

@studyingisfortheweekend-blog / studyingisfortheweekend-blog.tumblr.com

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studyblr intro!

hello! my name is angelica and i am new to the studyblr community! i hope to raise awareness about neurodivergent studyblrs!

about me

  • i am 17 and am set to graduate high school in 2021!
  • i am canadian
  • i am autistic and have bipolar II
  • i speak a fair amount of french
  • i am a slytherin

classes i am taking

  • health (gr 11 college lvl)
  • peer tutoring (gr 11 open lvl)
  • english (gr 11 university lvl)
  • spare period (i dropped history, whoops)

my goals

  • graduate high school in 2021 (one year late…)
  • get accepted to the college program of my choice (not sure what that will be yet)
  • improve my mental health
  • spend less time online… including tumblr
  • maintain an ‘a’ average
  • get my physical health under control as well

studyblr intro (colonelstudy)

hi i am ada :)

about me

- i am 16 y/o

- i have high functioning autism (aspergers syndrome)

- i am a grade 11 in hs

- i am canadian

- i want to major in european studies in uni

- i speak intermediate lvl french

classes i am taking

- academic math

- anthropology, psychology and sociology (college lvl)

- biology (university lvl)

- academic english

extracurriculars and interests

- i run cross country!

- i go to my school’s Christian club

- i like learning languages but can never decide on one!

why a studyblr?

i just wanted to be in a community that holds me accountable for both personal and academic goals that i set. having a studyblr reminds me of my ultimate goal of majoring in european studies at york university. i feel that this community is also a super positive place and encourages positive habits and a positive lifestyle.  


journal series: some journaling I did in my new planner the night before my first day of sophomore year! I know I’ve been in college for over a year now (which sounds crazy) but back-to-school season always seems to give me anxiety. it’s always so therapeutic to take time out of the day to sit down and journal, no matter how busy our lives can get.

(PS: get 15% off of Mossery Academic Planners using my code: MYA15)

forgive yourself. whether you fail a test, eat too many cookies, say the wrong thing, fail a class, or spend a whole day in bed — learn to forgive yourself. the next day will be better. the next day will be a day closer to your next success. you can do it.


It’s the best days of your life!!” people (or more specifically parents) always say, to which my response quite often was, “well my future isn’t looking very bright then”. Now, having recently graduated high school, I sort of understand the sentiment. For me, the past few years have included many ups and downs, academically, socially and mentally. But somehow, someway, I managed to persevere. Now here I am, sharing some of the knowledge I’ve accumulated that has gotten me through the past few years. Whether you are an incoming freshman or senior desperately trying to battle senioritis (oh yes, it’s a real thing) I hope this little guide provides you with a little bit of insight. Now, without further a do… welcome to Jen’s declassified school survival guide!


Obviously, academics hold a lot of weight in high school. If you decide to pursue higher education they are pretty much your ticket in.

- Choosing classes: When it comes to picking what classes you’ll be taking, actually think it through. Play to your strengths, and seek out alternate options for subjects you know you have trouble with. You are far more likely to do well in a class you enjoy!  If you know what you want to do after graduation, pick your classes relating to that. If you don’t, try to keep your options open. Choose electives that allow you to try out new things (like computer coding or a foreign language). It is often these classes where you truly find where your passions lie. If something isn’t working out for you, see if you can change it. Don’t be me and suffer through a chemistry class you hate!

- Organization: Get some sort of planner. Whether it is a fancy bullet journal or a super basic one from the dollar store, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is staying on top of things. Write down due dates for every assignment, presentation, quiz and test. Doing so allows you to clearly visualize what you need to study and when. A lot of your academic success depends on you remembering about that pre-calc exam and the deadline for that essay (especially if you have teachers that deduct marks for overdue assignments)!

- Studying: The earlier you find a method that works for you, the better. While it is important to study enough for your classes, you need to be careful not to burn yourself out. Don’t pull all nighters, because trust me, they rarely work. The night before an exam, close your books early and spend the rest of the time relaxing and getting a good nights sleep. Focusing your mind on what you have learnt is just as important. Also when possible, form study groups! Talking through concepts with your friends or quizing each other on new vocab words is a great way to retain information. Just make sure you actually do some studying and don’t just sit around drinking coffee and watching youtube (I’m looking at you 10th grade Jen).

- Ask questions: It might be hard, but sometimes you just need to swallow your pride and admit you don’t understand something. Try asking a friend who gets it first if you don’t want to go to the teacher right away. At the end of the day however, asking for help is ten times better than failing a test.


