
be nice

@studentcandy / studentcandy.tumblr.com

dani • music theatre major • syd, australia • i track: #studentcandy ☆



  • Use recall. When you look at a passage and try to study it,  look away and recall the main ideas. Try recalling concepts when you are walking to class or in a different room from where you originally learned it. An ability to recall—to generate the ideas from inside yourself—is one of the key indicators of good learning.
  • Test yourself. On everything. All the time. Flashcards are your best friend. Use quizlet if you don’t want to hand-make flashcards. Get somebody to test you on your notes.
  • Space your repetition. Spread out your learning in any subject a little every day, just like an athlete. Don’t sit and study one subject for 2 hours, do half an hour every day.
  • Take breaks. It is common to be unable to solve problems or figure out concepts in math or science the first time you encounter them. This is why a little study every day is much better than a lot of studying all at once. When you get frustrated, take a break so that another part of your mind can take over and work in the background. You need breaks in order for your brain to retain the information. Try the Pomodoro method if you have trouble timing breaks!
  • Use simple analogies. Whenever you are struggling with a concept, think to yourself, How can I explain this so that a ten-year-old could understand it? Using an analogy really helps. Say it out loud, like you’re teaching it, whether it’s to an imaginary class or your sister who couldn’t care less.  The additional effort of teaching out loud allows you to more deeply encode.
  • Focus. Turn off your phone / iPad / any distractions and clear your desk of everything you do not need. Use apps like Forest if you can’t stay off them!
  • Do the hardest thing earliest in the day, when you’re wide awake and less likely to push it aside.


Avoid these techniques—they can waste your time even while they fool you into thinking you’re learning!

  • Passive rereading—sitting passively and running your eyes back over a page. This is a waste of time, frankly, and doesn’t do anything to help information pass into your brain without recall.
  • Over-highlighting. Colouring a passage of text in highlighter isn’t helpful at all. It’s good for flagging up key points to trigger concepts and information, but make sure what you highlight goes in.
  • Waiting until the last minute to study. DON’T CRAM!!!
  • Doing what you know. This isn’t studying! This is like learning how to juggle but only throwing one ball. 
  • Neglecting the textbook. Would you dive into a pool before you knew how to swim? The textbook is your swimming instructor—it guides you toward the answers. 
  • Not asking your teachers for help. They are used to lost students coming in for guidance—it’s their job to help you. 
  • Not getting enough sleep. Your brain practices and repeats whatever you put in mind before you go to sleep, as well as retaining information and repairing itself. Prolonged fatigue allows toxins to build up in the brain that disrupts the neural connections you need to think quickly and well. 

stress? don’t let it bog you down!! people have different levels of stress and work differently under stress, but don’t let it rule your life. to minimize the stress in your life, try to follow these little tips:

1. sleep to your comfort. i’m not going to tell you to sleep a certain amount, everyone’s different. i personally function better on a lesser amount of sleep. that being said, sleep is important to your mental function (your entire body’s functions, really), so you need to get some sleep. but find the hours of sleep you prefer. pick a select amount of hours and try to stick with it. having 5 hours one night and then sleeping for 13 hours is extremely inefficient and will negatively affect your body’s functions. if you’re catching up on sleep, that’s fine and important, but try to stick to some relatively regular schedule.

2. breathe. I know this is kind of weird to say, but take the time to consciously breathe. the best tip is to inhale “x” seconds and let it out in a slow “2x”. do the math, take slow, regulated breathes, and let it out two times slower. this sends a great amount of oxygen to your brain, and you will let the muscles in your face relax! avoid scrunching your eyebrows up or together to minimize headaches too.

3. eat healthily. if you eat healthily, your body will feel great. you will also appreciate the person in the mirror, which always boosts your esteem. eating healthily will keep your mind clear and your body natural. pimples, which are due to stress, unhealthy eating, genetics, environment, etc. can be helped with food, sleep, and tons of water. so eat healthily, and your body will relax a bit. this does not mean avoid your tasty, favourite snacks. eat what you want in with your health in mind.

