
Korean Study

@studyingkorean / studyingkorean.tumblr.com

I'm in the process of learning Korean, and this is a place where I share what I'm learning or hope to learn

Free Apps For Learning Korean

Innovative Language 101: App Store / Google Play

Chat to Learn Korean - Eggbun: App Store / Google Play

PopPopping Korean – Pronunciation: App Store / Google Play

Learn Korean - WordPower: App Store / Google Play

HelloTalk Language Exchange: App Store / Google Play

TenguGo Hangul: App Store / Google Play

Naver Korean Dictionary & Translate: App Store / Google Play

Learn Korean - Bravolol: App Store / Google Play

Duolingo: App Store / Google Play


A couple of colloquial/slang terms

악습 bad habit

반문하다 ask back

거울상 mirror image

니트족 people who do nothing with their lives (백수 is an unemployed person trying to get a job, 니트족 is an unemployed person who doesn’t even want to work)

히키코모리 shut-in

막노동 physical labor

죽을맛 unbearable, awful

고충 difficulty

~랑 잠시 거리를 두다 to take a break from sm1 (in a relationship)

~한테 시비걸다 to pick a fight with someone, to be argumentative

꿀빠니즘 (뷔페미니즘) the type of feminism in which women only call for equality to get the benefits that men have, while rejecting the bad things men have to deal with.


Conjunctions in Korean

사실 - Actually

그리고 - And, And then

왜냐하면 - Because

때문에 - Because of

그래도 - But still, Nonetheless, However

그런데 - By the way, So, But

하지만 - However, But

만약 - If, In case

그러면 - In that case, If so, Then

그렇지만 - One the other hand, However

아니면 - Or

그래서 - So, Therefore

그럼 - Then, Sure

그러니까 - Therefore, So


Vocab List - School


유치원 - Kindergarten

유치원생 - Kindergartener

초등학교 - Elementary school

초등학생 - Elementary school student

중학교 - Middle school

중학생 - Middle school student

고등학교 - High school

고등학생 - High school student

대학교 - University

대학생 - University student

대학원 - Graduate school


미술 - Art

생물학 - Biology

화학 - Chemistry

컴퓨터 과학 - Computer science

경제학 - Economics

영어 - English

지리학 - Geography

역사 - History

수학 - Maths

체육 - Physical education

물리학 - Physics

정치 - Politics

심리학 - Psychology

과학 - Science

통계학 - Statistics

기술 - Technology

School Supplies:

책가방 - Backpack

볼펜 - Ballpoint pen

- Book

계산기 - Calculator

색연필 - Colored pencil

수정 테이프 - Correction tape

크레용 - Crayons

지우개 - Eraser

접착제 - Glue

형광펜 - Highlighter

샤프심 - Led (for mechanical pencils)

샤프 - Mechanical pencil

공책 - Notebook

종이 - Paper

- Pen

연필 - Pencil

필통 - Pencil case

각도기 - Protractor

- Ruler

가위 - Scissors

교과서 - Textbook

연습장 - Workbook


Useful Adverbs


  1. 매우- very
  2. 아주- very
  3. 혼자- alone
  4. 함께- together
  5. 상당히- quite
  6. 진짜로- really
  7. 실제로- really
  8. 빨리- quickly
  9. 제대로- well
  10. 잘- well
  11. 열심히- hard
  12. 천천히- slowly
  13. 신중하게- carefully
  14. 거의- hardly
  15. 간신히- barely
  16. 가까스로- barely
  17. 주로- mostly
  18. 전적으로- absolutely


  1. 오늘- today
  2. 어제- yesterday
  3. 내일- tomorrow
  4. 매일- everyday
  5. 지금- now
  6. 그때- then
  7. 나중에- later
  8. 후에- later
  9. 바로- immediately
  10. 즉시- immediately
  11. 곧- soon
  12. 이미- already
  13. 최근에- recently
  14. 요즘- recently, these days, lately
  15. 아직(도)- still, yet
  16. 전에- ago
  17. 다음- next
  18. 지난- last


