye…I’m Spider-Man but I’m pretty sure the suit and the mask gave that away already, huh?” he took a careful step and was relieved to feel the world shake less when he did, “...do you know how long I was down for?”

|| @whomuses ||


She sighed, somewhat pointedly, because goddamned heroes. They never took care of themselves. At least villains seemed a little more inclined to actually sleep, eat, look after themselves a little bit more. But she could feel how the other was flinching, what he was going through ahd suffering. Okay. Time to focus on the more serious stuff later. She was pretty sure that he hadn't punctured a lung, but she wanted to be more sure… it was hard without doing a scan.

"Right, you need to get some food." she said, firmly, "Your metabolism will need it to help with your healing." she exhaled again, another sharp noise of frustration. "Not long enough that I'm immensely concerned," she admitted to him, "Only a few seconds, as far as I can tell."

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