
hi fckers :-)


super casual fic writer & admirer of all things | on AO3 by the same name | current WIP: "Proper Nice"

GUYS one of my fav fics got deleted from AO3 😭 I tried to search for the author on here cause I thought we were mutuals but I think they deleted their blog! I'm wondering if u guys know what happened? They wrote the fic Stuck in the Middle With You & I thought their name was "down to clown around" or something


8. Whats your biggest challenge as a writer?

I would deff say SMUT lol or planning. I write as I go & sometimes it really fucks me.

22. A fanfiction cliche that you can't help but love?

oh god i’m such a cliche whore lol I love me some enemies to lovers of course or a coffee shop AU/storyline. Those are kinda just tropes but also could be considered cliches i guess lol. anything fluffy 

Anonymous asked:

7, 19, 47 ❤️

7. Do you listen to music to help you write?

I deff do! It helps tremendously (especially with smut, still working on it lol)

19. What are some of your favorite authors?

Omg, so many I can hardly think of all of them. I love @impulsiveclown writing & @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile so much their writing is so calming. I’m also a huge fan of my good friend @grlie-girl who has a couple of amazing reylo fics if ur into that ship <3 but SO many others! Especially reylo since that was my first dive into the world of fic, there is a ridiculous amount of talent there.

47. What’s your favorite thing about writing?

I love that I can actually get buy daydreams out of my head. Sometimes i daydream about a certain scenario so much that I feel like my head is going to explode if I don't write it down or share it with someone lol I’m so glad that we have the world of fic to help with that. & the fact that people read my stupid daydreams sometimes... & enjoy it! crazy. 

thanks for submitting it means a lot <3


Asks for fanfiction writers

  1. What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)?
  2. When did you start writing?
  3. What is your favorite thing to write?
  4. Fluff or angst?
  5. How would you describe your style?
  6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
  7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
  8. What’s the biggest “challenge” for you as a writer?
  9. Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)?
  10. Can you give us a sneak peek on your current WIP?
  11. How many stories have you written so far?
  12. What’s your favorite thing that you ever wrote?
  13. How many chapters does your longest series has?
  14. What’s your favorite character/person to write for?
  15. “OCs” or “Reader” inserts?
  16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
  17. How long was the longest fic you ever wrote?
  18. What fandoms do you write for?
  19. What is/ are your favorite fandom author/authors?
  20. Have you ever written an AU?
  21. What’s your favorite AU trope?
  22. A fanfiction cliché you can’t help but love?
  23. For how long have you been a fandom writer?
  24. Have you ever had an idea for story and forgot about it?
  25. What do you do to motivate yourself to write?
  26. How did you find out you like to write?
  27. Are there any writers (fanfiction writers or not) that have inspired you to start writing?
  28. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
  29. Describe your style in three words.
  30. What would you say it’s the most “famous” fic you’ve ever written?
  31. Blurbs or drabbles?
  32. Have you ever written smut?
  33. How long does it usually take for you to write?
  34. What’s your favorite font to use when writing?
  35. Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics?
  36. How do you keep yourself inspired?
  37. Have you ever written something you didn’t like but posted anyways?
  38. What is your “strong suit” as a writer?
  39. What’s your favorite trope?
  40. How many likes do your fics usually get?
  41. Have you ever used a prompt?
  42. What is your weakness as a writer?
  43. Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you wrote?
  44. Have you ever done a collab with other writer?
  45. One thing you love about fanfiction.
  46. What’s your favorite emotion to cause on your readers?
  47. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
  48. Do you post your writing in any other platforms?
  49. What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)?
  50. One thing you don’t like about fanfiction.
  51. Least favorite trope?
  52. Favorite words to use when writing?
  53. Least favorite words?
  54. Do you usually like what you write?

Feel free to ask questions!

not sure if anyone will send me anything since I haven’t updated in 2 months, but I would love if someone did!


