

@naughtyexo / naughtyexo.tumblr.com


This Needs Addressing

Hello to all of you,

As you may all know, I am Admin Ash. For those who don’t, I am one of the main moderators in this blog.

As you may all know, this blog has been inactive for quite sometime and even though requests and questions keep coming in, no one is really getting responses and for that, I apologize. I realize that the last post in this blog was done more or less nine months ago and since then, we have been very inactive. From my part, I have a reason.

As many of our old followers know, last year I was caught in a very bad car accident, though I was unharmed it did take a toll on my family and I leading for me to give up my opportunity of going to study abroad. During this time as well, I found myself caught in a big fight with a very good friend of mine due to a dumb comment on a kpop post. Due to this fight and the ever growing toxicity of the fandom in general, I distanced myself from the entire kpop scene. I may have already addressed this, but I feel as though you guys need the full story.

I still supported my top groups, but I loathed and hid from it. I decided to take on new hobbies and interests in hopes to pull through. Not too long after, due to the issue of my accident my university called me and informed me that they were going to offer me a new chance to go study abroad. Rather than aiming for Europe, I decided to come to the States; where I currently reside. During this time of recuperation, I refound my love and interest for video games and with one of my closest friends, we became very involved in gaming. As I became more and more involved in the community, I completely forgot about what had happened with kpop and one day I caught myself not skipping a song; this is when I decided I wanted to write something, which I did but once I logged into tumblr and saw the same toxicity that I had left, I got frightened and just stashed away my writing yet again. Tumblr in general became so toxic, I just left it alone. I didn’t want to come back here, ever. I do occasionally reblog something but that’s it. I am in no communities or anything.

I, currently, am residing in Colorado studying and working. I have never been happier. I am training for recreational ice skating and I am pulling through. During a long bath, I caught myself thinking about the future of these blogs and I couldn’t find an answer. Those who I met here and have kept contact with me know that I would never ditch them, but in the case with Sky and myself, we got distanced. Sky and I are polar opposites and while I was very involved in my university life, she was involved in her personal life; something I respect. In the short chats we have had, we never discussed the future of these blogs and at this point I feel like neither of us will ever have an answer. Which I will officially announce my retirement as a writer in this blog. I am not abandoning the blog or anything, I will continue to moderate it in Sky’s name if she decides not to continue working on it or decides to hang her mittens. We really tried to work through thick and thin, but it was not working out. This blog has so many nice memories that I will forever cherish, but memories are just that and I cannot hold myself back for them. The future of this blog will continue to remain uncertain until Sky and myself come up with an answer.

I believe that this post has become lengthy enough. From today, November 11th of 2017, at 9:01pm mountain time, the ask box and submission box will close until further notice. Until we decide what is to happen, we will not continue to raise your hopes with a return. Thank you for the support during all of this time. I bid my farewells.

With love,

Admin Ash

Anonymous asked:

When will you guys be back?! 😭 I miss this blog so much!!

Much love fam Sky

Anonymous asked:

When will you guys be back????? I miss your blog so muchhhhhh!!!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Partially back xD—Ash


What’s this? What’s this? A Blue Wonderland that I have failed to come to throughout the entire semester?

Yeah, I completely realize that I failed to come into the blog for over six months and that I have failed in my duties as an admin TwT I formally extend my most sincerest apologies to all of you.

I am well aware that there was no content uploaded here during the time of my absence and I am guilty of this.

Initially, I was planning on formally retiring from the blog and retiring from tumblr as a whole. Due to some psychological abuse I sustained through social media, I nearly closed down every social media account I had. I wrote down what I wanted to say but words did not suffice to express how I felt. Though, I am well aware I must address a topic I’ve failed to speak of for the past months.

As we all know, the fandoms have been growing significantly, not something negative for any group but the environment surrounding what I once considered a safe haven has become extremely toxic. I can no longer think fondly of the genre I once considered my boost of inspiration to the point that I tried to avoid anything that had to do with k-pop, in general. Friendships were fractured because of it. I do not wish for those who still see it as a plausible escape from reality to experience the exact same thing I have, but for the sake of everyone that still hold the genre tightly in their hearts, I will attempt to post new and creative content.

Though I initially intended in closing the chapter of Admin Ash in my life, I think I will keep it open for just awhile longer.

This does not serve as an excuse for my absence, but stand still. I cannot promise constant updates because my academic progress is growing difficult by the semester but I do hope that my time in this blog is not further shortened.

Thank you so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year <3

Anonymous asked:

I just realised the girl in lucky one faints in front of sehun bc he controls air not bc he is super hot lmao am I super slow or something?

I would faint just at sehun being in the same room as me sooo Sky

Anonymous asked:

Have you heard about Kris/Luhan's contract settlement? SM pretty much won, so while Kris/Luhan aren't a part of EXO anymore, they're technically stuck under SM until the end of 2022. For every solo activity they do outside of Korea/Japan (so all of their activities in China), they still have to pay a portion of their profits to SM (even though SM will be contracting out their management for solo activities). Poor guys :/

Really? I have not heard anything since I have not been on any social media. Such is the hermit life...