  1. 절대- never
  2. 드물게- rarely
  3. 가끔- sometimes
  4. 보통- usually
  5. 대개- usually
  6. 항상- always
  7. 늘- always
  8. 자주- frequently
  9. 흔히- frequently


  1. 여기- here
  2. 저기- there, over there
  3. 거기- there
  4. 저쪽에- over there
  5. 모든곳- everywhere
  6. 어디나- everywhere
  7. 어디든- anywhere
  8. 아무데나- anywhere
  9. 아무데도- nowhere
  10. 어디에도- nowhere
  11. 떨어져- away
  12. 바깥에- out (out there)



웹사이트 - website

사이트 - site (website)

홈페이지 - homepage

블로그 - blog

회원 - member, membership

가입하다 - to join, sign up

회원가입 - membership

회원 가입 - create an account (basically the same thing as a membership)

회원(을) 가입하다 - to sign up to be a member/sign up

  • Ex:  어떻게 회원을 가입합니까? - How do I become a member?

회원 가입이 되다 - to become a member/ sign up

  • Ex: 외국인도 한국 사이트에 회원 가입이 돼요? - Can a foreigner sign up for Korean websites as well? (Literally: become a member)

회원 탈퇴 - delete one’s account

아이디 - ID

비밀번호 - password (literally: secret number)

  • Ex: 아이디하고 비밀번호 가르쳐 주세요. Please tell me your ID and password.

로그인 - log in

로그아웃 - log out

이메일 - email

인터넷 - internet

인터넷 쇼핑 - internet shopping

  • Ex:  인터넷 쇼핑을 왜 좋아해요? - Why do you like Internet shopping?

검색 엔진 - search engine

인터넷 검색 -internet search

인터넷 채팅 - internet chatting

화상 채팅 - video chatting


『Learn Korean with Kpop』BTS - Spring Day

보고 싶다 이렇게 말하니까 더 보고 싶다 I miss you, when I say that, I miss you more

보고 싶다: I miss you -니까: since, because 이렇게 말하니까: since I saying (like) this 더: more

너희 사진을 보고 있어도 보고 싶다 Although I’m looking at your photo, I still miss you

너희: your 사진: photo, picture 을: object particle 보고 있어 (보고 있다): looking at 도: although, even though

너무 야속한 시간  Time is so cruel

너무: so (negative) 야속한’s dictionary form is 야속하다: cruel, harsh 시간: time

나는 우리가 밉다 I hate us

나: I 는: topic particle 우리: we 가: subject particle 밉다: hate

이제 얼굴 한 번 보는 것 조차 힘들어진 우리가 Now it’s difficult to even see each other(’s face)

이제: now 얼굴: face 한 번: once 보는 것: to see 조차: even 힘들어진’s dictionary form is 힘들어지다: getting tough, hard, difficult 얼굴 한 번 보는 것 조차 힘들어진 우리가: it’s difficult even to see each other’s face once

여긴 온통 겨울 뿐이야  Here is all winter

여긴 is shortened for 여기는: here 온통: all, wholly 겨울: winter 뿐이야’s dictionary form is 뿐이다: only  

8월에도 겨울이 와 Even in August, winter is here

8월: August 에 is time/location particle: in, at 도: even 와’s dictionary form is 오다: come 이: subject particle 겨울이 와 (겨울이 오다): winter is here

마음은 시간을 달려가네  My heart is rushing the time

마음: heart 시간: time 을: object particle 달려가네’s dictionary form is 달려가다: run, dash, rush

홀로 남은 설국열차 Snowpiercer, that’s left alone

설국열차: Snowpiercer 홀로: by oneself, alone 남은’s dictionary form is 남다: remain, left

니 손 잡고 지구 반대편까지 가  I wanna hold your hand and go to the other side of the earth

니 -> 네 -> 너의: your 손: hand 잡고: hold and 지구: earth 반대편: the opposite side, other side 까지: to 가’s dictionary form is 가다: go

이 겨울을 끝내 고파 Want to end this winter

이: this 겨울: winter 을: object particle 끝내’s dictionary form is 끝내다: finish (off), end 고파: want to

그리움들이 얼마나 눈처럼 내려야  How much longing has to fall like snow

그리움들: 들 is the plural marker, 그리움 means longing, yearning 이: subject particle 얼마나: how much 눈: snow 처럼: like, as (if) 내려’s dictionary form is 내리다: fall, come down 야: must, have to

그 봄날이 올까 For that spring days to come? 