Hello sweetie! It is me again


@kat-o-combs: So I’m thinking Arthur X Fem! Reader where it’s not their first time, but it’s their first time since Arthur has gotten use to it? Like he isnt awkward anymore and he knows more about what he is doing. Say Reader has been out of town for a while and when she finally gets home, Arthur just has to have her. It’s all deep kissing and she is like sitting in his lap (like he is sitting up face to face but like they are doing the do) and it’s just super passionate and deep and sexy and Arthur is like finally not afraid to moan and tell her how much he missed her and how good it feels and all that jazz. Does this even make sense? Lol anyway so just like deep amazing passionate welcome home sex omg I love and miss you so much. Sort of thing 😅 maybe reader says I love you for the first time during it or something?? Sorry this was long and I’m not proof reading It 😅

This is??? adorable? I’m ??? omggggg okay I know I promised to get this out yesterday but I needed to digest it a little more lmao that sounds weird my brain has to digest requests before my fingers shit them out lmaooooo

This was so so precious to think about so I hope you enjoy it!!! Also this gif made me cry in front of my mum and sister ugh he’s so beautiful he makes me wanna cry (so I do).

Do not read unless 18+. Smut, swearing, cigarette mentions. Oral sex (female receiving), protected penetrative sex (gotta give out good messages even in fiction lmao) and intense romantic feelings because it’s what he deservessss~

word count: 4, 540.

Arthur was cuddled into the pillow on your side of the bed, his every breath weighted. In and out, in and out, Y/N will be home soon - Thoughts of you coming home soon made Arthur smile. You had been gone for three days on a trip; a holiday or some such thing, he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t listened to your reasons for going away, for leaving him, because the words,’I’m going out of town for a few days’ had sealed his ears shut, leaving him with echoes of your words, which crawled inside his brain and mutated until all he could think, all he could feel, was Y/N’s gone. Your announced and continued absence had leaked into Arthur’s every waking and sleeping thought. Were you coming back? Did you even want to? Now that you had taken a break from your daily life, would you even want to return to your mundane daily life? What was there that Arthur had to offer you? He had a run down apartment with paper thin walls and water damage everywhere, no money after he had paid his astronomically high bills and used what little was left to buy cheap and easy mass produced microwave meals (which he usually threw out because he had no appetite because of the amount of medication he was on) and cigarettes.

The television was on, casting a harsh blue glow across his still form, but he wasn’t watching it. Not really. Arthur was too focused on making sure that he kept his breathing even, his heart rate down, and his wild thoughts somewhat tamed. The last thing Arthur wanted was for you to come home to him when he wasn’t in control of himself. He already knew that you would be exhausted; travelling did that to you, it always had. He wanted to be able to welcome you home with a smile, open arms, and - his cock twitched within the confines of his black trousers. Arthur shifted uncomfortably on the bed. He hadn’t touched himself since you had left because he wanted to be ready for you. He wanted to be able to give you his all; his pent up tension from being without you but still having to go through his daily life, his excess energy like a puppy waiting for their owner to come back in from the kitchen. He wanted to be able to hold you and kiss you and tell you how much that he loved you.

Oh, he loved you. He did. He really, truly did.

Arthur hadn’t known happiness for one day in his entire fucking life… until you. You, with your smiles and your laugh and the way you gripped his hands tightly when he was having a laughing fit. You, with your gentle fingers in his hair to soothe him after a bad day or after a nightmare. You, with your soft lips and caring heart, delicate touch and your voice - oh, he’d die to hear it. He wanted to tattoo your voice on him so that he could hear it at any time for any reason. Arthur loved you so much it hurt him and he finally understood what you had been trying to say to him back when you had first started dating - that sometimes there were no words for how you felt about someone. Your heart just knew. He had been baffled, unsure, and he had waited for a punchline which even now, hadn’t and would never come.

He wanted to tell you that he loved you and he wanted to hear you say it back.

