raising from my grave cause these outfits were made for them and them only.
Amber, Ryan and Lana are now teens 🥺 🥺
winx !
The Dillards would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year <3
just dropping in to tell you i love u ✨
Emmaaaa baby <3 I missed you so much, I haven’t been around a lot but I’m so glad you are <3 I love you too and damnnn how I missed seeing your gorgeous posts.
hello iza sweet angel 😌❤ u are amazing and incredible in every single way!
Cressss you are my sweet angel, if only I could put into words all the appreciation I have for you <3 You are a great friend and I’m really thankful for our friendship <3 ILY ma baby
What is a heir?
Hi friend, how are you? An heir is a child you choose to mainly play with on the next generation, for example right now in the Dillards family I have to choose among the triplets (which I already have heheheh). I hope this helped :D
Here’s a lil recap, who do you guys think I’m gonna choose to be the heir?
A preview of my Harry Potter sims!!
omg how did I just find out about the dumpster woohoo?
my love, i will craft the moon and the stars for you for you are my light, my sun
what if god is a woman
first kith!! (°◡°♡)