
Cutest Little Bounty Hunter.


Senseri Oria, Balmung FFXIV [Follows come from jackarychaoti.]

hey girl. did you know that it’s okay to never fucking forgive them? that no part of you is required to pretend to be okay with all that stuff that never should have happened to you? that you’re allowed to be angry for all ways you were stolen from you? okay, just checking. i love you.

At the bottom of her heart, however, she was waiting for something to happen. […] Each morning, as she awoke, she hoped it would come that day; she listened to every sound, sprang up with a start, wondered that it did not come; then at sunset, always more saddened, she longed for the morrow.
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary (1856).
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