
You Are Not a Gladiator. You Are the Entire Colosseum.

@top-lil / top-lil.tumblr.com

Name's Lily, I'm into fun games, cute girls, and kickass music. Unironic Berdly fan. Abuse enthusiast! ♀

So, in case I get banned, my (utterly porn-filled) twitter is @top_lilligant, and my Discord is Top Lil#0743


Please don't forget Armenians

Today is Armenian genocide remembrance day. On april 24, 1915 started mass deportations of hundreds of Armenian intelectuals and community leaders, who were (most of the time) eventually killed. Armenian women and children were systematically r//ed and forcibly converted into islam. There were more than 2 milion Armenians in ottoman empire prior to ww1, 1,5 milion of them were viciously killed. Three millennia of Armenian civilaziation in eastern Anatolis was fully destroyed. Turkey today refuses to acknowledge genocides of christian minorities in early 20th century.

Do you know that mass ethnic cleansing of Armenians in ottoman empire inspired Lemkin to coin the term 'genocide'?

Last year in september azerbaijan allied with turkey initiated a war against Armenia. More that 5000 Armenians were murdered, thousands of Armenia families had to live their ancestrial land to not get murdered. There are hundreds of vids on internet where armenian p.o.w.s are tortured. Recently azerbaijan opened a "museum" displayind dead or dying Armenians and kids were allowed to visit it.

Please educate yourself on Armenian genocide. You can also donate here to help Armenia. Thanks for reading!!

This post is from 2021.

Last September, Artsakh was completely cleansed of its indigenous Armenian population. 3000 years of history were violently disturbed. Now the anti-Armenian propaganda and hatred is increasing and they are openly talking about taking over all of Armenia. Please take your time to read about these issues.


Teeth are bullshit. What do you mean you’re decaying. Get a fucking grip. You’re a bone now act like it. You don’t see my finger bones decaying from jerking it too much now do you

If I were tumblr famous this would be a smash hit


elon musk had a third child with grimes that he kept secret until the release of his biography. he named it techno mechanicus

can you imagine being an adult nepo baby at a company your rich dad invested in and having to walk into the boardroom first day like. hi everyone. my name is techno mechanicus


I can tell this is fake because "techno mechanicus" doesn't start with X


I haven't been reblogging this post because I genuinely assumed you guys were Goncharoving a nepo baby


In the remote Buddhist monastery of Haeinsa is preserved the Tripitaka Koreana, the most complete corpus of Buddhist doctrinal texts in the world, dating from 1251.

Source: shi-saa

aren't gorillas gentle giants or something. i stay out of his way, he doesn't maul me, we have a nice time picking out clothes together in opposite sides of the mall

Male gorillas are super aggressive and territorial. Also they interpret nearly every human mannerism as a sign of aggression or a challenge. Smiling and eye contact are both things that zookeepers have to be taught to suppress when they’re in the vicinity of gorillas.

Well unless the mall is his native territory I think I'm fine, I wasn't planning on smiling at him


This is all irrelevant because the obvious answer is five black mambas. I mean, that’s not actually very many snakes, and malls are fucking huge. And unlike a gorilla you can definitely outrun a snake if it does show up. Find an open space in the mall where you can see any snake coming and just hangout out there. Fucking easy.

Misguided! I would much rather have a mallmate I can easily see and hear coming. I'm confident I can stay out of the gorilla's way, but if I step on a snake or one otherwise gets the jump on me, it's all over.

It's not just about the physical danger either, it's about my mental health. One gorilla, unless he's actively mad at me, I just keep a healthy distance between us and make sure I never get trapped. With the snakes, it requires a lot more constant vigilance

They should substitute "chimpanzee" for "gorilla" in this hypothetical.

if it was a chimp i'm taking the fucking snakes

Black mambas have a reputation build on being very venomous and very fast. I'm not sure why you would think you could outrun one (or five) in an enclosed space like a mall.