So lost was he in his concentrated thoughts that somehow did he miss the sounds of you coming home. The metal door clicking shut, the careless throwing of your worn keys onto the shelf, the sound of you leaning your suitcase against the wall, the clumsy and uncaring toeing off of your shoes and your relieved sigh as you walked through the apartment, shedding your outer layers and looking for your Arthur. You had half expected to be jumped as you came in through the door but… there was nothing. There was silence. You weren’t concerned, though, you could feel his presence in the apartment so it was just a matter of opening literal doors to find him.

From the bedroom could you hear the quiet sounds of the television. Bingo. You should have known that Arthur would be in the room which had seen every single intimate and treasured moment between you. As you cracked the door open, crossed the threshold and shut it could you see Arthur curled up on the bed. He hadn’t noticed you yet. His lips were moving as he quietly mumbled to himself. About what, you didn’t know, but he looked so comfortable that your feet went to him before you even really thought about it. Seeing him leaning over to your side of the bed, your pillow tightly pressed against his face made your heart bleed. You had missed him. And, it was obvious, he had missed you too. You stood there, arms itching to get around Arthur and your lips already tingling at the thought of getting to taste him after days of nothing but memories to get you through the separation period, looking at Arthur. 

You wondered how long it would take for him to realise that you were there.

As you shifted your weight, the floorboard underneath you creaked in protest. Traitor. Arthur turned to look over his shoulder, his entire body tense as he did so. You knew him well enough to know that Arthur didn’t expect to see you actually standing behind him; he was fully waiting to look and see empty air; that he had only had yet another delusion that you had come home. Though they had stopped since you had started dating, what with his tortured mind no longer needing hallucinations to keep itself going in the face of all that was forced upon him, in your absence had they continued; you were Arthur’s entire world and any extended separation meant that Arthur regressed somewhat as he struggled to cope without you right there beside him, where you had always been since the very beginning. When his tired eyes land on your exhausted form, he blinked once, twice… he shot upwards like a bullet, spinning his body around and coming to stand before you. He was somehow both clumsy and graceful in his hurry to get to you and you marvelled at the beauty of his entire being.

“Hey.” Arthur murmured, the sweetest smile on his face as his eyes flitted across your face, his gaze drinking you in. He took in the dark bags under your eyes, the way your shoulders were starting to sink inwards like they were just too tired to hold up the weight of your daily responsibilities. In short, you looked the way that you felt but to Arthur you had never been more beautiful than in this moment right now.

“Hey,” A soft smile lit up your face and Arthur’s full bodied attention on you only seemed to intensify, as though he was trying to memorise the way that your smile started with a small upward quirk of your lips, before your lips stretched, your eyes seeming to disappear into your face. Fuck, he loved your full faced smile. It was his favourite expression on you and when he hadn’t seen it, a bad day became a Bad Day and he did anything and everything he could to make you smile. Arthur could swear that there was an invisible string tied to your happiness and his, for one prompted the other; if he smiled, you smiled. If you smiled, oh, heaven and earth aligned and he couldn’t stop the smile on his face if he tried. Which he wouldn’t; he was powerless to resist you in truth.

“I thought you weren’t coming home.” A confession. Arthur’s eyes left your face and travelled to the floor; his green oceans slightly wet as he spoke his fears into existence; that one day you would go out to the shop to get some cigarettes and never come home. That one day you would leave home, leave Arthur, and he would lose everything. Nothing was more dangerous than someone who had nothing left to lose, especially in a place like Gotham, which saw lifetimes of drudgery and hardship with little in the way of happiness or peace.

You realised somewhat belatedly through the joyful fog in your mind that you were home and that Arthur was here and that he still hadn’t touched you yet. He would be hesitant to, you knew, in case his fingers caught nothing but the air and you disappeared without a trace, taking his dreams with you. An idea sparked within your mind and it was a risky one. You had no idea how Arthur would react or even if you should carry out this impulsive thought, but you were too mentally and physically tired to talk yourself out of it. 