그: that 봄날: spring day 이: subject particle 올까: -까 is used to make a sentence into a question.

Friend 허공을 떠도는 작은 먼지처럼  Like a small piece of dust that floats in the air

허공: air 떠도는’s dictionary form is 떠돌다: float, drift 작은’s dictionary form is 작다: small 먼지: dust 처럼: like

작은 먼지처럼 날리는 눈이 나라면  If the flying snow was me

날리는’s dictionary form is 날리다: fly 나: me, I 라면: if

조금 더 빨리 네게 닿을 수 있을 텐데 I could reach you a bit faster

조금 더: a bit more 빨리: fast 네: you 게: to 닿을 수 있을 텐데: 닿다 is to reach. -수 있을 텐데 means could do sth

눈꽃이 떨어져요 Snowflakes are falling

눈꽃: snowflake 이: subject particle 떨어져’s dictionary form is 떨어지다: fall, drop

또 조금씩 멀어져요 Getting further away

또: again 조금씩: a bit 멀어져’s dictionary form is 멀어지다: grow away

보고 싶다 I miss you

보고 싶다 I miss you

얼마나 기다려야  How long do I have to wait?

얼마나: how long (the verb following is ‘to wait’, so you wouldn’t say ‘how much do I have to wait’) 기다려’s dictionary form is 기다리다: wait 야: must, have to

또 몇 밤을 더 새워야 How many more nights do I have to stay up?

또: again 몇: how many 밤: night 을 is the object particle 더: more 새워’s dictionary form is 새우다: stay up all night 야: must, have to

널 보게 될까  Until I can see you?

널 is shortened for 너를: you 보게 될까: can see

만나게 될까 Until I can meet you?

만나’s dictionary form is 만나다: meet -게 되다 means ‘to end up…’, when you attach after a verb, it means events that occurs happens out of one’s control, almost by chance or fate.

추운 겨울 끝을 지나  Past the end of this cold winter

추운’s dictionary form is 춥다: cold 겨울: winter 끝: end 지나’s dictionary form is 지나다: go past

다시 봄날이 올 때까지 Until the spring comes again

다시: again 까지: until 올 때까지: until it comes

꽃 피울 때까지  Until the flowers blooms again

꽃: flower 피울’s dictionary form is 피우다: bloom

그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘  Stay there a little longer

그곳: that place, there 에: location-marking particle 좀 더: a little longer 머물러줘 : (please) stay (for me)

머물러줘 Stay there

니가 변한 건지 Did you change?

니 is 네: you 가: subject particle 변한’s dictionary form is 변하다: change 건지 is shortened from것인지: it makes the sentence an indirect question – linking with the following line, it’s saying “is it you that changed or did I change?”

아니면 내가 변한 건지 Or did I change?

이니면: or 내: I 가: subject particle

이 순간 흐르는 시간조차 미워  I even hate this moment that is elapsing

이: this 순간: moment 흐르는’s dictionary form is 흐르다: passing, elapsing 조차: even 미워’s dictionary form is 밉다: hate

우리가 변한 거지 뭐  I guess we changed

우리: we 가: subject particle 뭐: well, then - used when the situation can’t be changed (what else?, you know, that’s all)

모두가 그런 거지 뭐 I guess that’s how everything is

모두: everything 가: subject particle 그런: that 거지 is shortened from 것이지: -지 is a sentence ending for stating something softly.