Malls usually have pretty slick floors, and escalators. I’d choose the gorilla simply because I think that would make an more interesting story (and a better-selling autobiography, I Survived the Mall Gorilla) but I think I’d stand a pretty good chance at avoiding the mamba. They’re fast and aggressive and will chase you but unless we started immediately beside each other I think my sneakers would have the terrain advantage over scutes.

this is too good to leave hidden in the replies

fucking enamored with the implication that this gorilla is fully intelligent but is trying to manufacture plausible deniability like the movie barnyard


A fairy used to be able to buy a home like this for a few dozen names and a handful of interesting flowers. Now you need whole family trees of names. And even if you get it, you find put the moss roof is dying. It's pathetic this ecology we live in today



IDK man, maybe because straight people generally don't give a flying fuck about LGBT history?


I'd like to say that LGBT history doesn't exist in vacuum, separately from the rest of the world. Sure, cishet person wouldn't care about when and where "butch" came from, or when did "bisexual" became an identity.

But then we have people who think gay people in medieval times is some sort of anachronism, or that Nazis were gay. Like, some basic shit should be closer to common knowledge.

There's a guy a post down who doesn't believe the Weimar Institut for Sexual Sciences existed, because one of the researchers focuses on LGBT history and wrote a questionable autobiographic play about his experiences as a gay teenager.


it existed, though our knowledge about it is imperfect (due to the book burnings). we don't know everything they were getting up to in that place (due to the book burnings) but since it was interwar Berlin, we can fill in some blanks (due to the child prostitution)



IDK man, maybe because straight people generally don't give a flying fuck about LGBT history?


it doesn't help that a lot of "LGBT history" is pure revisionism and nothing else

see: Joanne Darc or that one terrible Roman emperor


glowing hot metal is such a touchable shade of orange


im a welder and this let me tell you this does not go away if youre around a lot of hot metal its actually worse


I hate how very specifically British colonialism overshadows all other imperialism.

Nobody talks about the Ottoman empire, the various shenanigans the Indian and Chinese rulers were up to, the Russian Empire (Russia is still a colonial Empire, btw) hell, even the shit Spain or Portugal did are swept under the rug. Nobody remembers French colonies in Africa or how much of a menace the Dutch used to be.

No, it's all Britain, all the time, baby. The only colonial Empire to ever exist, I guess.


Japan committed atrocities in living memory on its quest to colonize Korea and China. China took over Tibet and is trying to take Taiwan right now. Leopold II of Belgium ran a fiefdom in the Congo that was so brutal, even other European colonial powers of the time condemned him. Before the British Empire even reached India, a series of Muslim conquests there had established the Mughal Empire; in fact, when the East India Tea Company first showed up, several Indian leaders allied with them in the hopes of driving out the Muslim Sultanate.

History is always so much more complicated than people think.

i think it says a lot that this person is mad about the mughals and ottomans, countries that haven't existed in over 100 years but doesn't identify the US or Israel as colonial countries. it is also absurd to identify Russia and China as colonial power

Ottoman Empire fell during WWI and is succeeded by Turkey. Much in the same way that British Empire lost almost all of its colonies during the first half of the 20th century and was essentially succeded by the modern UK which is barely a regional power. This isn't as big of a time gap as you think. There are people alive who were born when the Ottoman Empire was still around.

Also, by this very specific metric, either US AND Russia are colonial empires or none of them are. You can't have both. Both are controlling vast swathes of territory, both are largely populated with groups not indigenous to the region (Slavs are not indigenous to Russia, as territories east of modern-day Ukraine used to be populated by Finnic, Ugric, Sberian and various Caucasus people before 800 AD), both practice oppression of indigenous people, both start very questionable to outright criminal wars in their perceived "sphere of influence".

Like, this is exactly what I'm talking about here. You guys are just very ignorant of history.

oh my god this person is actually just crazy lol

I mean, I am, but I don't see how this relates to the topic at hand.


I don't see how that's a crazy take. Russia expanded through colonization, and China's been trying to debt-trap African countries for a while. you could also argue that Chinese history in Tibet and Xinjiang is colonial in nature, since the desire of the current government is to turn those regions Han through settlement and crimes against humanity

also, France still has a "soft" colonial empire in Africa. the Francafrique is unstable (and may be actively collapsing) but it's there

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