Fuck it.

“I haven’t come home yet,” You spoke quietly, keeping your eyes locked on Arthur as you closed the minute distance between your bodies, sliding your arms around his waist as he stiffened against you. Arthur stopped breathing and you knew that the look on his face would be frozen too as his damaged mind raced to try and understand what you were saying. As you leaned upwards to kiss Arthur’s jaw, you said, “Now I’m home.” 

A quiet moan. Arms snaked around you and Arthur crushed you to him. “I missed you so much.” His voice was so quiet that you barely heard him, but you did hear him and it made you smile softly against him.

“Ohh~,” You cooed, winding your fingers into his dark curls, “I missed you too, darling. So much. You have no idea.”

“Promise?” Oh, but that broken childlike whisper was your undoing.

“I promise.” You leaned up to kiss him. Your lips were warm and dry against his slightly chapped ones - he had been biting at them again in your absence, and your heart positively bled for him. “Sit back down?”

Arthur eyed you tentatively but with one clenched fist did he do as you asked him to, leaning up against the headboard with his legs crossed at the ankles. You took your place on his lap, straddling him. Arthur gasped as your clothed core came into contact with his crotch. You had had sex before, once. Arthur had loved it so much he hadn’t dared to ask for it again; in case you thought he was being too desperate or even in case you regretted it - despite your many patient reassurances, that small but obnoxiously loud  toxic place put in him by the world never ceased to try to ruin the only real happiness he had in his life - but you didn’t want to tell him. Out of fear of rejection had he stayed silent.

As such, your simple position atop him made Arthur’s blood turn to fire in his veins. You leaned forward, inadvertently pressing yourself into him, to kiss him. You swallowed the sound of his soft moan and you smiled against his lips, your hands coming up to reverently cup Arthur’s face. Opening your mouth, you deepened the kiss, letting Arthur clumsily figure himself out - he was still so new to this, though what he lacked in experience he more than made up for in enthusiasm. He was a quick learner, too, and he moaned into the kiss, his hands coming to grip your hips. 

You pulled away to kiss your way down his jaw. As you reached his neck, Arthur’s head tipped back and it was only your quick reflex that stopped his head slamming into the headboard. He murmured a small “thank you”, catching your quick action despite how involved in you he was and you smiled against his skin, the fingers on the hand cupping the back of his head working their way through the inky strands, tugging to make him moan. He sounded so good and the noises he was making went straight to your core; making it throb and clench around nothing.

Suddenly did Arthur’s hands move from your hips to pull your head back up to his, swooping down to kiss you. His lips pressed frantically against yours once, twice, thrice, and then he pressed down hard so that you could almost feel the outline of his teeth through your lips, his broken gasps and pants acting as a musical accompaniment to the wet sounds of your kissing as everything intensified.

“Fuck,” Kiss, “I missed you,” Kiss, “So bad,” Arthur panted against your lips and you felt your mind grow hazy once more; not with exhaustion, which had quickly dissipated in the fact of your reunion with Arthur, but with dizzying lust and want. You craved to feel Arthur against you, within you. You wanted everything that he had ever been, everything that he was and would be, to consume you. You wanted to sink into his touch and never resurface, to become one with him in every meaning of the term and to never again be your own person. His taste, his touch, his voice, his smell  - you wanted it all and you wanted it now.

Arthur pulled his lips from yours and grabbed your face in his hands as he rained kisses down upon you; your forehead, your eyelids, your temples, the bridge of your nose, your cheeks, the tip of your nose, your chin, along your jaw line… he kissed you anywhere and everywhere, his kisses open mouthed and frantic as he tried to love as much of you as hard as he could, as fast as he could. It was like he was afraid that you were going to disappear. Like you were going to leave… though he hadn’t said anything against you leaving, you knew how much trust and hope he had been putting into it; he wouldn’t have stopped you but he had trusted that you would come back and you had. Oh, you had. To him.