4. listen to music/don’t listen to anything at all. if you live for music, listen to music! this will really calm your mind. you don’t want to be swimming in worldly thoughts all the time. take some time to let go of the world, the friends, school, homework, worries, etc. and think about yourself. listen to your favourite music and just chill. analyze the music, the words, and enjoy the tune. smile a little.  

having nothing but silence is JUST as good. if you have nothing to listen to, your mind may run. but take away all of the thoughts in your head and introspect. dig into the little space between your ribs and take to every blood cell floating around in your body. thank the organs that are pumping you up. worry about the little splinter in your hand. but do not remember anything pertaining to “problems” or others, at least for 15 minutes. give your body some time to forget the bad stuff, it’s just as good as a little nap.

5. do something you love. this will just unwind all the tention in your mind. speak to your hobby. if you’re angry and play an instrument, express your feelings through the song and tire yourself until the emotions are gone. if you like to write, express the emotion and just get it out of your system. by doing something you love, you’re instantly filling up yourself with good vibes and replacing the bad with happy. do not keep negative emotions festering inside of you for too long.

6. do yoga and meditation. 15 minutes suffices. make some time as you get more free-timed, but just spend some time stretching out your body and focusing on your breathing. stretching your body relaxes the tension your physical body may have. focusing on your breathing will let you clear your mind and relax. meditation is just awesome. sit somewhere quietly and try to remove everything from your mind, and focus on the silence. instant relief!

7. drt or qrt. drt is deep relaxation technique, and qrt is quick relaxation technique. these are really helpful after doing yoga and meditation. lie down and try to focus on your body. depending on how much time you have, you can get really relaxed while focusing on your breathes. try going to a yoga studio for more information! i’m a yoga freak so ask if you have questions!

8. talk less. you want less ideas, thoughts, worries, troubles banging around in your head. listen and forget, but if you talk, it’s going to build up a pressure in your mind to add more, add more. this won’t help you relax! try to stay away from too much social media. studyblrs are great in that you are contributing your studies, and that’s pretty much it!

9. take care of your work as quickly as you can. getting rid of your work will reduce the stress you may feel later. study well every day and finish little pieces of your work daily so you don’t have a huge, piled load sitting last minute. plan everything you do, and try to stay on task. don’t divert from your work every 10 minutes. rather, try to take a break every 30 minutes to maintain your grasp on the subject.

10. try to be less sensitive. don’t let everything people say get to you. let go of small insults or jeers. try to understand that the entire world isn’t going to like you, and not everyone is nice. but there are lots of nice people too, so try to find them and only associate with them. if at all any of your friends are being to toxic, drop them. however, you need to build resistance against people’s comments to feel happy all the time! if somethings make you sad, address them. you must keep yourself happy as the first priority.

11. be thankful. thanking someone will always make you feel good! be gratuitous, and someone’s going to repay you one day!

12. be at peace with your decisions. don’t let others dictate or ruin your choices. be who you are and grow.

i hope these help you guys become a little stress-free and find some relaxation in your life. good luck!


work hard now. stay up those extra hours studying for that test. rewrite your notes by hand. read the textbook again. go over your flash cards a second time. it is tough but nothing can beat the feeling of getting a grade you worked hard for and earned. you can do it, i believe in you.


09.92.17 • a cheery little spread for a not-so-good week.

I hope you all are doing well. And thank you for 750 followers!! It means a lot to me ☺️ I love you guys


9:08 am : midterms, essays, group presentations, oh my! doing my readings for psych in the library and motivating myself for this busy month by looking at my desktop image.


some journaling ideas

  • quote of the day / song of the day / thought of the day
  • what you’re looking forward to this month / year
  • goals for this month
  • spreads or lists for favourite films / shows / music albums / books
  • favourite film / show / music album of the week or month
  • ongoing projects and work to keep track of
  • to watch / to read / to listen to list
  • wishlist
  • places to visit
  • letter to your future self / letter to your past self 
  • movie tickets / concert tickets / polaroids / receipts / stickers / stamps
  • self affirmations
  • playlists
  • five years from now 
  • tattoo ideas
  • things to study / learn more about
  • favourite quotes / lyrics / poems
  • achievements / accomplishments / places you’ve been and things you’ve done and when 
  • calming / grounding senses ( favourite sounds, smells, textures, and more )
  • support websites / phone numbers for reference

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few months! I always fall off the studyblr scene over the holidays, no matter how hard I try to keep active! But the good news is that I started my second year of university last week, and I’ve started a studygram to keep me motivated! So feel free to check out studiousminds_ for some study inspo on your insta feed!

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