
a mirrorball in a circus


你妈妈 ♡

everyone in palestine is disabled btw. if not by physical disability then by debilitating trauma that WILL develop into ptsd (bc lbr they’re not even in the POST traumatic event stage. they’re suffering complex trauma that WILL Cause ptsd or Cptsd). this is a disabled rights issue. if they werent disabled before they are now! theres also so many palestinians with pre existing disabilities who have to go without treatment, meds, mobility aids, support… there are autistic palestinians as well! and palestinians with down syndrome! and palestinians with bipolar, schizophrenia, etc who probably haven’t had access to meds in MONTHS. imagine having untreated schizophrenia and being in an active war zone

there are palestinians who were disabled before the genocide, there are palestinians who became disabled during, and more are to come if something is not done and thats just the physical conditions. this is a human issue, a feminist issue, a disabled issue. everyone should be mad

ceasefire now


how long are we just going to ignore this? Palestine keeps bleeding and all I see are people talking about the superbowls!

#ceasefirenow #FreePalestine #freegaza


Prompt (196)

“Can you stop looking at me like that?” The villain said.

“Like what?” The hero responded.

“Like I’m to blame for everything wrong with your life!”


the hero is the villain's father....


Some things to note when you're discussing Palestine and Israeli apartheid in the coming days/weeks/months (not a complete list but will update as I have the emotional energy):

  1. Do not refer to what is happening in Palestine as a "conflict" or "war." These words imply a balance of power that does not exist. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have no military, no control of their borders, no control over their access to resources like electricity, water, and medical supplies, no freedom of movement, and, most importantly, they do not have the most powerful government in the world funding them.
  2. Israel is an apartheid state. Refer to it as such. It is based in a settler colonialist system that actively recruits and funds people from the Jewish diaspora to move into homes on stolen Palestinian land. Since the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, 42% of the West Bank has been illegally settled while 86% of East Jerusalem has been stolen for settler use. Under international law, the expansion of these settlements is illegal. Israel has faced zero repercussions for their actions. Hold them accountable in your speech.
  3. Do not refer to the Israeli army as the "IDF" (Israeli Defense Force). Palestinians refer to them as the "IOF" for a reason--Israel does not need to defend themselves from civilians who have no military. From 2008 to September 2023, over 3,800 Palestinian civilians were killed by the IOF. There is no need for oppressors to defend themselves--they are the ones on the offense at all times by the nature of their positions of power.
  4. Remember that decolonization will not be a peaceful process. Do not condemn a group of people who have been brutally colonized, ethnically cleansed, and displaced from their homes for 75 years for fighting back against those oppressing them. This post concisely explains why the violence necessary for decolonization will never match that of the violence necessary for the sustained process of colonization. You cannot break free of a violent system with nonviolence. When Palestinians attempted peaceful protest in 2018 on the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, they along with clearly marked journalists, doctors, and medics were shot and killed for their actions. Oppressors will maintain their power status by any means necessary; the ongoing genocide of Palestinians is proof of that. Decolonization requires violence because colonization itself is an inherently violent system.
  5. Zionism does not equate to Judaism. Do not let Zionist propaganda fool you into believing that condemning the Israeli government is in any way anti-Semitic. The Israeli government does not represent the views of all Jews, even those who are Israeli citizens. Governments should always, always be criticized and held to account for their actions. Israel is no exception to this rule. Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. Anyone who tells you otherwise is weaponizing true Jewish oppression and suffering as a means to gain support for a violent, racist, apartheid government.

Something I’d like to add to the 5th point: Zionism is not Judaism is something to keep in mind at all times. Do not fall into anti-Semitic traps yourself by blaming all Jews for what the Israeli government is doing to Palestinians. As I said above, the Israeli government does not represent the views of all Jews, even those who are Israeli citizens. Unfortunately there will be anti-Semitic rhetoric from some people who believe they’re defending Palestine; it’s our job to shut that shit down. Do not let anyone get away with anti-Semitism in any context. Remind them that, once again, Judaism does not equate to Zionism. There are many Zionists/Zionist sympathizers who are not Jewish themselves (e.g. some Evangelical and Baptist Christians). Jews are not oppressing Palestinians; the Israeli government and Zionists are. Let’s be mindful of the language we are using and the language others use in these conversations.


I’ve never seen anything like the press conference from the Palestinian workers at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. They’re literally addressing the world surrounded by bodies on the ground. One is holding the corpse of a baby. I hope these images haunt every Zionist till the day they die.


this has been happening for over 70 years but the world is only seeing it now and yet somehow, there are people out there saying that Is*r*el is just defending it self and that they are the victims, like how dumb and blind do you have to be to belive this? smh...


An FBI Agent goes undercover in a cult only to realise that all the members are undercover agents from different branches


first thing that came to my mind:

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