You had come home to him.

Arthur’s eyes grew wet and he dropped his forehead down to rest on your shoulder, his arms wrapping around you in a tight hug. “Fuck, I missed you. I missed you so much.” One arm came up to pull aside the collar of your shirt, pressing open mouthed kisses to your skin. There was no sense of urgency now, only tenderness as he physically displayed his love for you. He pecked a spot once, twice, and then he sucked lightly, creating a slight pink outline which would bruise if he continued. Your head dropped back, pleasure making your head spin. Arthur sat up, used his grip on you to pull you flush against him, and with both hands open flat did he trace his way down your body; fingering the hem of your shirt as he slowly, so slowly, lifted it up and over your head. 

His jaw dropped slightly, his pupils blown wide as he took a second to just… absorb the moment. You were concerned despite all physical appearances that he was very aroused, and came back into yourself just enough to lean forward and rest your forehead against his. Your hands on his cheeks did you hold him to you as Arthur finally realised something which had been right in front of his face the entire time. Few people could see to the end of their noses; but sometimes did clarity break through and force you to see. This was one such moment for Arthur and he could no longer stand it.

“Are you okay? We can stop if it’s too much.” You had always been conscious of Arthur’s boundaries and anything that could potentially make him uncomfortable, and even with your wetness starting to run down your thighs, so turned on were you, were you fully prepared to stop everything right now to tend to Arthur in whatever way he needed. 

Arthur shook his head, those tears starting to drip down his cheeks, and you kissed them away gently; making him sob softly. “No,” He bit down on his lip and you kissed him carefully, wanting to soothe his outer pains in the hope that your love would reach his soul deep wounds and heal those, too. “No, I just - mm.” Arthur cut himself off, shook his head, chuckled once humourlessly. 

“It’s okay, honey,” You kissed his forehead, “You can tell me.”

“No, I can’t…” Arthur’s tears fell harder, faster, and you brushed them away with your gentle touch which only made Arthur cry even harder. As you watched him, taking a mental step back with a small degree of panic but desperately did you wish to understand, did you realise why he was crying. 



“You beautiful, precious man,” You breathed, a smile beginning to light up your face in that way Arthur so dearly loved. He had to cross this boundary though, not only to prove to himself that he could, but also so that you could disprove his thoughts which were like a vat of acid in his mind; the contents poisoning any happiness that he could find in such a cold, dark world as this. “Say it. It’s okay.”

Arthur moaned and it sounded like he was in pain. You kissed his lips, trying to calm him down before a laughing fit made his throat convulse, and then he really would be in pain. He sunk into your kiss, his hands gripping you; his touch flitting here and there like he didn’t know what to do with himself. Your heart began to pound in anticipation, in disbelief, and as you both gave yourselves over to pleasure and allowed your hands to shed clothing where you could - and reluctantly breaking the kiss and moving off of each other where you couldn’t before coming together in a kiss so strong that it made your teeth clack together - the entire world ceased to exist.

It was just you and Arthur. 

His hands, lips, teeth, tongue and those piercing eyes, strong jaw and sinful phrases fell from his lips as again and again did he kiss you, his hands trailing over your body like he was mapping out new terrain. He gripped you and your hands tugged his hair, making him kiss you just a little harder, his teeth grazing the spaces of skin which he lavished with love and affection. Arthur whispered random strings of words in between kisses, his fingers stroking through your folds as you arched into his touch, grabbing his wrist like you could make him reach something deeper into you.

“Ohh~, please fuck me, please, please - “ Your coherent sentence faded into mumbling of one word as Arthur curled his fingers. He pulled his fingers out, leaving you feeling empty, and with his eyes holding yours, a mischievous glint in them, did he put his fingers in his mouth, sucking you off him.

