
"I vow to treat your needs as my own"

@lexa-is-eternal / lexa-is-eternal.tumblr.com

Highkey in love with Lexa, lowkey in lust with Alycia Debnam Carey (credits to a great Anon) - sideblog of @meafterdeath that's why you'll be followed back by that one -

I reblog clexa stuff so rarely these days not because I don't care anymore, or because I don't love Lexa anymore, but because it still hurts.

It's like...I had this favorite character once, and she found love, but the media creators fucked everything up so badly that I don't want to think about it anymore.

Anonymous asked:

"let’s do it for the love that used to be here" - no, I'm not thinking about clexa in the city of light, nope nope nope 😭💔💔

in addition to the city of light, where clarke was also with a ghost of lexa, consider this:

and my tags in that gifset: #SHE KNOWS!!!!!! #but she still clings to this version of her lover like it's a lifeline the only thing keeping her sane

and tell me that's not clarke hugging the ghost of lexa just, yeah, for the love that used to be there, the love that is alive in her heart but she has nowhere to put it. she has so much of it and she begs these pale reflections to just give her this one moment of peace and relief — for the love that used to there


i don't wanna be your friend (i wanna kiss your lips)

She can’t exactly pinpoint the exact moment it all started. It began with her attraction to Lexa, of course, what else could it have began with, but when did it become more than tentative – at times, awkward – friendship? 

Please, she tells herself, and her inner voice sounds just like Raven’s – because what else best friends are for if not for embodying one’s conscience. As if it ever was just friendship. 

But that’s all it ever could be. Even if she ignored the fact that they are neighbors – and you don’t start anything with your neighbors for the same reason you don’t start anything with your coworkers, or roommates, or friends’ brothers and sisters – even if she ignored that, their age difference would still remain. Clarke can’t fuck someone who’s still in college. She just can’t. 

Except that’s exactly what she’s about to do, and if the heat of Lexa’s gaze is any indication, she certainly doesn’t mind. 

Clarke takes a hurried sip of her wine and gulps it down, just to have something to do; and, as it usually happens with her and alcohol, her mind takes her down memory lane, in a futile attempt to figure out where it was that she went wrong. 

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