그래 밉다 니가  Yeah I hate you

그래: Yeah 밉다: hate 니 is 네: you

넌 떠났지만  Although you left

넌 is shortened from 너는: you 떠났’s dictionary form is 떠나다: leave -지만: but, although

단 하루도 너를 잊은 적이 없었지 난 There hasn’t been a day that I have forgotten (about) you

하루: day 단 하루도: even a day 너: you 를: object particle 잊은’s dictionary form is 잊다: forget 적이 없다: have never 난 is shortened from 나는: I

솔직히 보고 싶은데  Honestly, I miss you

솔직히: honestly 보고 싶은데: I miss you (but)

이만 너를 지울게 But now I’ll erase you

이만: now 너: you 를: object particle 지울게: will erase (dictionary form is 지우다: erase)

그게 널 원망하기보단 덜 아프니까 Because that will hurt less than resenting you

그게: that 널 is shortened from 너를: you 원망하기’s dictionary form is 원망하다: blame, resent 보단 is shortened from 보다는: than 덜: less 아프’s dictionary from is 아프다: hurt -니까: because

시린 널 불어내 본다  I’m trying to blow out the cold you

시린’s dictionary form is 시리다: cold 널 is shortened from 너를: you 불어내’s dictionary form is 불어내다: blow out -본다: trying to

연기처럼 하얀 연기처럼 Like smoke, like white smoke

연기: smoke 처럼: like 하얀: white

말로는 지운다 해도  Even I say that I’m gonna erase you

말로: in word 는: topic particle 도: even

사실 난 아직 널 보내지 못하는데 But actually, I still can’t let you go

사실: actually 난 is shortened from 나는: I 아직: still 널 is shortened from 너를: you 보내’s dictionary form is 보내다: let you go, send away 지 못하다: can’t

눈꽃이 떨어져요  Snowflakes are falling

또 조금씩 멀어져요 Getting further away

보고 싶다  I miss you

보고 싶다 I miss you

얼마나 기다려야  How long do I have to wait?

또 몇 밤을 더 새워야 How many more nights do I have to stay up?

널 보게 될까  Until I can see you? 

만나게 될까 Until I can meet you?

You know it all  You’re my best friend 

아침은 다시 올 거야 The morning will come again

아침: morning 은: topic particle 다시: again 올 거야: will come - dictionary form is 오다 

어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까 Because no darkness, no season can last forever

어둠: darkness 계절: season 영원할’s dictionary form is 영원하다: forever -니까: because

벚꽃이 피나봐요  Cherry blossoms are blooming

벚꽃: cheery blossoms 이: object particle 피나봐요: it seems that it’s blooming

이 겨울도 끝이 나요 This winter is also coming to an end

이: this 겨울: winter 도: even, also 끝이 나요: end

보고 싶다  I miss you

보고 싶다 I miss you

조금만 기다리면  If I wait a little longer

조금만: just a little 기다리다: wait 면: if

며칠 밤만 더 새우면 If I stay up a few more nights

며칠: several days 밤: night 만: only 더: more 새우다: stay up (all night) 면: if

만나러 갈게 I’ll go see you

만나’s dictionary form is 만나다: see, meet -러: to (do something) 갈게: will go – dictionary form is 가다

데리러 갈게  I’ll go pick you up

데리’s dictionary form is 데리다: pick up

추운 겨울 끝을 지나  Past the end of this cold winter

다시 봄날이 올 때까지 Until the spring comes again

꽃 피울 때까지  Until the flowers bloom again

그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘  Stay there a little longer

머물러줘 Stay there


Korean Verbs: Past Tense Group 4

Group 4: 오and 우 verbs without an ending consonant

        If a verb stem ends with an  오or 우 you need to change it to a  왔 or 웠 respectively and add 어요 .

For example: “작년에 샤이니가 토론토 를오다”  →  “작년에 샤이니가 토론토 를 왔어요” (Last Year SHINee came to Toronto)

Here’s a few more examples

  • 보다 → 봤어요 to see/watch

나는 토론토에서 샤이니의 콘서트를 봤어요 (I saw SHINee’s concert in Toronto)

  • 주다 → 줬어요 to give 

온유가 태민에게 포옹을 줬어요(Onew gave Taemin a hug)

  • 배우다 → 배웠어요: to learn 

샤이니가 춤을 배웠어요. (SHINee learned the dance)