“You taste so good,” Arthur closed his eyes, his fingers slipping out of his mouth, and when he opened them again did you know you were in for a long night. Lust had exploded like stars in the night within the green depths of his eyes and he rearranged your bodies so that instead of you being atop him, you were now under him, Arthur’s face between your thighs.

You watched in slight disbelief, excitement making your belly clench, as Arthur kissed his way up your inner thighs, licking up the juices that had spilled there. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin and your thighs clamped around his head before he had even reached the place you wanted him most. He chuckled, the sound sending a delicious shiver down your spine, and your hand shot out to grip his dark curls. You tugged, knowing he liked that, and Arthur rewarded you with a solid long lick up your folds. He moaned against you, his nose pressing into you gently, as he kissed along your lips like he did your mouth, his tongue delving in between your folds. He was so, so passionate and it made your toes curl into the duvet, your hand tighten on his hair and your back arch into him but also away and into the mattress; like you couldn’t decide if you wanted more or if it was just too much. 

Arthur’s tongue found your clit and he circled it once, gently, before pulling it into his mouth and sucking lightly on it, a finger slipping easily inside you. You were unsure of where you ended and where Arthur started, for it seemed as though your pleasure was his pleasure as he ate you out.

“Fuck,” you panted, “Arthur, you’re so good,” Your words were punctuated with pants and moans and Arthur grinned against you, grinding himself into the mattress at your words. He was already so close just from hearing you praise him, from knowing that the juices running down his chin were because of him. Arthur could tell that you would cum soon if he carried on as he was, so he pulled his fingers out, sat up from where he had been, and you could see his member. It was bright red at the tip and angrily leaking pre-cum. He paid it no mind as he wiped his mouth and chin with the back of his hand.

“Condom?” He panted, crawling his way back up to you and claiming your lips with his in a searing kiss. You could taste yourself on him and it only increased your arousal despite how satisfied you were feeling; he was like your drug and like any addict did you need an increasing amount of everything just for the same fix. 

“Bed side.” You wrenched your lips away from him and fumbled in the drawer, pulling out a foil packet. Arthur took it from you quickly, ripped it open with his teeth and easily spat the corner out with a quick purse of his lips. He deftly rolled it onto his length and you got comfortable, pulling Arthur down on top of you. Last time, Arthur had asked that you look at him as he had entered you for the first time, but this time you didn’t need telling as you took his face in your hands, kissed him gently, reverently, and looked deep into his eyes. 

“I know what you were trying to tell me earlier,” Arthur, who had taken himself into his hand to guide himself into you, froze. “Hey, no, it’s okay,” You hurried to soothe him, having seen his throat convulse, and you tilted your head to kiss him deeply, lovingly. “I want you to say it. Please?”

Arthur swallowed thickly, the noise audible in the stillness of the room. “I - “ He shut his eyes tightly and breathed in and out. In and out. You kept your hands on his face, your eyes on his, and just waited. Arthur needed some mental space to process this entire evening and especially this moment. So you stayed and you waited and when Arthur opened his eyes, they were swimming with unshed tears of sheer joy as he finally, finally whispered, “I love you. I do. Y/N, I love you.”

You positively beamed and leaned upwards to kiss Arthur’s lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, temples, again and again did you kiss him. Tears fell but you couldn’t tell which were yours and which were Arthur’s as he giggled softly, pressing his face into your hands. 

“I love you so, so much,” He whispered again, his eyes holding yours as he bent to kiss your lips. As he did so, he pushed into you with little resistance because of how aroused you were, your entrance slicked by your juices and his saliva, and his kiss swallowed your moan as he did so.

“I love you too, Arthur. I love you. Ohh~, I love you, I love you, I love - “ You rocked together as you whispered your love for one another in the spaces between where you were joined, Arthur’s head coming to rest in the crook of your neck, where he pressed gently kisses as he thrust into you. A hand came to cup around the back of your knee so he could hike your leg up higher; enabling him to reach a deeper angle. 

