
Gone Hannibalistic and Totally Mads

@pussnhikingboots / pussnhikingboots.tumblr.com

just playing with the Hannigram ship. Obsessed. not sure where this will go. play with me.

Lets sit down and have a chat about the Vergers

Just imagine me sat in an arm chair, by a roaring fire, glasses on the end of my nose and I’m flicking through a copy of “How to cook people: Vol .3” the camera pans and I look up, a little surprised that you’re all there…

So, my lovelies, as you all know, in the next few weeks Margot and Mason Verger will be gracing our screens. Brought to life by Katherine Isabelle and Michael Pitt.

Naturally, there’s going to be some tensions surrounding these characters.

Firstly, I’d like to say that Margot Verger will be a lesbian in the show.

Secondly, Katherine Isabelle might not be what people expect Margot to look like, but please don’t hate her for what she looks like, she got the role because she’s best for it. Not her physical appearence.

Thirdly, Margot Verger and Will Graham will be close, they’ll be “comparing notes” on Hannibal therapy style. Their “romance” will be like Lecter and Grahams “romance,” i.e. not physical. Bryan Fuller has confirmed this, spoiler sites and TV sites (including some Hannibal specific sites) have and will get this wrong, don’t listen to them.

Fourthly, Mason Verger, he is a paedophile in the source material. We have no word on how/if this will be depicted in the show. Fuller refuses to show rape, so I can imagine everything will be implied, accusations, nothing more.

This means, yes, Mason is a horrific human being, comes from one of the lowest circles of hell possible.

However, Michael Pitt has had fun with the role, Bryan Fuller has had fun with the role. Because you need too. 

It is PERFECTLY possible for fans to enjoy Masons character, for his character, this does not mean they agree with his life style or his crimes, they should not be accused of this because they enjoy his character.

Masons character is very important to Lecters storyline, he needs to be there.

I will be enjoying Masons character, I’m very excited to see what Michael Pitt does with the role, how Mads Mikkelsen’s Lecter will react to him, having to treat such a vile man.

I will NOT be dealing with any “but he’s a paedophile, how can you talk about him like that” bullshit.

I will be using the tag “hogs” for any conversation/blogging on the Vergers, as I understand there will be people who might not be wanting to see it. But I will be doing no more than that unless there are explicit issues on screen, which I highly doubt.

There kids, my two cents, spread the word, enjoy the Vergers, enjoy the second half of the season, thank you my dears

“It is PERFECTLY possible for fans to enjoy Masons character,... this does not mean they agree with his life style or his crimes, they should not be accused of this because they enjoy his character.”

Thank you. Thank you for this. 

I have heard people say they cannot abide somebody liking Mason because that is a slippery slope to excusing crimes in real life, victim blaming, etc. As well as accusing people of letting Mason pass on his crimes simply because Michael Pitt is pretty. 

It is NOT a fucking “slippery slope” unless you are unstable to begin with. Anybody in RL who thinks, “yeah, it’s ok to molest a child as long as the person doing it has a pretty face” (or, ya know, for ANY reason whatsoever) is fucking warped and messed up to begin with and has nothing to do with liking a character on TV.

This is no different than people blaming a heavy metal song for making a person go on a shooting spree. The song has nothing to do with it. The person was fucked up to begin with - probably from some type of horrific thing that happened in their own childhood, NOT something on TV or radio.

Much Mason Love,  ....


Mason Verger

Why the hell are there posts on tumblr saying its okay to “dig” Mason Verger ? Yeah I like Michael Pitt as an actor and yes he has pretty face but its Mason Verger, come on people!

Theres a difference between enjoying the character and liking the character. Remember that

I’ve noticed there are a lot of “Mason Police” out here on tumblr. Excuse me! It is OKAY to dig ANY character a person wants to dig. It is NOT okay to tell somebody how they ought to feel about TV characters or to dictate to them who they can and cannot like. Doesn’t even matter if they “enjoy” vs “like” the character. It IS okay to give your opinion, feelings, analysis and explain why you believe what you believe. BUT. Opinions and feelings cannot be dictated by others. FFS - let people enjoy this show on their own terms.

Anonymous asked:

What does "wank for ts" in your tags mean?

It means I’m complaining about something! “Wank” is basically any subject that people might disagree with me strongly on that’s fandom-related, really (although character/ship/actor hate is not wank, that’s douchebaggery), generally criticism about a given show or aspects of it.

The “for ts” bit means “for tumblr saviour” which is an add-on that lets people block certain tags so that posts including them won’t show up on their dash - not everyone wants to see complaints on their dash or deal with negativity or fandom arguing. You’ll see it in on the end of other tags (“food for ts”, “depression for ts”) for similar reasons, or maybe “for tw” which means “for trigger warning”.

It’s basically a tag that means “here be Sparx complaining about something fandom-y if you don’t like it this means you can block it”. It’s a fairly common tag.

Hope that clears things up a bit for you! If you’ve got any other questions feel free to ask. :)


I had been wondering about this for like a year, and this is the first time I see an explanation. Thank you! I think it’s a great tag. Because it’s true that not everyone wants to hear it. I’ve seen others as well as myself be blocked just for having a difference of opinion over a fictional character. Jeeze - people... 

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