I supposed they are in a contract much like Super Junior’s Kibum in which he was not promoting with SuJu or anything but he was stuck under SM until this year(?) when he managed to leave SM for good. Unless they keep the case going, they will have to still SM. This really sucks, but let’s see how Tao’s case goes, because I’m sure it will have a similar outcome TT.TT Poor kiddies.


Anonymous asked:

Do you guys think there's a way to make SM stop overworking EXO, as well as the other idols? (in a peaceful way) Like the EXO-Ls banding together and asking the company to kindly stop, or something along those lines. I've considered this before but idk what could actually be done about this circumstance. (And yes, I understand that for the international fans, even if we do totally riot about it, SM is still a company based in a foreign country. The question above is just a random thought.)

Your intention is completely sweet, but sadly, we cannot do anything. We can only support them as much as we can. I mean, riots or asking the company will not make them stop; this is a company, an industry in which regardless of what you do, you must obey your higher ups. EXO are just employees and when they started in SM, they knew what they were getting into. All we can do is show the love and support.



This question is geared more towards Sky than Ash but she can answer it as well if she'd like (or you don't have to answer at all free will and all lol) but I was watching the Lucky Ones/Monster live stages and I was wondering if it was just me or does Sehun seem a little off? I don't know maybe he's tired or something but it just stuck me as odd....Have a lovely day ladies!


I am not entirely sure about what you mean since, to be completely honest, I haven’t been keeping up with kpop...at all. I did read somewhere about some of the guys being sorta off lately, but I am not sure. Hopefully Sky can give you a better answer. Sorry!


Anonymous asked:

Do u still do written ships?

Sadly, no


My cell phone has the option to speak to Google things, so out of boredom I tried to voice Google Lay. I kept saying Zhang Yixing and Google searched the wrong phrases. I pronounced it like ZAYNG YICK SING then got the right thing. Google was like “According to Wikipedia Zhang Yixing…"Like wait. Google can SAY IT RIGHT BUT CAN’T RECOGNIZE IT WHEN I SAY IT LMAOOOOO 

Forgive my silliness,  love this blog! !

Anonymous asked:

(Ot12) who do you think in Exo sleeps naked and who sleeps with clothes?

In the Nude: Xiumin, Lay, Chen, Chanyeol, Tao, Kai, Sehun

Clothes: Luhan, Kris, Suho, Baekhyun, D.O


I just reached the reaction of exo breaking the bed and you can't even imagine how much time i spent laughing at suho's "ahhh who cares? I'll buy a mew one tomorrow *continues*"


That was priceless xD But pretty true, if you ask me!



Annyongg! I am new here sooo can you please tell me what does MTL means 😂. Sorry for the dumb question but yeah 😂. And also, I saw that you do exo spam soo can you please spam me some sexy photos of Chanyeol :3. I love you ❤


I think I did Channie quite some time ago? I’ll work on it! MTL means Most To Least! Don’t worry! All questions are welcomed!!


Anonymous asked:

I feel like this is a page where ash bashes exo whenever she's given the chance. It's great that you feel comfortable to voice your opinions, but it just sounds like you're bashing them. You're probably gonna leave the group for NCT

Ash doesn’t hate EXO she just isnt a fan really anymore. Personally I love exo and will always be a fan of the boys no matter what. Ofc I like NCT but they aren’t exo aha 



Why yes! I adooooooore to bash on EXO every chance I get! Because that’s why I still work on this blog, right? That’s why I still listen to them and own some of their albums! *sarcasm*

I don’t bash on EXO, I just state my opinions as I see them. I support them as any fan would but I am not crazy about them as I used to due to many personal reasons. Of course I still fangirl occasionally about them but I think new rookie groups deserve as much love as EXO and any other group; as well as old groups that have not been appreciated. I have merely expanded my horizons and have learnt to not just like groups because of their company but because of their talent and their musical content.

Differently from EXO, I have been following the rookies for quite sometime. When I got into EXO, the drama with the lawsuits and everything was beginning, so obviously I have a bit more of a preference towards the SMRookies since I been seeing their growth from trainees to idols. I’ve seen EXO grow from Overdose to this date and I merely state my opinions on how much they have changed and such, but I have NEVER said anything negative towards them. No, I will not just “leave” a group for another. Don’t you get tired of listening to same thing over and over and over again? Because I sure do.


Anonymous asked:

I feel like this is a page where ash bashes exo whenever she's given the chance. It's great that you feel comfortable to voice your opinions, but it just sounds like you're bashing them. You're probably gonna leave the group for NCT

Ash doesn’t hate EXO she just isnt a fan really anymore. Personally I love exo and will always be a fan of the boys no matter what. Ofc I like NCT but they aren’t exo aha 


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