You quickly lost all sense of time and direction as you gave yourself into everything you were feeling. You had always felt things together; like faint echoes of each other resided within yourselves, so you were unsure of who was feeling what and when as a symphony of hushed moans, whimpers, groans and the wet sounds of your coupling filled the room.

So tightly wound were you that you were the first to orgasm, and Arthur smiled as he rocked you through your orgasm before he sought out his own end; always the gentleman was he. When all was said and done and Arthur had disposed of the condom with nimble fingers and a slight grimace on his face, fetched a washcloth and taken care of your messy bodies did he join you in bed to cuddle with you, pulling you on top of him so that he could see your face. Your face, your eyes, were his most favourite and cherished sight, most especially after being forced to go without for three days while you had tended to reality.

“Welcome home,” Arthur’s soft, sleepy voice penetrated the haze of your own exhaustion, which once again descended over you like a cloak. 

“Mm,” You sighed, stretched, “If that’s how you welcome me home, I’ll have to go away more often.”

Arthur laughed once. “Please don’t. I’ll love you like this anyway.”

“Promise?” You grabbed his hand, squeezed once and leaned down to kiss his cheek before you shimmied down to rest your head over his heart beat; enjoying the human body’s natural music. You only wanted to listen to this one song for the rest of your life, though, and sometimes it felt like Arthur’s heartbeat resonated within your own.

“Cross my heart.”

Sleep found you soon after, so exhausted were you from your trip and the way you had been greeted upon coming home, but Arthur was up for most of the night, just holding you in his arms and wondering just how he’d been quite so lucky as to find someone like you. He wasn’t going to question it, though, but he’d fight like hell to keep you. You were his one and only and come rain or shine, hell or high water would he defend what you had built together to the death - literally, if he had to.

Arthur swore that night to tell you every single day that he loved you. Every day. In the morning, over lunch, in the evening, when you left for work, when you came home… at every available opportunity would he take to telling you his greatest truth.

It was what you deserved.





Summary: Arthur moved in with Y/N nearly two weeks ago. It takes more getting used to than he’d thought.

Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Smut

Words: 3,675

A/N: Another request by the wonderful @sweet-nothings04. Thank you to the amazing @ithinkimawriter​ for beta-reading and her support!

If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!

Arthur was pensive as he sat at her small, round dining table. (Their table. Theirs. When was he going to remember to use the right word?) Pen in hand, he sought relief. The multitude of changes since moving to 4A in Burnley, since moving in with Y/N about a week and a half ago, had kept his brain distracted enough to stop his negative thoughts, at least for a couple of days. But they were back in full force. It was discouraging - he’d believed the temporary break might have been permanent. It had been foolish to hope, though he couldn’t have stopped himself from wishing it.

Y/N had taken Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off to help him settle in. They’d been side-by-side for five days, the most time they’d spent together at once. It had felt close to what he’d imagined a honeymoon would be like, and every hour had strengthened that association. He’d cherished it deeply, but he kept it to himself. He shouldn’t have been picturing himself the happy groom and her his blushing bride after only three and a half months of dating.

super cute & sexy 😍 loved it


Intoxicated, part 2

Since I’ve been asked (very persistently :D) to write a sequel to Intoxicated - there you go :) I don’t feel very confident about this one, though. I know, I know, it’s fluff again, but I’m currently working on something smutty which I’ll post this weekend to make up for it :)

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy <3

I’m tagging @harmonioussolve and @jokersqueenofchaos since you were the ones asking me for a sequel, I hope that’s okay <3

Word count: 5.234 (I don’t know how this happened)

Trigger warnings: none

Summary: You and Arthur go on your first date

Arthur hadn’t called, and by now it was late in the evening and you were pretty sure he’d never call. You were currently sitting cross-legged on the sofa, head buried in your hands, fighting off the urge to cry about a man you’d met one day ago, didn’t know anything about – and nevertheless you’d wanted to see him again.

