
ive got a fandom problem

@abrieenthusiast / abrieenthusiast.tumblr.com

just a bunch of random crap

I do like to think that in job interviews for the school Arthur Aguefort would cast detect good or evil and then when it came up evil he would fucking hire them on the spot


it wasn't that long ago that i was in a high school math class and yet my eyes have never glazed over faster. i was good at math. i enjoy math. you want the fucking train question? in two minutes? omg i didn't know you were so funny haha


most of the talk on this website about Game Changer is how Sam Reich psychologically tortures his contestants, but I want to make it clear to the uninitiated that he's actually extremely ethical about it

He sends out a company wide email and asks them to choose episodes based on a chili pepper rating system

meaning he doesn't put 🌶️🌶️ people into 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ episodes

they're also big on consent ie cast and crew have to be okay with it before they'll do nudity or something like that in an episode

it's like the bdsm of psychological torture. safe, sane, and consensual.

the contestants know what they're getting into, and they're full down


I think Sam Reich needs to do just one regular, normal, vanilla version of Game Changer randomly so that when it ends Brennan never feels safe.


Seeing your favorite sdv bachelor/ette on a new save file where you have vowed to marry someone different this time


there is actually nothing more iconic than abc snatching up 911 after fox cancelled it, only for them to immediately have buck dump his girlfriend and then give him a bisexual arc. ✨


finally decided to sit down and watch the incredibles again. there will be no commentary because i’m gonna be too busy watching it

okay i just gotta say

having been married for 3 years now (almost), i really love how bob & helen argue. when i was a kid it just came off to me that everyone in this movie was being super mean for no reason but when you watch it as an adult it’s different. i really appreciate that even when bob is frustrated/angry he basically never lashes out at helen or the kids, his problem is he’s withdrawn and existantialling. i also really appreciate that when they do fight they’re actually more expressing their frustration than attacking each other. it’s only later when things get real that helen (understandably) gets really angry.

also edna’s advice is actually really good, helen’s just melting down over the idea of losing her husband (which is sweet and helps us understand her character) but edna tells her to confront it immediately, hold bob to account by leaning into his concern (all his heroics being forgotten) and reminding him that she’s a super, too. direct action is a blessing in communication.

i love how the movie communicates bob’s competency, like he’s actually handling all the twists and turns of the situation rapidly deteriorating very well, the only thing that throws him off is when his family gets involved. we also see helen’s competency in the plane scene and how she immediately knows something’s up when no one responds on the radio

syndrome is such a fucking good villain, saying ‘i seem to recall you prefer to work alone’ and laughing at him when he believes he’s murdered the guy’s wife and kids???? holy fuck

as previously mentioned bob breaking down and sobbing alone in the containment room shaped my personality

ah the good old days of 2004 when having a voluptuous mom ass was a bad thing. good riddance, we don’t miss you.

also the it’s a neat little parallel to bob’s body image struggles, they really went to great lengths to showcase that these people are equals & soulmates

the kids are really well-written too, they feel very authentically their age and they both have motivations, the writing does a great job of showing how the gravity of the situation sinks in for them and forces them to rise to meet it. dash especially fascinates me in this movie because he’s just the right balance between immature and starting, just starting to get that life is a big deal and stakes are real and you’ve got to care about what you’re doing and try to do the right thing in every situation. the way the kids instinctively protect each other even though all we’ve seen of them so far in the movie is antagonism is just *clenches fist* so good

The Incredibles is incredible on every level


I appreciate the "there will be no commentary because i’m gonna be too busy watching it" followed by 8 of the truest takes on the movie, respect.


[ID: Six screenshots of Murph, with expressions that morph through shock, terror, and confusion.]

faces for when the weird skeleton being you thought you killed maybe isn't dead


another big difference between tma and tmagp is that in tma, the listener is essentially on the same page as jon at all times. you know what he knows, and when he discovers something new, he immediately tells you. but in tmagp, everyone already knows more than you. and they won't tell you. you just have to try to listen in at the right time.

it's kind of tied to tape recorders; in tma, your existence as the listener is justified. it has a purpose. you are the tape recorder. that's why you get to know everything. in tmagp, you're not supposed to be listening. what you get is scattered, contextless scenes, starring people who don't know that you're listening.

and i fucking love that.


While we’re talking about the parallels between “you don’t sound Russian?” and “can he read?” I want to point out that Nikola Orsinov actually answered the question, but Bonzo didn’t answer shit.

Which means that it’s perfectly within my rights to assume that no, Mr. Bonzo cannot read.

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