ㅋㅋ ♡ “kk” sound of giggling/laughing

ㅠㅠ, ㅜㅜ ♡ crying/sad eyes

흑 ♡ sobbing sound

ㅎㅎ (하하) ♡ “haha” sound of laughing

ㅍㅎㅎ ♡ “puhaha” sound of laughing

ㅇㅇ (응) ♡ uh, yeah

ㅇㅋ (오키) ♡ okay

ㄱㅅ (감사) ♡ thank you

ㅊㅋ (축하) ♡ congrats

ㄴㄴ (노노) ♡ no

ㅈㅅ (죄송) ♡ sorry

ㄱㄷ (기다려) ♡ wait

ㄱㄱ (고고) ♡ gogo, let’s go

ㅂㅂ (바이바이) ♡ bye bye /or/ ㅂㅇ (바이) ♡ bye

ㅅㄱ (수고) ♡ good job

ㅇㄷ (어디) ♡ where

 ㅗㅗ ♡ 🖕🏼 lol

ㅎㅇ (하이) ♡ hi

ㅎㄹ ♡ hello

ㄱㅊ (괜찮아) ♡ it’s fine

ㄷㅊ (닥쳐) ♡ shut up

ㅡㅡ ♡ to express displeasure


낼 (내일) ♡ tomorrow

짐 (지금) ♡ now

담 (다음) ♡ next

첨 (처음) ♡ first

넘 (너무) ♡ very

좀 (조금) ♡ a little

울 (우리) ♡ we

걍 (그냥) ♡ just

어케 (어떻게) ♡ how

글고 (그리고) ♡ and

젤 (제일) ♡ most, best

먄 (미안) ♡ sorry

짱나 (짜증나) ♡ annoying

글쿤 (그렇구나) ♡ i see

열공 (열심히 공부해) ♡ study hard

재밌다 (재미있다) ♡ to be fun, interesting

알써 (알겠어) ♡ i understand, get i

몰겠어 (모르겠어) ♡ i don’t know

올만이네 (오랜만이네) ♡ long time no see


What is the pronounciation difference between ㅒand ㅖ??? 😭


is pronounced yae

is pronounced ye

however, like ㅐandㅔmost koreans don’t particularly emphasizes or differencient the difference between the two in pronunciations however it does matter in written to get the proper understanding of the word 

these videos may help you


I’m ______ing — -고 있다, -아/어 있다, -는 중이다

ㅈIn English, we use the progressive tense very commonly, and it’s just as useful in Korean. The progressive tense is used any time you want to indicate that an action or state is ongoing. For example:

I’m going to the store.
He is eating an apple.

Of course, it can be used in more than just the present tense. We also have past progressive:

I was doing my homework.
He was reading a book.

And we have future progressive as well:

I will be cooking dinner.
They will be taking a test.

So how do we make these kinds of sentences in Korean? There are a few simple ways.

Simple present tense

Unlike in English, simple present tense in Korean can sometimes be read with a progressive meaning. Simply conjugate your verb in whatever formality level you see fit in the present tense, and you’re done! For example:

A: 뭐 해? (What are you doing?)
B: 난 학교에 . (I’m going to school.)

In this short dialogue, we have two verbs conjugated in low-formality 해체/반말 in the simple present tense, but we can read them as progressive.

A: 뭘 먹어요? (What are you eating?)
B: 사과를 먹어요. (I’m eating an apple.)

Again, we have simple present tense, but in mid-formality 해요체.

Simple present tense as progressive is commonly used when, as seen above, someone asks what someone else is doing.

-고 있다

-고 있다 is the most commonly used way to form progressive sentences to indicate that an action is ongoing. Simply add -고 있다 to the root of the verb and conjugate 있다 as normal. 


그림을 그리고 있었어요. (I was drawing a picture.)
수빈이는 뭘 읽고 있었어요? (What was Subin reading?)


아기는 울고 있어요. (The baby is crying.)
세원 씨는 일하고 있어요? (Is Sewon working?)


다음 주 이 때쯤 전 부산으로 운전하고 있을 거예요. (This time next week, I will be driving to Busan.)
수원 씨는 2년 후에 선생님으로 일하고 있을 거예요. (In two years, Suwon will be working as a teacher.)

