
Nerd Life


A little of this, A little of that. Always a surprise.

They have nine beverages between the two of them

i have that painting ai app on my phone so i went ahead and took the liberty…

What they have are five beverages and four waters. Water, by definition, cannot be a beverage.

The fuck do you mean water cant be a beverage?

The way this post progressed is the reason I come on Tumblr

Source: twitter.com

third day of italian quarantine: everything is closed, everyone is at home and so... WILD BOARS ARE IN MY TOWN WITH THEIR BABIES!!!! i’m laughing so hard

In my hometown a random horse appears.


There’s a horse. LOOSE. during QUARANTINE


In the absence of humans, animals are moving into spaces they were unable to get to before. Since humans are still around, this isn’t great, but it’s kind of neat to think that if all humans disappeared, animals would not take long to start returning.


saw someone say ‘a lot of men don’t actually want to participate in raising their children, they just like the aesthetic of having a family’ and god that is so true

Many men want the comfort and convenience of having a wife and the prestige of having children, though they do not want the responsibilities of being a husband and/or the duties and tasks of being a father.


Come get this dick-fil-a

I’m tired of y'all reblogging this every Sunday

One of you shit heads are saving this post and waiting until Sunday to reblog it

I will fucking find you


joon really has an IQ of 148 huh

fun fact once he stuck his hands into boiling water without even hesitating

and he tried cutting like onions but they weren’t budging and jin had to come over to tell him that the cover of the knife was still on

and he told a female radio host about the difficulties of having an erection on stage bc of their tight pants while they were on air

and when accused of bringing viruses to the computer bc he watched porn he didn’t take anyone’s shit for a second and straight up said they all watched it together on live tv

and he stuffed an entire fucking fortune cookie - paper and all - in his mouth and happily walked away like a child while his interviewer Panicked and tried alerting him that he might choke

and he decided that the perfect time to announce that a proper kiss involved tongue was while filming a bangtan bomb

“Sometimes I look at Namjoon and I think, God is fair.” –Seokjin 😂😂😂


Terry Crews came out and admitted he had been sexually assulted by someone in the film industry, and is now being blacklisted. I have been a fan of his since Idiocracy, and will continue to support all of his work.

So when you wonder why people don’t come forward with their assults, this is why.

Where are all the bitch men who ask about male sexual assault when the focus is on women but are dead silent when men are actually at the focus.  


It’s almost as if Men’s Rights Activists don’t really care about men’s rights. Hmmm….





This misses the really powerful piece of the story: Terry Crews was the one who chose not to do the movie. One of the producers told him, essentially, that he could either do the movie and be drop the sexual assault charges, or continue with the trial and have “troubles”. Terry dropped out because he felt standing against abusers was more important than his film career.

It’s bullshit that he was threatened in the first place, of course, but his response was ballsy. I admire him for it.


Reblog to support Terry Crews and men like him.

Terry Crews is easily one of the greatest men as well as the one of the most soft spoken and nice in Hollywood and it’s a goddamn shame he is being blacklisted for speaking out


Guys this is Really Really Important….

Keep your Stick in your Pants….

Not all that Glitters is Gold….


They exist in Haiti. Thats how my great great great grandfather died.


Wait hold on someone explain this to me I’m so lost lol


The belief is Haiti is that certain women can live under water and will lived there for years… These women are extremely beautiful and men being men can’t stay away from a good looking women are seduce and then dragged under water and are never to be seen again… My great grandmother was one of these women… One day her mother sent her to go get water from the river and she never came back 10 years later they see her come up the road in all white with beautiful jewelry all around her body sing up a storm.. When her family asked her where she was she told them she was under water… thats the story my grandma always use to tell me growing up



Sounds like daughters of Yoruba goddess

I love African and African Diasporan mythology.

we call them “river mumma” in Jamaica


We call the “mammi water” in Nigeria



Man, this is such a perfect analogy. “Chipped”… Just damaged enough for it to show at times, but not nearly broken enough to warrant fixing. And so often does the chipped cup turn itself to show its undamaged side.

Even if you are only “chipped” you deserve help. It took me a lot of time to convince my first therapist I needed pharmaceutical help. But I did, my parents called in to offer an opinion and more family history. They ended up recommending me for a psychiatrist. I know that can seem daunting and effort is so precious in those dark places, but it’s worth it to continue to push through. Push for your health and what you need.


the whole “i’m an evil monster because i have to kill and eat innocent people to survive :’(” angst in ‘regular human gets turned into supernatural monster’ stories is so stupid. like how is that even a problem??? there are also plenty of corrupt billionaires, abusers and cops out there for you to snack on

everybody’s like “eating the rich is the only ethical consumption under capitalism” until they actually have the opportunity to actually eat the rich 🙄 smh

what we do in the shadows is the only one that Gets It

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