Of course he hadn’t called. You’d been drunk as a sailor yesterday and poor Arthur was probably glad he’d never have to see you again. You groaned into your hands that were still covering your face. Your memories of the past night were blurry but intact, and remembering how bluntly you’d swooned over the poor man, ogled him, made you wish you’d just blacked out instead.

Your headache hadn’t gotten any better, and you’d spent most of the morning hurling your guts up, while the rest of the day had been dedicated to wallowing in self-pity and misery. Never again would you drink a drop of alcohol again, you promised yourself for about the hundredth time, when a knock sounded on your door, very low and hesitantly, and you groaned as you hoisted yourself from the sofa and shuffled towards your front door.

Your eyes widened. Arthur was standing in front of your door, brows set, his eyes – oh lord, these eyes – dark in the artificial headlights of the hallway while his fingers were fiddling nervously with a crumpled paper bag he held. Your heart skipped a beat. Yes, he was worn but incredibly handsome – your drunk vision hadn’t played tricks on you the night before.  

“Arthur”, you greeted him, stunned but happy – until you realized you were wearing your oldest sweatpants, your ugliest sweatshirt, and you hadn’t even managed to shower by now. You felt your face grow hot and probably beet-red.

Arthur’s mouth curved into a timid little smile as he reached out the small paper bag for you to take.

“I thought you could probably use some aspirin”, he said, head ducked shyly. His free hand shot up to push back some unruly dark curls from his forehead.

You reciprocated the smile as you took the crumpled paper bag. “That’s incredibly sweet, Arthur. Thank you.” Your voice was as sore as your throat. The whole day you’d spent longing to see him again, and now that he was right in front of you, you were too stunned to speak. The ogling from the night before just continued.

omg I’m screaming 😭 I’ve honestly been going through rough time lately & this update made me so happy 😭 thank u so much for this!



send me a fic that u read recently that u loved. im looking for more stuff to read (on top of all the other stuff im already reading)


You are so important and wonderful. Life has been tough lately, but you've kept strong despite that and I'm so proud of you! You deserve only good things, and I love you.


The Vanity

Summary: Arthur tries to get ready for work. Y/N joins him.

Warnings: Smut, swearing

Words: 3,774

A/N: This request comes from the marvelous brain of @ithinkimawriter. Again, thanks to @sweet-nothings04 for beta-reading!

If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!

After he started street performing and getting gigs again, Arthur found he needed a better place to put his supplies for work. The two small shelves in the bathroom were already covered by his and Y/N’s toiletries, so they didn’t fit there. He’d been keeping it all in a plastic bag in the closet, but that wasn’t ideal. The enclosed space had a tendency to get too hot due to how the heat worked in the apartment, which made his make-up dry out. And the brushes were getting damaged because of improper storage.

Having to borrow money from her wasn’t the only reason he was hesitant to mention he would prefer a vanity. Y/N would often sit on the closed lid of the toilet, watching him lean over the sink while he applied greasepaint to his face. If he had his own work area, he assumed she’d probably hold back from him when he was in it, like she did when he was in his writing nook. It was one of the ways she showed him respect. But he loved her keeping him company when he’d get in costume, how they would discuss the day and plan for the evening.


Stuck in the Middle with You

Bored and sick of her routine life of riches, lavish parties, piano and dance lessons, studies, and every other obligation she held as a member of the prestigious Wayne Family, Alexandria Wayne begins to feel like a puppet, disassociated from her own life. Seeking excitement and also out of pure curiosity, she quickly forgets about her mundane existence when she finds herself intrigued and determined to make things right when she witnesses the mistreatment of a man desperate to deliver a letter to her Uncle Thomas Wayne. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that she would find herself suck in the middle between him and her wealthy family. 

Rated: R for language, sexual situations  

Multi-chapter fic

Pairing: OC and Arthur Fleck

Setting: Present day

Main Characters: Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix),  OC, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale)

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