-아/어 있다

-아/어 있다 is used to indicate that a state is ongoing. Rather than someone or something actively doing something, that person or thing is continuously existing in a particular state.  


맨 뒷자리에 앉아 있었어요. (I was sitting in the far back seat.)
한 시간 안에 소주 5병을 다 마셔버린 수훈 씨는 밤 내내 엄청 취해 있었어요. (Suhun, who had drunk five bottles of soju within an hour, was extremely drunk all night.


친구는 거기서 서 있어요. (My friend is standing there.)
이웃사람이 이사가서 저 집은 비어 있어요. (My neighbors moved, so that house is empty.)


성수기니까 호텔들이 다 가득 차 있을 거예요. (Because it’s peak season, all the hotels will be packed full.)
10월말까지 저 산촌은 눈으로 덮여 있을 거예요. (That mountain village will be covered by snow by the end of October.)

-는 중이다

This grammatical form literally means “to be in the middle of” something. Simply attach it to the root of your action verb of choice!


어머니께서 전화하셨을 때 저는 청소하는 중이었어요. (When mother called, I was in the middle of cleaning.)
승진 씨가 저한테 숙제 좀 도와달라고 부탁했는데 저는 이미 다른 친구 만나러 가는 중이었어요. (Seungjin asked me for help with homework, but I was already on my way to meet another friend.)


저는 집에 가는 중이에요. (I am going home [I am in the middle of going home].)
수빈 씨는 숙제를 하는 중이에요. (Subin is in the middle of doing her homework.)


11시니 찬웅이는 오는 중일 거야. (It’s 11, so Chanwoong will be [in the middle of] coming.)
그때쯤 그 사람은 점심을 먹는 중일 거예요. (About that time, that person will be eating lunch.)

As always, thanks for reading, and happy studying~



화장 - makeup 화장하다 - to wear makeup 화장을 지우다 - to remove makeup 쌩얼 - no makeup face 눈화정/아이 메이크업 - eye makeup 아이라이너 - eyeliner 아이섀도 - eye shadow 마스카라 - mascara 립스틱 - lipstick 립글로스 - lipgloss 립틴트 - liptint 블러셔 - blush 비비그림 - BB cream 구션팩트 - cusion foundation 컨실러 - concealer 얼굴 마스크/팩 - face mask/pack 토너/스킨 - toner 로션 - lotion 그림 - cream 파부 - skin 지성 피부 - oily skin 건조한 피부 - dry skin 수술 - surgery 쌍꺼풀 수술 - double eyelid surgery 코 수술 - nose job 주름 재가 수술 - face lift 보톡스 주사 - botox injection


Learn Korean Online!

Hii guys!! I decided to make this tutorial for online Korean learning, this is a method my Korean teacher gave us, is completely free, really easy to use, and fun! Made this specially for @diaduithannah, hope you like it! 1. You must enter the page sejonghakdang.org and create an account. You can set it for it to be in english so it is easier to use.

2. Click on: Create an account

3. Once in there, click on the grey mark points so they turn blue, and click on General Membership Signup, if you want you can use the Social Media one but I was taught this method.

4. Fill in all the information and remember to select that you are a Student

5. Confirm your accont and go back to the home page

6. Once in the home page, click on Learn and Standard Curriculum

7. Go to the bottom of the page for the beginners option, if you are more advanced look for the one that suits you

8.  There will be an option bar, choose Learn.

9. A tab will open up. Click on the korean “start”, this page will give you animations, conversations, audio, explanations, and exercises for you to practice grammar and vocabulary. 

10. This is a little extra, but I would recommend for you to already know how to read Hangul (korean) in case you don’t know and you want to practice deeper the exercises, the page offers textbooks you can print. Click on search and select the option Sejong Korean Workbook in the ebook section. Choose the one that suits you. The one I pointed is for beginners and explains how to read Hangul! However I do recommend watching videos for learning Hangul as well.

Sincerely guys, this webpage is everything. It even gives you cultural lessons, it teaches you cultural traditions in Korea according to what you are seeing in the lessons! It is really fun and helps a lot. Any doubts about this web page I am all yours! Thank you! Please share if you find it helpful!


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