


Hello! Namaste! Bonjour! Konochiwa! I'm Sumi. She/them. HMU if you just want to talk or something ☺️

This thought won't leave me and it's a ramble but I have to say this.

The internet has made me an infinitely more nice and compassionate than I ever was before. And it makes me feel in a way that leaves me dumbfounded.

Every small quiz I take, every little post I interact with, every picture I like, every note I read, every small tag, every reblog, it reminds me that there's a human just like me behind a screen, reaching out. Not maybe for me specifically but they reach out and they maybe don't realise it but it has embedded into me. Has affected me. That they reached out and I held on.

And isn't that being human is all about. All of us are just trying to reach out and say our funny little words, share our ideas and feelings may it be bad or good. And internet makes it so easy to do so.

You reach out and I hold onto your hands. And when I extend my hand you take it and hold me, loving and kind.

I have grown up with you guys in a way I can't ever comprehend.

I love the internet and I love humans.

We are such precious creatures. So small but so loving. So kind.

I hope we get to share this love among each other and I hope humans realise that that's all we are made for.

To love.


it's important to mock and belittle military and law enforcement to signal to others that these are not respectable professions, both to dissuade entry and to devalorize the institutions in the public eye


i actually dont think there's anything funnier than people watching a show or whatever bc they heard it allegedly had gay people in it then getting upset when it includes incredibly normal genre specific tropes that they personally dont like, like maybe you should have checked that before you watched it king and then they get mad at the show for being the show that it is instead of embracing it for what it is. like I'm so sorry that axe murderer 30000 had axe murderers in it and didnt have a happy ending and was really violent but i do think there are some context clues around it that could have let you pick up on that


local mourning dove goes viral for show-stopping performance in may 19th dawn chorus. when asked for comment, the rising star simply said “hhhrrroooOOOOO hooooo hoo. hooooo”

hey. they’re what??


hi those are my tags yeah i saw some videos about it, theyre all like “remember this sound? the birds you would always hear in your childhood in the early 2000s? you dont hear it anymore bc these birds went extinct in 2020…. </3” and everyones always commenting like OMG NO THATS SO SAD THIS SOUND IS SO NOSTALGIC!!! like what do you mean i hear them all the time…

anyways heres 3 of them on my porch yesterday

edit: here’s a tiktok claiming they’re extinct, it has 400k views. here’s another with 232k views

so sad that mourning doves are extinct now. sometimes i can still hear them hoo hoo hooing


“the problem is its never gonna be what all the fans want” imo the problem is the majority of fans have bad fucking taste like. if you write a story with the intent to keep editing it in line with what fans want you’re gonna end up with a shitty story. obviously you can take in criticism from early access but once you publish the thing you shouldn’t constantly be retconning characterization wtf. good god

also even if they didn’t have bad taste where is your fucking spine. commit to the bit already you cannot avoid criticism


shoutout to the color red

was going to call red fans “redheads” then remembered that’s taken. considered “redpilled” and remembered all of human history at once and fell into a deep coma

(#shout out to the color red best color with unfortunate associations)

You see, because col- *gunshot*

*rushes you to the children's hospital*


Congratulations to Marcille DungeonMeshi for achieving Pathetic Little Man status on tumblr, a hard glass ceiling for many female characters to break. I look forward to calling you my sopping wet beast and poor little meow meow for fandom days to come. Keep trucking babygirl, you'll bag Falin one day


the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only


I keep quoting “my acocunt” for several months and I just realized it’s from my own screenshot and not a popular post


haha nooooo don’t recreate puritanism under the guise of progressivism because you don’t have critical thinking skills like for realllll stopppp haha

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