
First Impressions so far of Ep 37.

Evan looks like a douche fuckboi

Armin has all right to be on guard

Lucy is an awesome friend and a breath of fresh air

Hey Kentin? Remember that girl you were so lovesick about and that you’re finally dating? Yeah you’re IGNORING HER for fuckboi McDouche


{…☆♡~ Esse meme é perfeito pra resumir a história de Amor doce xD

Obs: Eu sei que não sou a única que fez alguns desses memes, mas já tinha avisado bem antes na minha página do Facebook que faria eles, não postei antes pois meu computador estragou, foi apenas uma coincidência.

{…☆♡~ This meme is perfect to resume the story of MCL xD

Note: I know I’m not the only one who did some of these memes, but I had warned long before on my Facebook page that I would do them, I didn’t post before because my computer crashed, It was just a coincidence.

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