
Mad with Individuality

@bluedillylee / bluedillylee.tumblr.com

there's a tender heart inside that ugly armadillo Buy me a kofi Find me on Inprnt

I laugh a little but damn would it be horrible to grow up feeling like some kind of sex freak. Poor Hexer Geralt didn’t even get to feel camaraderie with his fellow witchers, he was an outcast right from the start 😢

[ID Adela, a female witcher, stands composed looking straight forward while Geralt is nervously sweating right next to her. Above him is a thought bubble with the words “Why am I sweating so much? Am I sick?” End ID]


damn these wolf medallions are so ugly

yeesh just gotta get one last jab in at Geralt huh?

love how goofy all the fight scenes are plus the witcher eyes hahaha well you made it geralt honestly it was a shitshow there anyway.

Also I still dont know the name of the dude who isn't Vesimir. This is going to haunt me the whole series isn't it? who is this man!!!

Good second episode lots of interesting witcher stuff. We got lady witchers but maybe from a different school? we got ace witchers (except our main dude) I am not surprised that witchers are dying so often their school/order/whatever you call it is super dysfunctional and filled with emotionally repressed traumatized assholes.

I am really enjoying The Hexer. Its terrible and its great


Well I think maybe you could argue that the mutations numb the boys for a while (maybe) and could lower their libido but it's total bullshit about erasing their emotions. If they care enough to try to get revenge for Ozbert and they care enough to get angry (my dudes anger is an E-M-O-T-I-O-N) then they have emotions.

The witcher order is so rigid that Geralt being just a little outside normal is fucking killing them (litterally in that one guys case). IDK if I think Vesimir and his buddy are dumb for seemingly doing this without trying to integrate Geralt better or give them props for managing what they have in the midst of such rigidity.

revolt in the witcher's council!! Geralt is cast out! Vesimir is forcibly retired! Yarov gets promoted! No one is happy!

oh wow hearing Vesimir's voice over as geralt and adela get naked is just about some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. The crustiest looking old man talking about the basics of reproduction as geralt experiences his first love lol

is adela ace? maybe she is ace and is just curious?

wow nobody is handling the post sex awkwardness with grace. He calls her a flower she says he's emotional yikes :o

awww it was a mission :(

pffft geralt in armor is like trying to put a cat in a little outfit

wow i think vesimir just fucking died


so witchers don't get horny but Geralt does? damn I hope they gave him some basic sex ed. How can she know that so quickly? Are they implying he's aroused right now??

side note its interesting to compare how confident she is while Geralt is shy and embarrassed

He's living the reverse of most ace people's experience. Haha like the premise of some half baked fiction book. "In a world where no one gets horny one man must figure out what to do about his boner"

hmmm the witcher training kind of reminds me of bootcamp. The way you aren't supposed to ask questions, just obey and the set way of doing things. I wonder if that also contributes to the female witchers failure. If they are trained with a bias towards the male form without the allowance to adapt the moves they would be at a disadvantage.

welp Geralt scrapes by with a warning I guess. That and the stupidly painful stand on a post for hours and hours punishment.

oh good grief "nobody promised us a peaceful old age" gotta keep these terrible traditions alive, why? because fuck them kids that's why

ok here we go again with the priest v witcher stuff. Priests not mutated (maybe have magic?) witchers still getting ragged on in the intelligence department.

and now we have a murder attempt!


ok episode 2 here we go (goodbye baby Geralt you were adorable)

and we got one dude bleeding already and Geralt (friend to all horses and wolves) manages to toss the teacher off the horse. He's like a teacher's pet except the teacher probably hates him.

eyyy we got drugs and a name for the redhead witcher (Clovis) injured dude is still unnamed.

we have lady witchers??? what?? is that grown up Adela???

yes Geralt, punch him again >:D

for fucks sake Vesimir sadness is also an emotion. God its like hearing one of those stupid fucking anti bullying speeches. IDK why Vesimir thought giving this speech while he's in bed was a good idea either. You dumb fuck he doesn't need to know any women personally to know that being a sexist prick is wrong. Ugh men

I was right!!! She is Adela!!!

aaaaaaannnd she's naked


gwidon you fucked up big time

wait is that not his name? is it falwick? aaarghhh!!! why are the names so difficult to keep track of?

wait hold on authors notes explained that Vesimir changed Gwidon's name to Falwick, Count of Moen to preserve the witchers reputation. ok i'm not losing it haha

all in all I enjoyed the first episode. Child Geralt was great playing it very stoic with little bits of softness around the wolf and Adela. I have got to figure out the name of the witcher that claimed him who I thought was Vesimir but wasn't.

I liked the world building with the witchers even tho I have questions (like is vesimir a witcher??) I liked that their existence felt political and vesimir was invested in keeping up relationships with the elves and humans. The way that they both cared about the trainees and were distant from them at the same time worked for me.

Geralt was great I felt like they did a great intro to his character. He's got this traumatic separation from his family, a strange integration into the witchers where they are both kidnapper and comrade. He's quiet and guarded but sweet and heroic too.

His hilarious relationship with Fang absolutely took me out. It's sweet but omg its such a main character moment that I can't help but laugh.


damn now we meet assholes who throw rocks at kids

oh yikes and now Gwidon shows up with his gang and kills them

aww Geralt you live in a shitty world :(

uh oh Gwidon's trying to sell his lie to Vesimir. Bet Geralt's going to show up like I know what you did last summer

k now geralt's found a fire and an injured kid. Do the witcher drugs work for other people? Kinda sweet to see Geralt's a little hero as a child.

haha this is your kid now wolf-> the wolf -_- i didn't sign up for this

uh oh geralt you took her mom's necklace?

