
please do be vigilant

@mizukamui / mizukamui.tumblr.com

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New Blog!

Hi everyone! Wow it has been a long time since I’ve logged on to this account. If I missed your messages or chats, I apologize I just have not been on here in a long time. 

I wanted to drop by and say thank you for all of the response to my art that I missed while I was gone! I didn’t expect people to like my silly doodles that much. I appreciate it a lot! 

I have moved fandoms and am more active on twitter, but I have just made a new blog for my art. It is aqualimitsart if you would like to follow me there! It is primarily BTS fanart and I do a lot of portraits and I am slowly uploading my pieces that I’ve done over the past couple of years there. I believe I have vastly improved from the content I was posting on here before lol but this blog serves as kind of a time capsule of my improvement and journey through drawing.

Anyway, thank you for enjoying my art! I will keep this blog up as a memory, but I wanted to say to any new followers or past followers, thank you! If you would like to find me elswewhere you can visit my new art blog or my twitter

Thank you so much! :)


New Blog!

Hi everyone! Wow it has been a long time since I’ve logged on to this account. If I missed your messages or chats, I apologize I just have not been on here in a long time. 

I wanted to drop by and say thank you for all of the response to my art that I missed while I was gone! I didn’t expect people to like my silly doodles that much. I appreciate it a lot! 

I have moved fandoms and am more active on twitter, but I have just made a new blog for my art. It is aqualimitsart if you would like to follow me there! It is primarily BTS fanart and I do a lot of portraits and I am slowly uploading my pieces that I’ve done over the past couple of years there. I believe I have vastly improved from the content I was posting on here before lol but this blog serves as kind of a time capsule of my improvement and journey through drawing.

Anyway, thank you for enjoying my art! I will keep this blog up as a memory, but I wanted to say to any new followers or past followers, thank you! If you would like to find me elswewhere you can visit my new art blog or my twitter

Thank you so much! :)


Life and Love

T__T I don’t have anything to post today because I’ve been busy but I watched episode 12 I’ve been tearing up every five minutes since then. I love these two so much and this show has brought so much happiness to my life (very sappy but very true) Thank you Kubo Sensei <3



That’s right, it’s finally time! KEYSTONE preorders are open from now through the end of January 2017! Orders will ship in February/March. 

The zine will be softcover, perfectbound, and contain ~60 pages of fiction and color art about Kominato Ryousuke and Kuramochi Youichi from our talented list of contributors!

We’re offering three options:

  • Digital
  • A PDF copy of the zine that will be emailed to buyers once the book is ready.
  • Physical
  • A physical copy of KEYSTONE
  • One random mini print
  • The first fifteen orders will also receive a pack of stickers designed by our contributing artists!
  • Bundle
  • A physical copy of KEYSTONE
  • One acrylic charm
  • A pack of stickers
  • One random mini print
  • One of two prism bookmark designs
  • And the first fifteen orders will receive an additional acrylic charm design unavailable with regular orders! 

We’ll be posting more WIPs and previews in the weeks to come so please keep an eye on our previews tag and don’t forget to follow us for updates! 

We are also giving away one physical copy of the zine! Check out our giveaway here.

Thank you for your support and signal boosts and we hope you’re as excited as we are!


just an artist psa

When artists look at their own work and call it awful, we mostly mean “this is nowhere near what I am capable of producing and I feel like I have let myself down” so please don’t feel bad about your own work when we say this about our own art, it really doesn’t reflect how we see your art.

jesus christ someone said it.


Kuraryou Exchange gift for snow!!! I was really excited about thinking of cool AUs to put these two in :D This is a little inspired by the urban fantasy mention. I thought it’d be really cool to give them weapons that are pretty typical (bow and arrow, knives, etc) but powered up in a way and more technological! The gloves give them the control over these weapons :) I wanted to try something that wasn’t like anything I’d really done before and I love the idea of Kuramochi and Ryousuke running through the streets teaming up and being total badasses together. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to go out of my comfort zone :D

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