Thanks to Disney channel original movies, it may seem like you have to have dozens of friends and be president of five different clubs to be successful socially. You don’t.

- Find your ‘squad’: For lack of a better word, yeah, your squad. The people who will have your back. It may take a while to find them, and it may evolve over the years, and that’s perfectly ok! Having a few close friends who you can lean on is important for your mental health along with your social well being. They’ll be the people you can joke around with at lunch, or study with in the library after class. Make sure these friends are a positive influence however, and don’t hang around with who don’t treat you with the respect you deserve.

- Extracurricular’s: While you don’t need to join every single one your school has, look into joining one or two. They are a great way to make new friends with similar interests to you, along with providing an outlet for academic stress. If there’s not a club that interests you, talk to your teachers about forming one!

- Drama: It happens. Even when you think you’ve avoided it, it somehow creeps up. The best way to deal with it is finding someone to talk to about it and resolving it before it becomes too serious. Don’t let relationship drama interfere with your school work. Drop all negativity as soon as you can.


Nothing is more important than your mental well being. NOTHING. Not grades, not friendships, N O T H I N G.

- Rest: Listen to your body. It knows what you need. While its not always possible, do your best to get eight hours of sleep each night (alright, this is a bit hypocritical coming from me, but just go with it). Working yourself to the point of exhaustion is the worst possible thing you could do. Along with this, remember to take care of your entire body. Drink water and eat something for breakfast (even if it is as small as a piece of toast or an apple).

- Search for positivity:  It can come in all shapes and forms such as friends, family, music, or even tv. Look for the things that will help you keep your spirits up no matter what you’re going through. Some days you’ll feel like everything is overwhelming you, and taking a break to watch an episode of your favourite comedy on netflix is exactly what you need to recharge yourself. Life might not always be sunshine and rainbows, but it’s important to still keep its rays and pot of gold in sight.

- Seek help: If things are becoming to difficult for you, get help, and the sooner the better. There is absolutely no shame in it, and it is far better to talk to someone about it than suffer alone.


Yeah this gets its own section because wow, it’s real.

- Stay busy: I found that the fewer classes I was taking, the more I began to loose interest. During my first semester I was taking five classes, and by the end of my second, only two! I used my free periods to nap and just generally loose interest in the two classes I was taking. It sucked. In order to try and pull myself out of the slump, I started teaching myself a new language. It gave me something else to do when I’d usually be sleeping or scrolling through twitter. Of course, this method my do the exact opposite for you if you’re someone who can’t stand having more than three things on their do to list. But if you’re like me and get easily bored when there’s nothing to do, keep yourself occupied. You’ll thank yourself in the end. And if all else fails, just think of all the amazing opportunities waiting for you after you graduate, and to get there it means picking yourself up and actually going to class.

And lastly, some words of wisdom from my friend that basically sums everything up: “Make sure you have a balanced schedule, like enough time to go to the gym and study and talk to friends cus it’s so easy to get caught up and forget stuff”.

I hope this has been even the tiniest bit helpful, and as per usual, my inbox is always open if you have any questions or stories to share!


picture it now. the life you want to have. the smells, the colors, the people. the smiles and the accomplishments. where you’ll live, where you’ll relax, where you’ll study or meet new people or just discover. allow yourself to dream, and aim high. disappointment is a part of life, and whenever someone succeeded, they allowed themselves to dream, to expect, and then to fail. and then try all over again, until it worked out.


Mandarin School Subjects Vocab

Yet another simple Mandarin vocab list, this time on different school subjects!

英语 - English [Yīngyǔ] 普通话 - Mandarin Chinese [Pǔtōnghuà] 文学 - Literature [wénxué] 语言 - Language [yǔyán] 语言学 -  Linguistics [yǔyánxué] 历史 -  History [lìshǐ] 考古学 - Archaeology [kǎogǔxué] 地理学 - Geography [dìlǐxué] 地质学 -  Geology [dìzhìxué] 神学 - Religious Studies/Theology [shénxué] 音乐课 -  Music [yīnyuèkè] 数学 -  Mathematics [shùxué] 生物学 - Biology [shēngwùxué] 化学 - Chemistry [huàxué] 物理学 - Physics [wùlǐxué] 法语 - French [Fǎyǔ] 西班牙语 - Spanish [Xībānyáyǔ] 德语 - German [Déyǔ] 体育 -  Sports [tǐyù] 信息技术 - I.T./Technology [xìnxī jìshù] 法学 - Law [fǎxué] 社会学 - Sociology [shèhuìxué] 经济学 -  Economics [jīngjìxué] 政治学 - Politics [zhèngzhìxué]

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