Not!Vesimir shows up like "hey kid you bones or not?" no idea why our training produces so few living witchers >eyeroll<

omg don't kill the wolf!!! hahaha geralt named her fang <3

ok this is hilarious they send geralt to the mountains for a survival trial and come back to find geralt living happily with a wolf and her cubs and another kid he rescued. He's also witnessed a crime their own witcher's have committed. Truly Geralt you were doomed to live an eventful life.

!!! he's going back to say goodbye to fang!!! oh my god this is the funniest fucking thing i've ever seen. he's literally talking to her explaining that he has to go. That's it that's why Netflix Geralt is called wolf by the other witchers. I'm claiming this because it's just too good. Geralt has a wolf mom and now he's saying goodbye to her. I'm laughing and just a teeny bit touched by how sweet the child actor is playing this.

then when he rejoins Not!Vesimir(wtf is this guys name) and the girl (adela was that her name?) the first thing he says is to get off the horse because it's tired. Truly Geralt loves animals. Then he tells the witcher!! that fang wanted him to stay!and that he is a wolf!!! lol i love this kid this is so funny.


wannabe Boromir was killed by elves then. Did his buddy witcher also die? it was unclear. Were those elven heads in the bag?

Vesimir says no fighting Gwidon says thats stupid. Yep Gwidon is def going to break the rules later.

man witcher training is very dirty. Step forward and get slammed into this muddy puddle. Admittedly from the bit we saw of grown up Geralt it is pretty accurate to the job.

wtf is this mountain trial.

Hey kid keep the fire going, here's a knife, some drugs and a few skulls for ambiance.

Sir that's a child.

and would you look at that the fire's gone out. Even the skulls are like "yeah kid you're fucked"

omg Geralt burying the skulls of the other kids who didn't survive just tear out my heart why don't you :(

next second i'm laughing over lil geralt crafting a fish basket.

OMG!! IS GERALT GOING TO MAKE A WOLF FRIEND?!! HE IS!!! and baby wolves!!! :D he's healing the wolf I repeat Geralt is healing his wolf friend <3

this is too cute. they both think the fish smells terrible lol


who is this Boromir knockoff? its only a couple of arrows man shake it off and kill some more of these dudes.

ayyy we got kitty eyes!! and what looks like white hair sprayed dye hahahaha

damn no wonder a bunch of witchers are dying this training is dull as hell. They need Li Shang to sing I'll make a man out of you and then they'll all be kicking ass

ok wait so Gwidon is a witcher and he's saying Vesimir is a priest and still human? is being a priest also like being a mage? I just figured Vesimir was an old witcher semi retired. Somebody get me close up on everybody's eyes so I can see who is a witcher!

oh my god I bet horse acrobatics is Geralts favorite class.

what does Gwidon have against Geralt? maybe cause he's concerned about rations he doesn't want more witchers right now? Also that other old dude (lots of old men i can't keep track of them please I need names people!) saying Geralt might be attracted to women does that imply that for the other witchers they don't experience attraction (or that they're strictly into dudes I guess)

also holy Oedipus complex because the face they're implying he saw was his mother's face right? man vesimir is right witcher are dumb as hell


haha baby witchers have the worst rave party of their lives in order to become mutated witchers

wow ok his mom is astel projecting? She does have magic then. Wait Vesimir said she'd cursed him or something didn't he when he was talking with the old witcher.

damn the old bald witcher is Vesimir not the other guy.

did the other witcher just say that the witcher's council has no emotional intelligence and is dumb as hell? lol

maybe it's a matter of translation but it's cracking me up that these dudes are like we gotta change to survive. Number one we gotta get smart, no more dumbass witchers. Number two they gotta be noble as hell.

We're gonna do new experiments on this new kid, Geralt, to make him a better kind of witcher. "I need a hero" begins to play


is that baby Geralt? is this witcher Vesimir?

huh ok interesting introduction to the law of surprise. Damn mother's get the short end of the stick on this deal don't they. Surprise your husband kept a really important secret from you and you can't do anything about it.

I like the perspective this gives Vesimir (if that is him) on the law of surprise. It's the law (a strict one he says) that humans made when they made witchers.

also if this is baby geralt is his mom still a sorceress? or is she your avg human?


just started watching The Hexer (Weidzmin) and I see that they along with Netflix Witcher agree that showing Geralt as a dripping wet and dirty monster hunter is the ideal way to introduce him to the audience

Anonymous asked:

In your feral geralt sketches, the one of him watching jaskier eat looks just like the autism creature meme with the big eyes which idk if it was intentional but it’s very fitting for geralt love it

haha thank you it is very fitting for Geralt


😵‍💫. scribbles of feral Geralt or maybe just potions gone wrong Geralt, you decide

[ID several messy sketches of feral black-eyed Geralt and an exasperated Jaskier. Geralt bites Jaskier’s cheek in a friendly way, he carries Jaskier over his head as he runs around, he buries his face in Jaskier’s chest hair and purrs as Jaskier says “yeah, yeah everybody loves the chest hair”. In the center Jaskier looks tired and exasperated with Geralt as Geralt sniffs and squeezes him. To the right Geralt licks Jaskier’s cheek and Jaskier says “ewwwwwww Geralt!. Geralt stands protectively in front of Jaskier growling fiercely as Jaskier tiredly says “that’s a leaf Geralt” and lastly Geralt sits right next to Jaskier and stares intensely at him as Jaskier tries to eat his dinner. End ID]


i meant to post this ages ago. so many of you loved this part of the comic and I kept meaning to post it on its own so here ya go

[ID Jaskier holding a scroll showing a Venn diagram with creepy/wet descriptions of Geralt up to a villager. End ID]

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